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Thread: Engineer's - Some info!!!

  1. #1

    Engineer's - Some info!!!

    I play an Engineer, level 118. I have read a request and wanted to add my 2 cents.

    MP's get 3 main buffs they need for their buffs. I believe it is MC, TS and BM.
    MP's get 3 Pets they utilize. Attack pet, Healing pet, Mezzing pet.
    MP's get major buffs for their 3 pets and 3 skills requiered. Mastery, Infuse and Mochams Gift.

    Engineer's get GENERAL NANO's for our MC and TS skills = low level bots.
    Engineer's are supposed to be top of the line professions yet they truely suck for some reason in creating the one most valuable thing for them. Their lifestone... The Bot.

    FUNCOM, why have you made it so damn hard for the engineer to play his/her character?

    We spend hundreds of thousands credits most of the time to get the buffs we need to create our lifestone of a bot. If we LD or in any other way lose connection such as ZONE GOING DOWN or so we LOSE the bot and have to do it all over again. Now, the time to find the right people that have time or high enough level to buff you is not to consider lightly either. Sometimes you spend up to 1 hour finding an MP with Mochams and Trader with a 110 wrangle.

    I have tried my best with implants, equiped up to 159QL implants atm and self buffed (General store buffs) I can make a VERY low orange bot. Caps and skill costs kill us.

    NOW FUNCOM, you want to dissable us this right to create our bots and force us to accept it? WAKE THE **** UP! Look at how many engineer's are writing about it, talking about it that it should NOT BE that way. I can almost guarantee to you that 80% of the Engineer's do NOT want this POS change to take place and asking you not to yet what do you do? You ignore the **** out of us! Not only Engineer's but every profession out their. Do you listen???

    Maybe you should read your website posts and correspond alittle with what people write and request instead of just ignoring everything point blank and do your own ****. No FC, this is no way to run an MMORPG. Maybe you should turn your attention alittle bit to the people who pay your 12 bucks a month for enjoying the game and not only do whatever you like.

    I have read these boards for a very long time now and I can bet you anything that 70% is complaints and I can bet you that 95% never get answered or considered as changes. Look at all the requests, realy nice simple requests people have asked for and bump'd up the hoho by others. Have you ever introduced these changes? Hell no!

    I just think you guys making prolly around lets see, $12x200k users VERY LOW counted = $2.4milj every month should take in some consideration on idea's people come with.

    Sure you have alot to do but heck, 2.4mill GET MORE FRIKKEN EMPLOYEES!!!!!!!!

    My 2 frikken pissedof! cents!

    PS: If a server goes down and u lose 3.3 milj exp when the entire team LD's in a mission. Is there realy nothing FC can do about it? MY ASS!

  2. #2

    Unhappy 200k users? and MP overbalancing.

    Actually, it's probably more like 25k users, which means a lot less money.

    But I agree with some parts of your post.

    I think FC went overboard and gave the MP's way too much. Now, they are stuck with either nerfing the MP or rebalancing everyone else to be just like the MP.

    What I don't understand is why FC doesn't just address this over-balance directly. If the MP is the sign of how how filled-out and robust all the professions will be in time, then all the professions end up being the same.

    Just adding to your thoughts, creator, I agree that Engineers have been nerfed a lot recently (only 1 shell, temporary shells, and now OE nerf on them).


  3. #3
    quit and laugh when the game has dissapeared from the market. then laugh whenever you see a Funcom product again.

    use those 12.95$ more useful than sitting 10 hours per day in front of your computer.

    >My way >

    3 Years Everquest > Verant did Bull S**T > no more Everquest
    3 Month DaoC > Mythic went the way of Verant > Goodbye DaoC
    3 Month AO > same crap than the other 2 above > goodbye FC

    thats my way if my MP gets Nerfed somehow. If a game gets more work than my regular job instead of fun i quit it and buy a Solo player game in the next shop until the next game comes out.

    SHADOWBANE > Next try > if same crap with the company > bye bye shadowbane. so easy is that.

    Never !!! Never make 6 month subscribtions !!! bad mistake.

  4. #4

    Pet nerfs

    This is just insane to do, They make up this buff, Implant system and then they relize that ohhhh this was to easy to master or take advantage of, now they want to Nerf it down with there Nerfstick !!!!

    This is just wrong and shows how FC deals with situation, Poorly I might add.

    It will become less fun and more work to play Engineer's, This is something That will get me to change characters or even quit entierly.

    For once do the right thing, and Revaluate your position on this matter, if the Patch information is correct then you have missed the point all together.

    Please reconsider your actions if any has been taken.


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