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Thread: I Would Pay 20$ Extra Per Month For This !!!

  1. #1

    I Would Pay 100$ Extra Per Month For This ! No kidding !

    I would pay 100$ extra per month if FC would FIX (BEST RE-CODE) the Network code which is the worst i have ever seen in a ONLINE game.

    There is nothing worse than Broken Shores, Tir and New Land for a Claner. OMNI for sure has the same problems.

    FC if you read this.. Tell me why i get a Slideshow everytime i log into the game or i zone. Please explain me why you are ignoreing that since a long time. I CAN WATCH THE CITY BUILDINGS BUILD UP PIECE FOR PIECE AFTER ZONING !! just to say i have a Athlon 1400, GF3, 512MB, 2 7200RPM Raid Discs 120 GB.

    I have so many friends complainig about Broken Shores super SLIDE SHOW. its like 1 Frame every 10 seconds. If you wait long enough, in example get coffee or go to toilett you can continue playing if your lucky.

    Funcom you made a good game concept, your just to incompetent to bring the game to a 100% working stats so that every player can have unlimitet fun without haveing strange problems and bugs every day or even every hour.


    and best would be if you find a better way for deads, i am so pissed from loosing XP just because my missions is at the end of the world and i cant fly 20 minutes just to save and return back. And i am bored from Borealis missions so dont tell me to do them.

    While you FC developers (LOL) fix the network code, you can also start to fix the memory leaks. I cant play the game in full screen since i bought it.

    And what your as it seems sleeping programmers missed to fix is QUANTUM WINGS, its cancleing after zoning and after entering into a shop. Its useless most MPs use a YALMAHA at around L70 so Funcom why arent you just deleting this NANO ? FIX Quantum Wings aswell or delete it from MP nanos since the way you FC made it, its a pain to use it. Thank you

    Well no word on PET PATHING, never mind if in Missions or outdoors. Its just TRASH ! i wonder if FUNCOM feels ashamed about this PET code or not.. at least i have the feeling they think its great. Sorry Funcom its not great its the worst i seen in any game so far. Even Diablo is better

    DONT FORGET ! my INVENTORY is MESSED up all time ! i bring everything into nice order. bags, weapons, nanos etc.. ONE stupid Zoning and all is MIXED and MESSED up !!! Thats one of the things that sucks most.....just laughable Funcom sorry, bad bad work there......

    Nice game > wrong company (like EQ,DAOC)...... same crap

    P.S i would pay not one EURO more for that Its a thing that explains itself that Funcom gets enough cash from us or ? just my 2c
    Last edited by Starboat; Mar 11th, 2002 at 00:59:46.

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    i cant believe you all paying customers just take it as it is (((

    i give up and funcom won the 1st price for a player base which takes every little cake as like they would get a million dollar cash..

    i am absolute clueless..................

    best i start a software company and sell half ready programms but i do a nice big marketing orgy before i start the selling. then i take the cash and leave all those jerks alone ... and the best will be that i keep the cash

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