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Thread: Where are the people ???

  1. #1

    Where are the people ???

    My friends arent online anymore , over 50 people, i see some of them maybe one time a week for saying hello then leaving.

    If i see some people then in Tir grid or Newland thats it (

    i have the feeling they expected more from the last patch and i also thing that the Amnesty end has something to do with it since we had omni and clanners as friends.

    i am playing less and less aswell since playing alone is not the goal of an online game. 20 mins per day and its over.... (

    is this game dieing ? FC what are you doing about this ?
    Last edited by Starboat; Feb 16th, 2002 at 11:58:50.

  2. #2

    yes it is dieing

    yes it is dieing

    Only the verry few are that a diehard will be here when its all fixed and nice. By then they will have alienated so much of a customer base that it will be a snow balls chance in hell of staying in the game bussiness after ao

  3. #3

    from what i seen

    there are only about 30k total names in data base.

    1. think about all who have left
    2.think about all the people who have muti names and accounts.
    3. no charcters have been deleted from player base.
    4. 16.6 was a mass exodus (same with last patch i think)

    so my guess is maybee 15k people are left (very optimistic in my mind) i mean its got to be less i have over 12 char myself

    I think at most truely there are about 5k of us that play.

    I truely wonder how many people are really working on A.O.

    I have seen a group of teenagers solve a problem much faster than funcom ever has.

  4. #4

    I came back after 4 months...

    My huge friends list had NOT ONE person EVER on at ANY time of the day EVER...

    The only people I have ever seen online are ones I have talked to since I came back.

  5. #5

    Question so...

    Did you pull these numbers out of your magic hat? People come and go, and most people make a new char when they hit 100. I have 3 toons close to the 100 mark. I dont log them on anymore, cause im on to something new. If someone had me on their friends list, they would think I left. See how it revolves?

  6. #6
    Ehrm... RK1 is filled with people. If you think the game is dieing try go to Lush, 20k or Home. You can hardly walk without stepping toes of people.

  7. #7

    Post Ahem.

    The game is dying, that is, if you want to claim that it was ever alive. And all of those people you see at those hot spots are the majority of the population, so enjoy their company.

    I know this is pretty cruel of me, but I really hope that other companies take a cue from this fiasco. MMORPGs are notorious for being buggy, complicated, complex, and extremely community-related. You do not embark on an MMORPG project of this magnitude without the proper QA, testing, and contingency plans in place. I really feel like FunCom jumped into this without a real understanding of what a game like this requires of the company behind it.

    Am I the only one that feels like FC has been reeling since day 1?

    I admire every designer, programmer, and producer behind this utter disappointment, and I respect them as human beings and creative people - but they are, unfortunately, associated with what has turned out to be a 1-dimensional, highly lopsided, repetitive horror of a game. The spirit is there in full force - I know because I can feel it - but all the 'Bladerunner' movies and William Gibson books in the world can't make this thing work for me, and a lot of other people.

    I just wish things were better and I didn't feel like typing this at 4:30 am. All is moot for me anyway, for I am one who would walk away.

  8. #8
    Yesterday i been around Tir, Athen and Newland on RK2 and i must say i seen more people than ever, alot real newbies no doubt.

    This PC Gamer review seemed to help a bit.

    only thing that really sucks is that i get Begged 50x in an hour. i even put my Yalmaha and my Nano armor into bags and hide

    Tir Grid was really crowded. Could be that most people concetrate there.

    Trading channel was also well filled with WTB/WTS

    i dont know really but some days the game has players and other the game seems to be completly empty.

    i wish it would be like yesterday all time, was real fun to Trade with people sell and buy stuff........... just a dream

  9. #9
    I hope no one else comes... The lag is f*%king insane in 20k, trade, omni... hell, any popular city I get 3000+ ping at peak hours.

    I honestly don't think funcom improved their network performance AT ALL... I think it's simply due to the huge exodus of players.

  10. #10
    I think missions are the problem. Hunting outside at high level isn't really a smart idea. Why take your Yalm twenty minutes from a cell scanner and then lose all your xp if you die. So people hunt in missions. Missions no matter how great will eventually put you to sleep, only the most obsessed powerleveler/get a lifers can keep playing above let's say 130. The solution make outdoor hunting worth it. Put cell scanners out in the frontiers. Let people have some alternatives for high level game play and they will login in again. Also will spread server lag if people start hunting in this vast world. I hunt in Broken Shores (yawn) when I am on which is hardly at all these days. Lag there is insane. How Funcom doesn't respond to something that is so obvious is really quite astonishing

  11. #11
    I hope they stop people with new accounts from starting toons on RK1, it's so full of people everywhere so it bring down the servers...

    If you don't see people just go to Tir grid, Omni Trade, Newland, Broken Shores: Home, 20k.

    RK2 maybe is dead, but RK1 is very alive, some people leave and new people come, that's how it is in all games.
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  12. #12
    All my old friends are coming back, new people are joining. It's actually quite crowded. My friends list is populated nicely.
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