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Thread: OE Question

  1. #1

    OE Question


    I have the skills to wear a ql 100 nova, self buffed.
    No need for RC, Masteries.
    Just simple "Click and Wear"

    I decide to use a ql 140 Nova, I use Masteries RC and OS etc..

    When those buffs are gone, would i be better off using my ql 100, or would the 140 still do more dmg but not "as much as now"

  2. #2


    What skill reqs does the 140 have? And how much are you short with just your own buffs?

    Then also.. what is the exact damage amount your 140 does?

    Compare that to your 100 and you will have your answer.

    Remember its 20% less that makes it less effective. If the gun needs 500 skill and you have 400.. thats still ok.

    Lots of leeway.. wish people would udnerstand its not taht "bad".
    Shattered Dreams

  3. #3
    Assuming that I have understood the OE rule properly (ie either you're not less than 20% below the requirements and the weapon works normally, or it's min-max-crit damage is reduced by 25%), that gives:

    (I took the closest Qls of nova I found on antiguardians, a ql104 nova and a ql142 one)

    Base damage for the ql104 nova:
    1-191 (252)

    Base damage for the ql142 nova:
    1-259 (350)

    Assuming the ql142 nova meet the overequipping criteria and thus have it's base damage reduced by 25%, it gives:
    1-194 (262)

    Almost the same as the ql104, a little bit higher even.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by MORB
    Assuming that I have understood the OE rule properly (ie either you're not less than 20% below the requirements and the weapon works normally, or it's min-max-crit damage is reduced by 25%), that gives:

    (I took the closest Qls of nova I found on antiguardians, a ql104 nova and a ql142 one)

    Base damage for the ql104 nova:
    1-191 (252)

    Base damage for the ql142 nova:
    1-259 (350)

    Assuming the ql142 nova meet the overequipping criteria and thus have it's base damage reduced by 25%, it gives:
    1-194 (262)

    Almost the same as the ql104, a little bit higher even.
    From what I have read, this is right Morb. Where I see Traders still being asked to cast Wrangles is that people will want to equip their higher lvl weapons so that they can grow into the full damage. But I'm not 100% sure on the math of equiping some high lvl weapons in order to be able to use them to their full effect later down the road.
    Princess"Lashleigh" Tabledancer - Unit member of Nirvana


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  5. #5
    So basically....
    Still twink to have an upper hand, the more levels you gain the more stronger you will feel when leveling.


  6. #6
    Indeed. I teach that all things are good and bad. Sure your not going to be as effective with OE'd weapons but those lvl140+ people who are using QL200 weapons with little OEing will no longer have to suffer through 60 lvls of the same dmg. NOW when equipping a QL200 weapon you will litterally see better damage until very high level .

    LOL like the link at the end of your sig Cloudeh
    Last edited by Fion; Mar 12th, 2002 at 19:15:45.
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  7. #7
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    So basically....
    Still twink to have an upper hand, the more levels you gain the more stronger you will feel when leveling.

    Aha :)
    I don't think so. The penalty is either 25% or 0%. When growing in levels, you'll have still the same damage reduced by 25%, and the penalty will be removed at once as soon as you meet the requirements. So basically, if you overquip a level 140 nova, it will behave like a ql100 one, and at some point, it will start to behave like a ql 140 one at once, when you raised your skills enough (and not progressively as you levelup)

    In this particular example, having the weapon overequipped isn't a problem... However, suppose you get ten levels. The ql140 nova is still overequipped and as good as a ql100. But you may be able to equip with only selfbuffs a better one, like a ql120 one, which would be better than the overequiped ql140.

  8. #8
    I have a comment on this:

    You guys forgot one thing. Sure the damage may seem the same, but it also states that crits will go down as well as minimum damage (does that mean we can get negative numbers?). Now you may be doing the same average damage with the QL 140 as the 100, but if you only crit 75% as much....

    Another thing that I'm wondering about is multiple req's. Like right now, I meet the fling and pistol req for my gun, but not shotgun. How will that be judged?
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  9. #9


    After a little homework..

    QL142 vs QL162 NovaFlow

    I tried with bot modding the final damage with -25% and the bas damage... same result

    According to AGs damage calc..

    QL162 1-294(402)

    #1 full skills
    need 625/425 to wield => 567 in ATT

    give the damage 2-711 with a 1683 crit

    #2 -19.9% on skills
    567-19.9% => 455 ATT

    gives 2-628 with a 1488

    #3 -20.1% on skills (aka OE)
    567-20.1% => 453 ATT

    gives 2-627 with 1484 then mod with -25% to 2-471 and 1113.

    QL142 with the same skills (skill cutoff 398)

    #1 567 in ATT

    gives 2-626 with a 1472 crit

    #2 453 in ATT

    gives 2-552 with a 1299 crit.


    urghhh If you are excactly in the break point, your much better of with a lower QL weapon.
    Dhur the Ninja Pirate NT!

  10. #10
    So at lvl 133 and can self equip ql 200 weapons I "should" see a change? I hope so, god damn I do hope so

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