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Thread: why I don't pvp anymore

  1. #21
    Here is why mp pets should be easier to root than a engi pet:

    Engies dont get a pet that heals them. The fact that you guys get a big damage pet and a healing pet and another pet at the same time is unbalancing enough then you dont want them to be rootable? give me a break!

    Now i am a fixer and can honestly say the only way i can win versus a melee or pet class is to spam cast my lowest level root because 90% of the time one shot will break root. and currently if i try to run a debuff root simply wont stick, it says it executes fine but it doesnt have any effect people just come running so general store debuffs mean jack squat. If funcom actually coded roots so that higher level roots where viable to use in pvp it would be different but its not.

    I have had trouble rooting both MP damage pets and Engi pets both but Engi pets are by far harder to root. I have run around hitting engi pets 6 times with a root before getting it to stick and even after i killed the engi himself if i wasnt so good at running away the pet could easily finish me.

    the 5 minute root statement in the origional post is a overstatement. if your getting rooted by a lvl 30 root for 5 minutes i want to know what root that is because my root only lasts 21 seconds or 2 seconds if im shooting and i doubt that other professions have super long low level roots.

    I agree that pvp is messed up at current and i hardly ever do it and only do it when i am bored out of my skull and expect to die most of the time sinse the only people who offer to fight me are docs/traders/mps/or enforcers with super beams. Return damage to 100% and scrap the downtime is what i say. until then im happy playing return to castle wolfenstine for fun pvp.

    Melbringi 85 Clan Fixer RK2

  2. #22

    I sincerely hope that Engi pets are hard to root

    Engis only have their pets going for them. Basically this is all there is to an Engi

    AC buffs that give as high as 1200 total with 2 ql200 nanos, one rare
    reflect damage buffs that reflect a total of 100 dmg per hit.
    really nice PET heal nanos
    some good pet buffs

    THAT's IT! nothiny else. I use IPs wisely, and I don't have enough for a gun. A gun is only really good in PVP anyways, because mobs aggro. Engi pets at high lvls have a ****load of health, but the owners don't. Basically, with my pet rooted, and an easy kill. It's sad that I can't do pvp because of my simple profession sucking.
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

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