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Thread: multiples of SAME nano take effect at same time!!!

  1. #1

    multiples of SAME nano take effect at same time!!!

    The chain casting problem seems to be still present but it is better with latest patch. HOWEVER you have now introduced a NEW BUG.

    Just working on a mission now and in this mission, twice I have died from greens. Both times I was hit with a DOT TWICE from the same caster. I do not mean one after the other.. .I mean in my little status box, I now show TWO or THREE of the SAME dot symbols... And instead of taking 75 dam from one over and over I now get this:

    75 dam from poison
    75 dam from poison
    75 dam from poison
    you were hit for 200 points projectile damage
    75 dam from poison
    75 dam from poison
    75 dam from poison
    you were hit for 200 points projectile damage

    and so on until...

    You have died.

    No time to even heal.. Three separate icons appear in my status showing THREE separate active DOT effects from same NPC PLUS of course two different total roots at the same time.

    I just do not understand... you claim to fix one bug but introduce 4 new ones???


  2. #2
    Yeah, I have often had 3-4 exacly same slow or root nanos in effect at the same time. Happens rarely with DoTs but when it does it's bye bye for some of my characters as they simply can not heal fast enough.

    I believe I once had sets of 4 slows, 4 DoTs, 4 slows and 4 DoTs again (I took screenies of that but can't be bothered to dig them up) when I ran accross two agents in a laggy mission.

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