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Thread: Pets using other characters names

  1. #1

    Pets using other characters names

    I frequently see pet users name their pets after other players and (ab)use the pets to "speak" for that character...

    This can be used for harassment, and I would prefer having a name check on pets to prevent them from having a name allocated to a registered player.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  2. #2
    No to really, some people name there pets after other people in guilds...I see a Robot "Venge" sometimes

  3. #3

    You need

    something better to do...Obviously you have too much time on your hands. This is such a looooooow priority I hope they worry about it in maybe 2 years or so.
    REMEMBER !! ....... do nothing, that's how things get done around here.

  4. #4
    ...said a pet user. Nuff said
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  5. #5
    I think that it's a really good idea, especially in PvP, you can't just tab through -- you might get a pet. You actually have to LOOK at what you are killing
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  6. #6
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    Hey, that's a good idea. Decoy pets.

    But seriously, if you can't tell the difference between a pet and a person... well.... *shakes his head in disappointment*

    /me mutters under his breath "darn mecha-liberationists!"

    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  7. #7
    Maybe all pets should have another color on their names by default, so it would be easy to see
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  8. #8


    spoil my fun

    i know its annoying, but i think that there a more important things to do....
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  9. #9
    lol renaming my pets have given me and my firends a few very good laughs.
    I dont agree about using foul language and such but its a shame some people just cant take a joke.
    I bet Seid is an NT, he fits the profile!

  10. #10
    On rk 2 I have a MP named Balthizar with 3 pets
    Pheobe - combat
    Piper - healer
    Pru - mez

    So far only 1 person has figured out were they come from but its alot of fun having my 3 girls protect me

  11. #11

    Lightbulb doh

    "On rk 2 I have a MP named Balthizar with 3 pets
    Pheobe - combat
    Piper - healer
    Pru - mez

    So far only 1 person has figured out were they come from but its alot of fun having my 3 girls protect me"

    They would be your "charmed" pets then?

  12. #12
    i did a mean thing once, but it was only the one time, a long time ago, there were very few mp's with demons, i had mine in omni trade and i set it to /pet wait, near the grid. i named him something or other i forget what, it was near christmas too.

    so i started sayng like "hi playername" how are you? and i had this one guy who couldnt speak english well and had never seen a demon before, he asked what i was i said i am a GM (yes i can get in huge trouble i havent dont this since and i wont again) and that we are giving away free stuff for christmas.

    the guy started asking for a sledgehammer and stuff, i said ill do what i can. he was so excited and he beleived me.. i feel bad now but hell it's a game i can have a little fun : )

  13. #13
    ooo thx for reminding me i almost forgot you could do that
    Level 132 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 72. Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 69. Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 58. Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 41. Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.
    Level 30. Enforcer <---- press "Q" and watch tv.
    Level 29. Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....

    Quote of the week "When people complain equally about all of the classes, then the game is balanced."

  14. #14
    Originally posted by CHiK
    i did a mean thing once, but it was only the one time, a long time ago, there were very few mp's with demons, i had mine in omni trade and i set it to /pet wait, near the grid. i named him something or other i forget what, it was near christmas too.

    so i started sayng like "hi playername" how are you? and i had this one guy who couldnt speak english well and had never seen a demon before, he asked what i was i said i am a GM (yes i can get in huge trouble i havent dont this since and i wont again) and that we are giving away free stuff for christmas.

    the guy started asking for a sledgehammer and stuff, i said ill do what i can. he was so excited and he beleived me.. i feel bad now but hell it's a game i can have a little fun : )
    haha, funny as hell, the sad part is that you would probably get a warning if someone petitioned, and even more sad is that some people would probably petition for it.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Vandame
    lol renaming my pets have given me and my firends a few very good laughs.
    I dont agree about using foul language and such but its a shame some people just cant take a joke.
    I bet Seid is an NT, he fits the profile!
    Thats me ! The grumpy NT !

    I dont mind friendly pranks...just thought I'd mention the potential problem here...Isnt that what this forum is for ?
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

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