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Thread: First Fast Cash Race

  1. #1

    Cool First Fast Cash Race

    The L&E organization will be hosting the Fast Cash race (Rubi-Ka 1, Server 1) on March 22nd at 7:30 pm CST (US Central Standard Time). The event will take place at the West gate of Tir (Gateway to Tir, grid 2041x1094) and end at the first mission terminal at the outpost located at grid 769x1235 (screen shots of these locations will be posted on

    The race will be for characters between levels 10-15. The racer must be level 10-15 at the time of the race. The rules and requirements are below:

    1.The entry fee is 500 credits
    2.Winner takes half the pot
    3.Racers must stay on the road
    4.No cars, air vehicles or morphs (player must run race on two legs)

    All players are responsible for ensuring the fairness of the above rules. If a player is deemed to have cheated (IE morph, use a car etc. And it can be proven via screenshot the player will be disqualified).

    All applicants must E-mail With your nickname, class and level. Once your E-mail is received we will reply to acknowledge your interest and send you a /tell in the game to arrange for payment of the entry fee. Once payment has been received your name will be placed on to verify entry.

    In addition to the race players may bet on the winning runner. The bet is 500 credits and the winner takes half the pot. Those posting bets will have their name listed and the runner they are betting on.

    In the event of a tie in the race the players will split the pot. In the event of a tie in the betting players will split the pot.

    The sponsors are not responsible for lag, crashes or monster attacks that may inhibit the runners. Rules will be posted on

    Based on the popularity of this event we hope to offer more races with better routes and more interesting entry ideas. We also hope to establish a reward system and player rankings for races.

    Go sign up!

  2. #2
    it occurs to me that some rich person is probably gonna make a lvl 15 fixer with full ql 60 running imps and upp adventuring fully.
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  3. #3
    Gridspace + Rage, Yummy.


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