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Thread: What to do with Failed Ring of Flying, or card 2 from alvin/dodga mission

  1. #1

    Unhappy What to do with Failed Ring of Flying, or card 2 from alvin/dodga mission

    In mission can be found now a failed ring ot flying, what is that new item, can someone fix it?, and when yes, how? (its no static mssion or npc you need to kill, its only a mission item)

    ok, i think for the only static quest in game, there are not much information out,
    i killed some bot, ok, got the item merged them together and finished mission, got card 1, waited two hours, and gave card 1 back, to get the first shoulder pad and card 2, but if i give him the card 2 back, he say he have nothing to do yet..... what now?, is that mission still incomplete?, must we wait till 14.0?
    hope not, pls if any clues exist post it
    Last edited by Tamuril; Mar 9th, 2002 at 12:11:12.
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  2. #2
    hey whats up?
    first thing u mentioned is a new item--Failed Ring of Flying--this is not a new item, as it has been in game since as far back as i can remember (been here since launch). Although i dont know what is used for---form the description it seems like something someone tried to make (like a kid making a school project). im sure it will be of some use when all trade skill get implemented, as for now its just a bit of credits.
    As for the secong thing u mentioned, i, too, have this Key II. and i have found no use for it yet, and ive asked around to people i know have it too and they are still clueless. But that is part of the fun of it...figuring it out. I mean i ve made countless numbers of chars, and only got 2 of em part lvl 50, the game just slows down by then (at least to me) now im embarking on the quest/unique item crusade.
    If anyone out there has found a use for the Key II (those who have will know what i mean, others keep looking in the forums for lues as to what i speak...good detective work will get u a decent prize)...but those who have Key II, please send a tell to Cobrastouch...u dont have to spoil it if u dont want...just gimme a clue...
    I just wanna thank anyone beforehand, and to the others that have helped me many thanks...see ya in rubi-ka..
    May u never see the business end of the reclaim booth!!

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