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Thread: Genderless Atrox ur opinion here

  1. #1

    Genderless Atrox ur opinion here

    I was wonderin if Atrox are genderless why they all look like guys too high on steroids ?
    Maybe the design should be change (ffs no dont u might crash the all game tryin to fix s/thing). */sarcasm off*
    Nah seriously whats ur thaught about it ?

    nb: Fc should add special atrox implants/tools so they quit feeling lonely
    Infamine 200 soljah

  2. #2
    This is Bob Barker the 43rd signing off for the Price-is-Right. Dont forget to have your Atrox's spayed and neutered
    "If it hurts, it means your still alive." - Bayman

    NuggetKiller - The best looking atrox on RK1

  3. #3
    I'd say they weren't genetically engineered to be Atroxes to be uni. The male's body is proven able to develop more strength than a woman's, so it would make sense they used the body structure of a male to get the best strength out of the breed, since they were bred to work in the mines..
    Fatal Halcyon
    No guild, no longer playing until (if ever) things change for the good.

  4. #4
    I searched diligently through the Atrox faces for one that looked if not female, at least questionable. But they seem to come in two varieties, steroidal or stupid. Which means I won't have an Atrox character, because I just feel odd wearing a male body (yes, I'm one the the elusive 15%, female gamer)
    If Funcom needs a model for a female Atrox, I had envisioned a "Carrie Nation" type. Can someone dig up a photo/bio and email it to our European friends?

  5. #5
    atrox'es are not born. they come from laboratories, right?

    Since they are not born, they do not need their ...private parts...
    And thus, they are not equipped with private parts, thus they are conidered unisex, although I must admit that they look mmore maskulin than feminin (probably due to the hormones).

    But one does not choose to be an atrox. You are simply created as an atrox, nd as such must choose which career to follow.

    I, myself, was (un)lucky enough to be born as a nanomage breed, which means I can never leave the planet Rubi-Ka, since I could not survive wothout the notum. But thats the way things are, and we should all make the best out of it.

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