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Thread: Mission mechanics??

  1. #1

    Mission mechanics??

    I have been trying to grasp the mechanics of the mission sliders. How the H*ll does this work? Most people say. Max "hard" and cash for optimal mission. Well at lvl 63 i cant do full "hard" alone anymore. I need to understand the mission settings so i can do small dunegons and get a token anyway. I played a mission for 4 hours yesterday and i really would be able to do more than one mission a day. Why is this not described in the manual??
    Plz someone help me ti understand the mechanics of mission sliders and how i set them to get the most out of a mission.

  2. #2
    Don't you mean Max " Bad" and " Cash" - this gives three pick-up missions, giving you 2 items per mission instead of the one from Item Return missions. Another downside of the item return missions is that the stuff you can sell (hanshi coats etc) tends to be what you have to return, so you end up deleting the mission to keep the item, missing a token.

    Full difficulty is a bit tricky to say the least from lev 50 or so onwards. You can always go far far away and get one near a save point close to your " home" and blitz it for big bucks.
    e.g. Broken Shores(Home) - Mort/ Perpetual Wastelands. Easier if you have a plane though. These pay about 1k per level, so I pull in about 140k for a blitz here, then sell the QL140 CPU or Coat etc, making well over a half mill for the sake of dying maybe twice.

    As for getting small missions - you have to look at where the missions are. A lot of missions in Mort and PW are small, same for Clon**** West of the Rasmussen Moss ( I think 324, xxxx), Greater Tir County NW, Southern Fouls Hills . . .

    You' ll recognize the names or coordinates once you have it in your head to check.

    Other settings - Stealth gives more locked doors, chests, traps. Chaos gives monsters more than NPCs, Hidden afects distance from the mission terminal (I think). Good/Bad influences the reasons for the missions if you read more than the coords and rewards, Head On seems to be less Nano-users, Physical seems to give more armour/ weapon rewards . .

    I have found that I can set full Bad and Full Money, then wiggle the rest to about 75% (with centre = 50%), and still get 3 Pick Ups, with a reasonable amount of chests and a good chance of beasts instead of NPCs. After that it's just a matter of waiting for the right reward in the right place.

  3. #3
    Thx, that was really usefull. One other thing; People are talking about "Token farming", whats that? Anyone out there who knows the optimal setting in missions for easy token?

  4. #4
    Token farming is terminating yourself at low level when missions are quick and easy. Boring but effective.
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  5. #5

    Post Hmm

    I was looking for a big post I made once - somehow this vanished from the boards again, strange, strange.

    Well, foolish_child said what you need to know about the settings for missions. I just want to add a little information on the mission difficulty:

    The ql of the mission reward (item) and the locate/find item (!!!) is increased/decreased(?) by the difficulty of the mission (Easy/Hard slider). For 'harder' there are the following settings available (rough sketch):

    EASY |-----------------------------------|-----|--1--|--2--|--3--|---5---|8 HARD

    1: ql= lvl*1.1; mostly feasable (depending on your level and profession)
    2: ql= lvl*1.2; tough
    3: ql= lvl*1.3; really tough
    5: ql= lvl*1.5; bring some friends
    8: ql= lvl*1.8; bring a lot of friends
    * General note. Only absolute numbers without rounding (17.6 would 17, as would be 17.2) If somebody sees exceptions to this, I would be very interested.

    The level of the inhabitants of the mission area is settled 'around' the ql of the item, thereby you can roughly estimate what you will have to expect.
    As always there is more than this to determine the difficulty of the opponents. Sometimes the main room is completely empty, sometimes packed with three reds and another time three yellows are waiting to be taken care - same diffculty setting. ???

    Just recently I had the impression, Funcom tuned the difficulty a bit up - I don't see greens in 1.3 missions any more. Just an impression.

    -> Token farming: I am neutral, so I don't know exactly. But, from what I heared, you are restricted to specific token board versions until you reached a certain level (title levels?). So it is not necessary to get more tokens than you highest board can carry. At the lower levels getting tokens is easier than later (impossibility to solve mission alone, etc.). So, it is possible to collect a large number of tokens, although you may not use them 'now' (-> Token farming).
    I don't mind, but an (easy) way out would be, that the boards accept only a limited number of title level specific tokens. A token you got at level 5 is level 1, at 17 level 2, and so on. Dunno if this is desired (by Funcom), but it would guarantee, that people don't collect 100+ tokens until level 10. Just an idea - and I am immune to flames. I don't want to take your boards away, faction players.

    So long,

    100% curious

  6. #6
    And they terminate after they completed the quest to get back fast or what?

  7. #7
    They terminate to lose any xp they earned so they can keep doing easy missions.

  8. #8
    I've heard people claim that they can make 10 tokens per hour at low levels doing missions.

    Meanwhile, at high level it takes you more like 2+ hours to complete even one mission.

    So low level players will do huge number of missions, getting 120+ tokens if they want to, and save them up till they need them. Meanwhile, I'm level 108 and I only have 61 tokens total.

    One of the many imbalances in the game Funcom has yet to pay attention to.

  9. #9
    That really sucks! Why shall we have the token system att all then? Im getting more and more pissed with the unbalance in this game.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Originally posted by foolish_child
    They terminate to lose any xp they earned so they can keep doing easy missions.
    Yep. Ultimate lameness in my opinion. But the system rewards it.

    Only consolation is that being level 5-9 during 1000+ missions must be so mind bogglingly boring its almost its own punishment.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
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