In the usual bustle of Rome's Blue District, a short Opifex with a Kerran's strapped to his back makes his way through the crowd, and into the general store. He's dressed strangely, and he is relieved as he takes off his overly large helmet. These have not been good times for the fellow. His face right now, though, is curled into a smarmy grin, teeth barely showing.

Byron "Roubaan" Conmy does not seem like a very nice man at all, and his business is obviously less than reputable. What would' though, bring this otherwise bitter character to such a good mood?

Tapping on his commlink a few times, he waits for a reply.

-="Yes?" replies a somewhat deep, composed and proper voice on the other end of the line.

-="Hm... Haltron, hurry over to the general store in Rome Blue...There's something going down."

After a brief pause, there's a short reply... "I'll be right over. Is there any paperwork I should bring?"

-="Nah" replies Roubaan, the usual smarmy grin slapped across his face. "This is a bit more under the radar. Guess who's back on Rubi-ka?"

-="Who?" replies the somewhat clueless voice on the other end.

-="Harbinguer... Wayne Harbinguer's back, and he's got our cash."

He grins even more at the very thought. Who would've the guy who fled Rubi-ka after almost being jailed would decide to drop by for a nice visit? And to pay back his little debts, of all things. Roubaan was very pleased indeed.