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Thread: OE Patch re: PVP

  1. #1

    OE Patch re: PVP

    i don't know where to put this post so i might as well throw it here since it's an 'upcoming' patch.

    OE Patch....the thread has lots of ppl arguing, whining about how traders will rock in PVP, how their own profession will suck, etc...

    like i care. i don't pvp because i don't see the point when OE won't make a difference if it's there or not in regards to PVP (arena or 2ho or MMD). You are lv 30, 50, your opponent is the same, but he has a lv100+ doc behind him healing him.

    this is how pvp is now. i don't pvp.

    and all the BS about how every class wants to have even chances in PVP. lol. right.

    about how all these guys are 'quitting' because of this patch? you know what? Mr. A paying 1-Month plan and playing only 5-10 hours that month is no less a valuable customer than Mr. B who has no life and plays 5-10 hours every day that month. This is how a company sees you. I don't see how this crap about some guy playing more = deserving more service from a company's PoV. To them, you're both a paying customer. That's all. Them respecting your opinion is only because you play more is onyl their choice, not your right.


    btw, i do play at leat 2-4 hours per day. some days more, some days not. i am playing the same game, dealing with the same problems. i choose to like this game as is, even though i have mixed feeling about the upcoming patch. people have a choice to play or not. there may be ppl leaving this game after the OE patch, but i'm also sure many ppl will also start inviting friends to play after this OE i said above, people who play one hour per month is just as much a paying customer as people who play everyday. threats of quitting is invalid. they just make you sound like a "Stan". (attn: Eminem's song, "Stan")
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  2. #2

    Just like to point out...

    I'd just like to point out something that's even more amusing than what you said.

    Funcom actually prefers players that play less. The reason why is that the fewer people online at any time means the less lag, the less strain on the servers, etc. In fact as long as you are paying, the less you play the game, the more Funcom will love you!

    So for all you folks who play a lot and think that Funcom should give you somethying back for it. You are paying to play. Be glad they aren't charging you hourly. If anything, they should give more to the people who play less as a reward for paying more for getting less service as all you 24/7 players.

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