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Thread: 14.2 notes = my cancelled subscription tonight.

  1. #21

    Thumbs down Fools..

    If OE wasn't intended, they wtf does your equipment STAY equipped when you die? Please tell me....why not just have everything but your implants end up in reclaim??? I don't know what's wrong with you people against OE items. If you don't like it, don't do it. Stop *****ing. You just ruined a good game.

    Oh yeah, do you think all of the NCU memory needed for a wrangle is really going to be that useful during battle? Hardly.

  2. #22

    Thumbs down One last note...

    Ok, you also mentioned that OE your char makes the game easy. Well, it's not. You just fight harder mobs earlier... I hope you like killing leets for 30 slow lvls straight. I'm disgusted...seriously..

  3. #23
    Raxle, you don't understand your own profession. As it was said earlier, this new patch is going to make us the most popular person to be on a team with. I know its going to change how you play the game, but I welcome the change. Shoot, it cant get any worse. I dont make money off of my wrangles so it doesnt matter anyways. Unless I can get the team to hire me to wrangle them while hunting Our wrangles were made for OE'ing, period, end of story. Now, what is really the biggest cause for this 14.2 are the exploiters. The people that used the tutoring exploit, got a 6 slot belt on, used the treatment exploit to get 2k in it and stair step implants. They were the reason they upped the AC and HP of the monsters. If it was just a trader's wrangle helping people OE, there would be no need to an OE fix patch, well maybe except for those crazy engies getting 132's and mochams, getting the slayer at lvl 80ish and then never logging off. lol. I say bring it on, only if they take the mobs HP down as well.

    EDIT: Oh, and BTW, this wont stop the twinkers in PvP. Think about it: go get mochams, then pay a little extra and get a high level trader cast a 132 on you before you get into the arena or before starting the fight. The pet wont go into /behind mode untill after the current fight is finished if he goes below the 20% rate. Personally, I think they need to have it go immediately into /behind mode so Traders will be the new UBER PvP players. /me wish I could cast a few divests in battle and make that big slayer go whimper in the corner

    EDIT: Oh, and another point. Traders wont be touched much with this patch. Just run through your divest and plunders when you start fighting and keep re-running your two highest. You wont be able to use the 180 vect at lvl 70, but you can still get reallly dammed close.
    Last edited by Merkaba715; Mar 12th, 2002 at 00:46:16.
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  4. #24
    Raxle i totaly agree with you.. and many more.. dont bother to take notis of lamers like ThreeJane.. all her posts is saying "cya".

    but okay, they are the ones that think ao is icq in 3D and cant understand why we are pissed.. so hence they keep to word's no bigger than 3 letters...

    you will be missed and so will many other of the real players that are able to put 2+2 together and get 5, hence if you figure out how to get the fifth buff thru the other four you actualy understand the meaning of "using you damn brain"

    what ever you do are non of other players buissnes.. so why all the whiners want this nerf fix i cant understand.. but never the less.. i wont have to.. cus im out too.. leaving this 3D version of icq behind me..

    cheers to all who might agree..
    and to those who dosn't..i don't care for your opinion.

    (yes i will hit my ass on the door on my way out, cus its a big fat ass)

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Garzu
    IT is a VERY VERY bad patch for NTs... You have to think a little about how things gets at higher lvls... at higher lvls it is the NTs that overequips QL 200 weapons, the weapon profs dont, they have the skill already....

    NTs are hurt at lower lvls yes, but think about your goal... your goal is to be high lvl someday, or? And when you reach lvl 150+ you will guaranteed regret that you supported the OE nerf.
    OMG! I can't believe I saw this. lol

    The first thing I wrote in the IRC chat after reading the notes on 14.2 was. "I bet NT's find a reason to complain about this, it's in their nature."

    This was after someone wrote something like, "this patch will make NT's pretty uber."

    lol, too funny
    Last edited by Sent; Mar 12th, 2002 at 01:34:45.

  6. #26
    Originally posted by TheHidden
    FC just dont get it!

    Fixers r ****ed anyway and with their new strategy they **** us even more.

    all the idiots have to do is stop freaky implant stckin. i dunno where the problem is.

    im close to chancel my subcription too.

    Don't .. quit, bye bye.
    More room for the rational people.

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Lord Cyrik

    you will be missed and so will many other of the real players that are able to put 2+2 together and get 5, hence if you figure out how to get the fifth buff thru the other four you actualy understand the meaning of "using you damn brain"
    Ok Mr. Brain.

  8. #28
    as it stands now the nt has 0 green weapons skills

    did you know that?

    will they let us cast a nuke if we meet 80% of its mc reqs? no

    even with all skills maxed it will be hard for a nt to meet the 80% reqs of weapons.

    if they wanna ballance the game they have to do three things and they never will

    the things are this

    1. remove all exploits once and for all
    2. do a forced mandatory equipment removal
    3. do a forced mandatory ip reset (one time)

    then and only then will the new oe patch be efective as it stands now due to the exploit concerning complit, peeps have 20 complit and all 200 equipment (ncu's, belts etc)

    how does this imbalance game you ask?

    well not only does this person have the ncu, but this person did not spend an ounce of ip on complit which allowed them to use the tousands of ips that i used on complit on evades or weapon skills giving that person an unfair advantage.

    same with peeps and 200 implants they exploited the treatment and have 20 in treatment and 200 inplants, freeing up the ip for other things.

    untill this happens, you will never fix the game. it is a right step tho, peeps will now have to spend the ip the same way a caster does, but not entirely they will only spend the ip needed on weapons to get it to 80 % which is admittily more then they do now but still not a fair ballance with catsers.

    beside the higher levels as garzu pointed out have thees skills maxed, as they should it increases thier atack ratting, so this will not affect high level gamming except for casters weilding weaponsm we caster have enuff nerfs.

    they shouold allow caster to cast a spell once learned which is the same thing as equiping a gun and loosing buffs but at the same penalty as weapon users.

    somone in this thread said taht NT's will not rest untill we are the uber damage dealers that we think we should be.....

    well you are right that was the trade off of having low hp, we are supposed to be uber dmg dealers as it stands right now i have never hit for more the 1100 dmg with a nuke in pvp. NEVER

    a 82 trader crited me a 164 nt with 717 evades in duck for 40% every time he hit me. while i hit him once and then was debuffed, i hit him for 455 dmg with full body acid. NOW you tell me whats wrong with that picture.

  9. #29

    Post Merkaba

    Other than saying I don't understand my profession, you're the only person that has a reasonable, logical, and well thought out point about the upside to 14.2.

    I do understand my profession, just not the way that you visualize a way that it could be. I understand how my profession is at the moment, but yes, it's not that bad the way you described playing. However, I really enjoy the OE side of AO. It's probably the most enjoyable part of playing for me. Not exploiting, but utilizing the tools given to me by the game. I'm frustrated at the players who simply believe they are more important because they want to spend more time chatting and not worrying about getting implants and the like to survive in more threatening places of Rubi-Ka. They want to be able to walk around freely, without risk, with any profession...alone..

    They don't want to put thought into the keys to survival on a planet much different than ours. They want to walk around with pretty avatars and clothes, taking landscape screenshots of our beautiful planet. That's a fine life on Rubi-Ka....but unlike Earth, when you leave a city, there are hordes of beasts waiting to kill you.

    But like Earth, we all have something in common. We want interaction with eachother. Some of us like to help others achieve their goals and ambitions. Some have more wealth than they need. So, much like our real lives, it's about who you know sometimes, not what you know.

    A game without a way to judge success other than how long you've been playing, is not the way I want to play a game named Anarchy Online. I like the current system and the way it makes you think. I enjoy teaching new players how to use the system. If it's simplified by haveing OE removed, players will just kill the monsters we're all growing tired of...for longer....hoping for the next level when nothing's really going to happen for them for many levels. The only way to judge your success is going to be by your level.

    I belive there are many other ways exploiters could have been dealt with. Why not just have all of your equipment other than implant, end up in reclaim if you die? That way, you'd have to work hard at OE again. Power has a price.

    Funcom could even put 14.2 on Rubi-Ka 2 even...

    It's just sad, that's all I feel. I'll miss the game the way it is now.

  10. #30
    Good bye, Cheaters! Later on. Whining babies. " I can't cheat, boo hoo" (Insert Misery here) Puhleeeezee.

  11. #31

    Talking Heh heh heh

    Ya'll are to funny :P
    You are...

    Look people, 'some' over equiping is ok. And Funcom has designed it into the game. (Implants 20 levels or so high then you starting at level 20 and so on) It's in the design. Look at the nano's.

    I play a meta on test. I use her to test the higher missions. She's level 102. At 100 I made QL 125 implants, and put them on. The stat requirements were cool...but the treatment was through the roof, had to get a slight 30 point treatment buff to wear them. Ok so cool. I have Masteries, the expertises, and just enough NCU. Buffed up with my own masteries and expertises plus my implants allow me to summon a slightly dark yellow conning pet.

    ....yellow conning....

    So what does that mean? That means that 'normal' over equiping has been placed IN the game, and the game EXPECTS you to use it.

    However..the game does NOT expect you to majorly over equip. Extream over equiping leads to many game imbalances. Which effect many the ability for a given class to solo...or a given class to be viable in a group. HP, Damage and all was increased in the beta. I remeber when they did it. I was there. I sat there in chat infact and stated that the amount of 'stat' points a person could allocate should be cut. (So getting into extream high level armor would be hard...back then a level 30 could wear QL 90-100 armor...with no buffs, and almost no implants :O) ) SO anyway.

    Basically this is what is going to happen:

    Funcom will nerf over equiping. Then they will "tune" down all the monsters/npc's to try to restore balance into the game. Just think of it in these terms: You might get gimped for a small amount of time, but once the monsters/npc's are re-balanced, the game will be almost like it was when you over-equiped....except those that could not over equip, and those that cannot over-equip (MA's..NT's...and so on) will be on a more balanced playing field, because the monsters/npc's will be more balanced towards the non-over equiper and the 'minimal' over equiper.

    So you see this HAS to happen. It's important. If there is no balance within a game it throws off structure, events....everything. By restoring balance, we will be keeping this game we all love so much in prime working order, but also enriching our play time as well.

    Lady E

    Ebonysunrise lvl 102 Meta
    Ebonymoon (build 2) lvl 15 Engineer
    :::and a bunch of misc toons:::
    Test Server
    Everyone loves kids....until they have one

  12. #32

    Re: 14.2 notes = my cancelled subscription tonight.

    Originally posted by Raxle
    Well, it was fun for the past couple of months. I thought I found a game that I could thoroughly enjoy for a long time to come. The 14.2 release notes were enough for me to decide that I'm not going to continue to play AO. I'm giving it up to the whiney newbs that don't understand the benefit of OE being in the game. With the most interesting and entertaining part of the game removed, It'll be a great place for chat fiends who want avatars to /me themselves to death. Have fun. I'm going to cancel my subscription tonight Funcom. Why even bother enjoying something that's going to be ripped apart soon anyways? So sad....I just wish there was another cool MMORPG out there....
    Bye Bye then.........can i please have your stuff?

  13. #33

    Thumbs up AHAHHAHA

    (insert whine here)

    Great job Funcom the new patch sounds great!

    I see you in the arena MA style baby

  14. #34
    This patch is a good thing. It is going to make the game MORE challenging, not less. To all the people who are whining about how casual rp'ers are going to take over and the veteran players will leave, sorry but that ain't gonna happen.
    I think that many people here are getting upset that soon, anyone who puts the effort and time into it can develop a solid character, instead of just those who took advantage of exploits to get where they are at and "twinked" only their friends into oblivion.
    Pissed about 14.2? Pissed your little "empire" is going to come crashing down? Hahahahaha. Good!
    It's about time those of us willing to put the EFFORT and RESEARCH into this game to have our shot. See ya.

  15. #35
    Delete this thread, it's useless... :P

  16. #36


    Whine, whine whine!

    GOOD PATCH FUNCOM; I LOVE IT! (with exeption of all new and old bugs you will give us with it)

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