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Thread: Stop rearranging my backpacks!

  1. #1

    Stop rearranging my backpacks!

    The fix I was most looking forward to in the last patch was that backpack contents would no longer get rearranged. IT GOT WORSE! PLEASE BUMP THIS IF YOU ARE AS AGGRAVATED ABOUT THIS AS I AM!

  2. #2
    I probably wouldn't have used caps, but yep, I'm aggravated too

    So bump.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  3. #3

    Can I bump this twice a day? That's how frustrating it is to me.


  4. #4

    Only for some zones....

    I don't know but it seems only some zones do this.

    Sometimes it remembers my backpack arrangement, sometimes it doesn't.

    But this was promised to be fixed many many patches ago. Then promised to be fixed the patch thereafter, then promised to be fixed the patch thereafter, then, get the picture.

    sometimes happens in reclaim too. *used* to be OK....

  5. #5
    I want to know why it only seems to happen when I go into the Superior shops in Omni Trade. there some sort of anti-omni sentiment going around the office?

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Hmm. Since FC cant eradicate the container gnomes, maybe they should let em out as MOB's ?

    I would sure like to nuke some.

    And BUMP
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  8. #8
    Damn, container gnomes seems harder to eradicate than leets...

    Soon there will probably be container gnome dolls too, and people will start to speak out for gnome rights.

    (read: KILL CONTAINER GNOMES NOW! Its been WAAAAAY too long.)
    Cyrus "Othar" Peak

    "The Honored Guard, Serving with Pride, Prejudice and Patience." - Justsabi


    "My body is my Temple."

  9. #9

    Angry It's "True" :p

    If I wasn't "certifiably" crazy anyway This would Drive me to insanity. Seriously my neighbors are becoming really afraid of me. I go into fits of screaming and throwing things around because of this game. Mostly when the game crashes and deletes some of my items, or I get hit by "Insta-Death"... but it also happens when the Inventory Gnomes Strike! And that thankfully happens far more often than the other two or I would probably be serving a 20-year sentence for aggravated homicide.

    In any case they (FunCom) have said they will eliminate this... When? Well my best guess would be one of the following -
    A). When they finally employ someone who know how to write decent code.
    B). Just before they go out of business... in a last ditch attempt to sell the game rights to some other "loser company" that will then allow it to go to "hell in a hand basket".
    C). Never because they will be too busy making "gameplay ajustments"

    Maybe they should change the name of their company to "FUCom"!?!

  10. #10
    yes and it is seriously hurting my thrust in FC as a professional company, in any other client-compnay relation they would be FIRED!!
    the gnomes are still very much here. exemples
    you decide to buy a few more first aid healing kits before your old ones are spent so you go to the shop and buy them, you are in the mission adn you use all your kits from the old set so now you move the new ones to the slot where your old ones were, uppon zoning it all gets messed up.

    step one
    slot #1(lockpick) #2(ammo) #3(old kits) #4(chargers) #5(new kits)

    then you spend all your old kits and move the new ones to slot #3 so you get

    slot #1(lockpick) #2(ammo) #3(new kits) #4(chargers)

    then you zone and you get

    slot #1(lockpick) #2(ammo) #3(chargers) #4(new kits)

    and sometimes i dont know exacly when it will mess with your inventory regardless of anything.

    i want the game to save my inventory position each time i manualy rearange it (make a save key you press?) or everytime i zone save my current state do not store items by the order i pick them up!!!!!!!!!! damn your inventory programmers suck big time!!!


  11. #11
    I'm sure they will fix this just as soon as they fix the lag.


  12. #12
    You fools, don't you see, even now, I am doing this!

    In my pioneer backpack I found this special nano, "Essensce of Jumbled Inventory". I have cast it on everyone. It is so powerful that you can't even see it on your NCU! Ha!

    Do not dispair, I can fix this for you for a small price. If you see me ingame, give me 1 million credits and I will remove this hex.

    Hope to see you soon.

    PS: I am also the one who erases your mission maps when you zone.
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  13. #13
    Damn you Hobbes... I knew you had something to do with this.
    Cyrus "Othar" Peak

    "The Honored Guard, Serving with Pride, Prejudice and Patience." - Justsabi


    "My body is my Temple."

  14. #14
    Oh yeah, baby, it's all me, Want to know the kicker though, your gonna love this.

    This nano I cast is so powerful that it disrupts the normal flow of notum and this leads to, you guessed it....


    So I rearrange backpacks, erase maps and am responsible for all lag. A GM told that this was not an exploit and to keep up the good work.

    I'm kind of ticked about the token change, I'm thinking of doubling lag.
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  15. #15
    You know what Hobbes? I think FC can manage that even without your help. So with you giving a helping hand i think the two of you might even manage to quadruple the lag. How about it? You up to the challenge bud?

    Heck you might even manage to make the game unplayable.
    Cyrus "Othar" Peak

    "The Honored Guard, Serving with Pride, Prejudice and Patience." - Justsabi


    "My body is my Temple."

  16. #16
    There really is no excuse for it taking even one patch to fix. Items in your inventory and backpacks should be just like what you wear on your person armor/implants, once put in a slot it should stay there period. Could you imagin the uproar if your armor and implants magically rearranged themselves everytime you zoned??
    Taking multiple patches to get it right is just inexcusable...

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