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Thread: Creature is dead but keeps attacking

  1. #1

    Creature is dead but keeps attacking

    I have been playing for some months now and I have experienced lag on many occasions. Its part of the game but this latest incident I have been experiencing on a regular basis has never occured before until the most recent patch. I target a mob, sometimes my weapon fires once but does damage several times(like I hit seven times with one shot). The mob's hit point bar is totally depleted and my character ceases to attack and yet the creature keeps attacking and doing damage. I try to continue to attack but a message appears saying that the mob is dead unfortunately the mob is still doing damage, so far its just been an annoyance but could prove deadly. I love the game, keep up the hard work and I know that eventually this minor problem may be addressed.

  2. #2

    Has happened to me a few times?

  3. #3
    this has been happening to me since the last patch

  4. #4
    Same here....once a day....they come back for revenge
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  5. #5
    i killed a guy once and he still stood there attacking. Animation and all when I tried to nuke him/attack him i got cannot execute hostile nano, target is dead or Cannot initiate fight. Within a few seconds he healed for about 3 hps and i nuked him again. So i got the exp twice for killing the mug. Made my day. Then one time i got disconned in a mission and when i reconnected all the treasure and mobs had respawned after i had looted/killed them all so again I got all my exp twice and loot twice. Needless to say it was all worthless loot, lamps and trimmers however there was cash....lotsa cash...
    Long live the metal
    Death to OT SCUM!!
    Member of the Mercury Dragons

  6. #6

    Thumbs down boooo

    Yes this happens alot now
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

  7. #7
    Is this not happening to everyone? Can we have a poll to see what percentage of the population that this is happening to? I'll bet it's near 99%. And if that's the case, why wasn't it addressed during testing?

    Is it going to be fixed, or is it a permanent thing now that everyone just has to deal with? How the hell did AO win some award for some best game? Who wrote in an article that AO has improved? Ok, so it doesn't crash every 30 minutes anymore, but it's still so damn screwed up.

  8. #8
    i get this proplem all the time.... it sux...

  9. #9
    When I first wrote that this barely happened; it had happened to me 1 time, but since then, it has definitely increased in occurence. I don't necesarily get attacked my the mob, but I get alot of them standing up and refusing to die. The only time I used to see this was when I was at arthur's pass...the reets there would get back up, chirp like 20 times in a row and keel over. That was really fun, but this is getting less and less funny...
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  10. #10

    Angry This is just another indication.... FUCom SUXXORS!!!

    This happens to me all the time.... with almost every MOB. And Since "Chain Casting" has not been fixed. It also means that they will cast 2-3 nanos and shoot me before they die.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Client/Server sync right now is totaly screwed up...

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