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Thread: My Wish List

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    My Wish List

    Time is the most precious commodity that your customers have. Most (if not all) of these wishes are geared towards saving the player precious time.

    1) Mob pathing SUCKS! It's appearent that none of the game's developers have ever played a pet class in mission areas. I die 99 out of 100 times because a mob or my pet is stuck, I waste time trying to 'coax' my pet around a table, etc. Please, spare a few more cycles to mob pathing code (and/or implement "railroad tracks" in mission rooms). It is my feeling that the pathing as it is now, is unacceptable, not just annoying. Missions and mobs are an advertised part of the game (95% of the game for a solo Engine) and should work seemlessly. I have learned 'tricks' to avoiding some problems with pathing, but a) I shouldn't have to do that, and b) those 'tricks' dont work 100% of the time.

    2) Mob hit points are way too high when I have to play solitaire while my pet kills a mob. This is an easy fix: Implement team missions where mobs have more HPs, remove the key duper and have solo missions generated where mobs have 'appropriate' HPs for their level (i.e. same as what I would have at that level). Alternatively, lower the exp as well as the hit points. I'd rather kill 10 mobs in 10 minutes for X exp than 2 mobs in 10 minutes for the same exp. Killing greens doesn't count as that leads to a feeling of inadequacy and dissapointment in my character.

    3) Mobs shouldn't cast spells whose effects last long after the battle (i.e. delay the inevitable). With the upcomming 14.2 patch that has to include skill debuffs (ransack) because I dont wanna play even more solitaire when I'm debuffed and my pet is un-responsive.

    4) Would like to see my pet's dot on the map (people upgrade) as something unique, even if it's just a circle like other team members.

    5) More grid access points, alot more. Currently most of the grid points are to the same places as the whampas, why?

    6) Integrate AOMD into the mission generator. This external program doesn't give you any info you can't already get, it saves you time.

    7) "/pet terminate" should give you the shell back unless you terminate when pet is in combat. This would allow you to put your pet away for traveling long distance without worrying that the horrible pathing or lag will cause him to get lost. For engines, pets cost time and money, being able to save both of those is very desireable.

    8) The ability to degrade the QL of an object. Maybe an item that when used on an object degrades it's QL by 1 point. This would allow you to buy a higher QL implant and then reduce it to where you want it, saving time (shopping) at the cost of money.

    9) In addition to looking in the "/scripts" directory for scripts, first check in "/scripts/charname" where charname is the name of the character you are logged in as.

    10) Holding CTRL lets you look around without changing direction. When you release CTRL, you now turn and run in the direction you are facing when you let go. I'd rather it returned your 'head' to your original direction. In addition, pressing say SHIFT while CTRL looking around, could snap your 'feet' to your 'head'. The logic here is that if you let go in a panic, you don't want to run at the thing that caused you to panic. If it required an extra step to change direction, you could panic safely away.

    11) When getting target info on your pet(s), it would be invaluable to be able to see what buffs/effects are on the pet and how much time is remaining.

    12) I personally don't like the use of the stats panel for displaying NP effects. That side panel is too crowded already and as it is now, you can only see 6 at a time (assuming you can see any with multiple panels up). I would like to see effects displayed at the top of the screen horizontally, or just to the left of the panels vertically (an option for top/right/none perhaps). This way they are always visible regardless of my current panel displays. A resizable and movable toolbar would be most optimal.

    13) When you target yourself and get info, can you sort the maps alphabetically?

    14) A hot key to target your pet (customizable of course).

    15) A "/target playername" command to target someone in a crowd.

    16) A hot key to toggle between your current and last targets (note: not the same thing as what F1 does now).

    17) Notification of nano programs being executed by your pet (i.e. "Annoying Sniper forces <your pet's name here> to run Lesser Delay the Inevitable").

    18) Nano energy from executing a NF should not be 'charged' if you abort it, intentionally or not. Lag is the greatest cause of un-intentional NF abortion.

    19) When you accept a mission, it would be nice if it was auto-uploaded. Why force us to do this step manually every single time?

    20) Added this that another Engine (RasputinMagi) said because I agree so much with it: "ENGI HEAL SPELLS SHOULD GO OFF OF MATT MET, NOT BIO MET. Matt met is for changing matter, Bio Met is for organic matter, Bots are machines, not living beings, therefore Matt Met is more appropriate. Besides, Bio Met just plain costs too much".
    Last edited by Tereng; Mar 13th, 2002 at 22:52:51.

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