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Thread: OE - Think about it for a minute...

  1. #1

    Lightbulb OE - Think about it for a minute...

    You go to a bike store and buy a brand spanking new bike. On your way out of the store I jump the curb and hit you with my car. You end up having to have both of your legs amputated and can never ride the bike again without getting artificial legs. You still own the bike, and it's still shiney and new, you just can't use it to it's full potential without help.

    Same with OE. You get umber buffed to get that shiney new rifle. Once your buffs wear off and your skills are back down you can't use it without some help.

    If you don't have the skills why should you be able to use it?

    Logic is a ***** ain't it?
    Atrox Fixer
    Atrox make baby jesus cry =(

  2. #2
    your logic suxx0rz
    Last edited by Iroido; Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:19:58.
    I feel i should be the one getting payed to play this game...

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Punkbum
    Pheng u're a gimp
    Err, yeah.. I'm waiting for the IP redistro patch to come into effect so I can fix that. ;p
    Atrox Fixer
    Atrox make baby jesus cry =(

  5. #5
    Your saying go with logic. In real life is it logical to measure someones skill with numbers? If it is then i guess im uber leet 99999 with pellet guns =D.

    Anyways nothing in AO is logical. Rifles, an agent with a big nasty looking rifle should be able to do an aimed shot to a monsters head and always do a one hit kill if the monster is the same level or lower. Or atleast wound it to where youd only have to shoot it once more to kill it. Please, in real life one hit froma .50 cal rifle anywhere in the chest or head is death, no matter how you like it. A .50 cal round would GIB your head especially if it was hollowpoint, dont tell me about logical. This game is anything BUT logical.

  6. #6
    Well, if you read any of the story you'd understand why someone can take several shots and live.

    In short, the nano bots start repairing your wounds the second you get hurt.

    Also with all the armor and implants that makes sense.

    But anyways, yes.. We are regulated by skill in the real world. The numbers more or less just represent the amount of skill you have.

    You can't just sit down and start using a computer like a pro the first time you see one.

    You don't become a world class sharp shooter the first time you pick up a rifle.

    The OE just makes sense and helps everyone but the sploiters and power gamers..
    Atrox Fixer
    Atrox make baby jesus cry =(

  7. #7
    A good sniper can kill someone with a crappy gun in real life, a bad sniper with a good rifle can do the same thing..

    Anyways no first time ona computer you wont be all hacking in bank of america and stealing millions of dollars, no that takes skill. But i can kill someone the same as a person whos experience with a gun, you just point and pull a trigger. Common sense..

    But in anarchy online, when you over equip your attack rating is still really low even if you over equip, its based on skill not the weapon. That means you do lower damage more often, although its better than a gun closer to your level its still crappy damage considering the damage range of the gun.
    Over equiping really isnt all that bad, you people just make it out to be.

  8. #8


    Originally posted by caddelite
    A good sniper can kill someone with a crappy gun in real life, a bad sniper with a good rifle can do the same thing..
    Only if he can find the trigger.

  9. #9
    About good sniper/bad rifle vs bad sniper/good rifle thing:

    When it comes to accuracy, the quality of a gun is determined like this:
    First, it is placed in a vise, so it won't move at all, loaded with high-quality homogenous ammo, and several shot groups are fired at effective range, letting the gun cool off between shots. Tighter groups mean better gun. Then, gun is tested with varied ammo, and without cool-offs. If groups still stay tight, that's even better.
    In short, a good gun is a consistent gun, that will always deliver a bullet to the aiming point once the sights are properly zeroed.

    good sniper/bad rifle. Indeed, a better marksman might get a bit more from a bad rifle, due to steadier arm, windage/elevation estimates, target movement factor etc, but if he has no idea weather the weapon is going to send a bullet a yard to left or to right, all his skill won't help. Give a champion marksman a 17th century musket and see what he can hit with it.

    bad sniper/good rifle. Again, a first-time shooter with a SKS, Barret .50 or HK PSG-1, lying prone and using bipod, is more than likely to hit a stationary target at a reasonable range and good, calm weather. But when going against a fast-moving, armored target at extreme range or low-light, windy conitions... You gotta consider trajectory prediction, windage/elevation correction based upon estimated range and ammo power (pro snipers only use ammo they load personally to exact specs)

    To sum it up, skill might help to squeeze a little more out of bad gear, and premium hardware will compensate a bit for lack of ability. But to get the most out of the best, you gotta have the skillz.

    From a logical standpoint, item restriction by skill makes little sense. Logically, a lvl 1 should be able to pick up a ql200 rifle (if he can get his hands on one) and use it, but get no more than ql4-5 performance out of it. Ability reqs for armor or implants I fully understand - you gotta have the stamina to wear that heavy tank.

    However, I understand Funcom's reasoning for skill restrictions: without them, someone might twink a lvl 1 with ql200, weapon, and never worry about weapons again. This would be quite detrimental to mid-level economy. Sure, armor/nano market would still do well, but weapon market would almost completely stratify to ql200. Also, the satisfaction of finally being able to equip that nice weapon you kept in bank since you bought it 20 levels ago...

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