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Thread: social moves with other people

  1. #1

    social moves with other people

    i think we need social moves that you can do together with people like /hug, /slowdance, /kiss, /pimpslap somthing along those lines to make the social aspect of the game more interesting.
    Riotox Solitus Martial Artist
    Riotx Solitus Soldier
    Proud member of Lifeless Immortallity

    Killin is my buisness ladies, and buisness is good -- Major Payne

  2. #2

    now this is a really cool idea

    for how many times ive wanted a /hug command
    or the /slap command to have the other person flinching after the slap its too many to count

    Yah we need more social moves for better social interaction
    its silly typing it so it comes up with playerA kisses playerB on the cheak, but both characters are stood like statues

    great idea

  3. #3
    I know people that would kill you both for a 2 person /hug emote =P

    Hell i want one to.

  4. #4
    yes...of course we want this ......meow

  5. #5


    Why am I not supprised Blade / Silke X?

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