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Thread: Crit buffs MUST be self only along with the OE nerf!!! Or else we will have BIG......

  1. #1

    Crit buffs MUST be self only along with the OE nerf!!! Or else we will have BIG......

    Yes. Why? Sooner or later the crit buff will be self only, and/or crits will be removed from PvP. Along with the OE nerf we will get an IP wipe, which has a time limit. We have alot of weapons and people who have specialized in crits (read: shotgun), which may be totally useless in PvP without crits, and very close to uselessness in PvM without crit buff.

    If they wait with the crit nerf to after the OE nerf, and it is to late for IP wipe (time has run out) ALOT of ppl are stuck with shottys and weapons that is useless, without a chance to get tehir IP back (wasted tons of IP).

    I suspect that would seriously piss ALOT of ppl off (as if ppl wasnt pissed enough already).
    NT phone HOME!!

  2. #2
    A lvl 200 MP without pets is the same as a lvl 200 NT without Nullity. Only difference is that the MP got a better single target nuke than the NT.

    This is really getting old.

  3. #3
    Lucid Flow
    Gabriel "Gunsei" Gaviglia
    Bruce "Obtru" Gabriel
    President of The Patriots: A Loyal Omni Faction

    That is much older.
    NT phone HOME!!

  4. #4
    read the patch notes again bud it states that you will be aloted a temporary 90 points so you can literaly reset every skill you have then at each title lvl you will be given a set number of reset points that are permanent untill used and will be retroactive meaning if your lvl 200 now you will get all the reset points from all the previus title lvls ,though i strongly agree something needs to be done about crit buffs asap

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