I may be a complete idiot to some people by saying this but 14.2 is going to be pretty damn good if FC manages to pull it off. But we'll just have to put our faith in them. No no no sarcasm, I'm serious. Wait until it actually goes live before you go and cancel your accounts.

I guess I can to this conclusion because for once I read the 14.2 patch notes. Now sure levels 1-100 are going to SUCK without OE'ing yourself to hell, but hey its not THAT bad if monsters aren't as hard.

I'm just really looking foward to IPR and the invisiblity of conceal. How cool is that going to be. YOU'LL NEVER BE SAFE WITH AND AGENT AROUND! Mwahahaha! Too bad rifles aren't all that great unless you OE and pour points into dark blue shotgun...

You can't have everything I guess.