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Thread: Caffeine and AO

  1. #1

    Caffeine and AO


    I was on school break for a month, and during that time I played hours and hours of AO every day. During that time, I think my caffeine intake went up.

    I tend to have 3-4 beverages with caffeine (usually coffee or Coca-Cola) every day. On the days I was playing for more than 4 hours, it was more like 7+.

    I have another break coming up soon, and I'd like to know how much my caffeine consumption goes up. For that, I have to tracj it.

    How about the rest of you? Are you interested?

    Here's a little poll:

    1. Do you drink at least 1 beverage with caffeine every day?

    2. If you answered yes to Question 1: On the average, how many beverages with caffeine do you drink per day?

    3. How many hours per day do you spend playing a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (like Anarchy Online)?

    If I get enough responses, I can analyze the data and post the results.


    - Mr. Caffeine
    Last edited by MrCaffeine; Mar 8th, 2002 at 06:17:39.

  2. #2
    Question 1 : yes
    2 : on average, 2 cups of coffee in the morn, one coke at lunch, and depending how late I stay up playing AO, 2 more cokes or 1 coffee. so - at least 4, maybe 5
    3 : 5 hours max

    I am not in school, though so I dont get breaks where I can play games all day or do whatever I want. Even on the weekends. ( I have small children its a 24/7 job) I would say for myself that AO does increase my caffeine intake since my only time to play is at night and if Im having fun I will drink caffeine to stay awake longer, and then in the morning to wake up from the night before ;0
    Caffeine is so bad for you, I wish I didnt love it so much

  3. #3
    I drink up to 3 cups of tea for every 2 hours spent playing AO

    I also smoke a pack of cigerettes in roughly the same amount of time.

    oh, and I play in the dark and in my underware.

    what day is it?
    - Dev

    "Quit your whining, it's just a flesh wound"

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