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Thread: Who is quitting Come the OE changes in 14.2? *PLEASE ONLY POST IF YOU ARE QUITING*

  1. #21


    I think that if the monsters were too hard for us after a patch, alot of people would complain. Funcom can't have most of us angry because, after all, they are a business trying to keep the majority of it's clients happy. If the OE patch bungles the ability for people to get anywhere, they will discover it on the test server. That's what it's for.

    Also, I'm not too worried about how I'm not gonna be able to equip this or that...If you keep up with implants and know how to use them, characters still kick alot of booty, even with self buffs only.

    People like "Dark_Omen" are spoiled little brats who are given everything to them in life. I see that Funcom has problems here and there, but with so many players, I can also understand why changes are hard too.
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

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  2. #22


    HAHAHA discover bugs on test server LMGDAO, yea right every patch at least 85% of all bugs slip through the "rigourous" testing process that the test server provides... people go on there to get a first glimpse of new "cool" things like team missions etc not to test bugs.

  3. #23
    Yea, but there is always the "emergency patch" for that
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  4. #24
    Btw dark_omen I am not calling you a retard i'm calling the gimps who posted their shiat on this thread when i clearly asked them not to, Just so they can get another chance to poke at the people like yourself and me, who are REALLY pissed off with these OE changes

  5. #25
    Emergency patches fix exploits thats all

  6. #26
    Nope, when we were punching in-between weapon usage and the aggro bar was going down when we zoned, was that an exploit? Because they patched that right away.

    booohooohooo, Oe Oe Oe, sniff sniff, need a kleenex?
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  7. #27
    Psilex when you get a character past level 100 and realise theres nothing to do with that char except team missioning in BS, and twinking lowbies alts i'm sure your opinion will change.

  8. #28
    Btw dark_omen I am not calling you a retard i'm calling the gimps who posted their shiat on this thread when i clearly asked them not to, Just so they can get another chance to poke at the people like yourself and me, who are REALLY pissed off with these OE changes

    If you want to dictate where and what people can post, start your own forums and moderate them. Until the time there is a Funcom logo under your name or you are listed as a moderator, you cannot tell people on this forum what to do.

    Also, calling people retards is in clear violation of forum guidelines.

  9. #29
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  10. #30


    Call me whatever you like-something written about me on an obscure forum really does not effect me in the least and does not bother me in the least.
    I Voted in the only way that matters on the upcoming patch-with my wallet. Did i jump the gun and shoot to fast? maybe but i am just so sick of funcoms attitude that i have had it with their game.
    I am tired of emergency patches after patches to fix problems that the test server people said were there and they go ahead and patch anyway. I cant imagine the nightmare that a patch of this magnitude is going to cause. Doesnt anyone think besides me that a patch like this should have been done during a beta cycle? this game is out almost a year now and most trade skills still don't work,there are still so many annoying bugs its a joke and no i wont bore you to death and list them--you all play and know them. Maybe i am just burnt out on the game already and subconciesly am just using the oe patch to bail out while i still have some good memories of an almost great game.
    And for the people who laugh and say cya, bye -can i have your stuff --well it's certainly an open forum and please say and do whatever you need to to justify yourself wether pro or con on the issue. And to set the record straight not one of my toons would have been effected by the oe patch all there armor and weapons fall within the 20% (just went ingame and checked and double checked) My beef with the upcoming patch has to do with the insane hit points and ac on the regular mobs--which gaute says will not be reduced-ummmm guate you ramped the mobs up to slow down the people who were insanely overquipping dont you think that you should tone them down a bit now that you are fixing the overquipping problem? and i saw someone say thay dont mind waiting a few weeks for them to gauge the results of the patch before they fix the mobs. Hey more power to you but i dont want to wait even 5 mins. they have a test server to gauge results of what a patch will do. They do have a test server right? and maybe i am being a bit of an Ass**** here but i was always led to belive that test servers were used to test products before they hit the market.
    Not that anyone cares but i think funcom is defitenly going in the right direction with their game and i also think its a game that has awesome potential and longevity if properly managed. But thuthfully i think there managment sucks (my personal take on it) i think the bean counters are calling the shots and the dev crew lost any creative control when the game went live.(But thats only my personal opinion and yes i know opinions are like as****** everyone has one) so wether pro or con flame me or my opinions till the cows come home because in the end it really doesnt matter i made a personal choice and voted(and i admit maybe to fast) with my wallet because all the flames and all the pro and con debates dont mean squat. the only thing that companys understand is cold hard cash
    Dark_Omen--The spoiled brat retard guy--kinda catchy dont you think?

  11. #31
    I asked that people didnt post if they werent quitting BECAUSE i wanted to see how many people were quitting, you could have flamed me on your own thread or whatever but nooo

  12. #32


    I am not flaming you bebop or for that matter anybody else.
    the only ones i can see in my posts that i might have flamed was funcom's management team.

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Miir

    If you want to dictate where and what people can post, start your own forums and moderate them. Until the time there is a Funcom logo under your name or you are listed as a moderator, you cannot tell people on this forum what to do.

    Also, calling people retards is in clear violation of forum guidelines.
    Wow... one of the few times i actually enjoyed a Miir post

  14. #34
    14.2 oe changes are not going to hurt much. remember they made mobs more difficult becase of overequiping. so they will likly change em back. also
    Heh hate to burst this bubble but Gaute has now said mobs will be left as they are after the OE nerf heh it was only said to keep people quiet while they got the nerf in

    In fact here I searched up the quote from him here it is.

    * Quote from Gaute
    What I will not do is to reduce the normal monster hit-points at this time. This is not the same as saying that we'll NEVER do it - just that I would like to watch the impact of the current changes first. I am afraid of doing too many changes at the same time, and what the synergy of them might be.[/b] (quoted 'from Follow-Up on Over-Equipping and IP Reset Article')
    Another case of smoke and mirriors

    Oh and mobs were never made harder because of over equiping they were made harder because the nolifers/24/7/exploiters were complaining the game was too easy. At the time mobs soared in difficulty there was very little OE going on no one was high enough to really do it. IE there were no 132 wrangles no mochams no essence of behemoth...
    Last edited by Serena; Mar 18th, 2002 at 06:22:30.

  15. #35


    I'm all for these sort of thing such as OE nerf, but I can barely make it by now. If they mess up my char so that I can't even solo greens, and they make trader way to uber. Then I hate to say it, but I don't have time to mess around with a game like that.

    I will quit only if my char is uber gimped after the patch and if they don't fix it within a month. But if they do a good job with the patch and add nice content and keep adding every month. I will stick around for a few years.
    Video games, my anti-drug

  16. #36
    This is a reply to Omen's post

    I wrote a rebutle in defense of Funcom up there somewhere and in there I wrote about the test server. Afterwards, I reflected on the patches, and it's true, you are correct about the test server being a joke. I can't remember 1 patch that hasn't had to be fixed afterwards.

    I think that the economy was maybe a factor in that Funcom was not able to hire everyone they wanted, but now that should be changing. I'm hoping that Funcom will be hiring MORE STAFF to be able to take care of these problems. I don't care if this game is programmed in COBOL, they can find people. There are plenty of good programmers still out of a job, I was one of them.

    I misjudged you Omen, but that is only because there are thousands more that put up their "quitting message" just to ***** or try to get attention. I apologize though.

    I hope that Funcom also hires more people for their customer relations section because I'm getting tired of this "legend of Funcom" bit.
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

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