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Thread: I've been turned into a Parrot

  1. #1

    Cool I've been turned into a Parrot

    I had a funny thing happen to me. I was walking to the mission booth in Newland City when suddenly I was turned into what looked like a parrot. at first I was kind of pissed. I thought it might interfere with doing a mission. after all, how can i fight things without arms? however, i thought it was fun after a while when I realized I could fly around and stuff. I suddenly wished I could poop on peoples heads

    who has this spell? you know what class and stuff?

    btw I'm on RK2. if the person who did it reads this fess up I want to thank you.

  2. #2


    What you experienced was an Adventurer 'morph'.

    The adventurer profession has several nano formulas that 'transform' the target of the formula into another lifeform, for an hour (generally). These are non hostile nanos and can be terminated (by right clicking on the symbol) at any time.

    These morphs bring some 'modifications', speed and evade bonus in the case of the reet morph (parrot) you got hit by. There are several forms of parrots (different ql), only the highest one of them enables real flight, all other Reet morphs are 'chickens'. You run faster but can't really fly.
    Major down side of the reet morphs - you cannot fight in this form, you have to cancel the nano when you are attacked. It is supposed to be the travel morph. And you can't use it indoors - must be Rubi-Ka symptom. My pet parrots used to fly indoors exclusively .

    So long,

    100% curious

  3. #3
    I saw someone selling a hacked symbio graft that let you turn into a parrot whenever you wanted, any profession.

    Can you fly high (ie out of danger) as a parrot, or is it just hovering off the ground? Cause otherwise that's a real nice piece of equipment that I'm going to wish I bought.

    Also, I take it some Fixer hacked it. Why don't they hack and sell more useful stuff? They could make some real money there, but I never see hacked items on the shopping channel.
    "When you tread the path of the demon make sure you follow it to the end."

  4. #4

    Talking Thanks for Info

    Thanks Maximilian for the very informative response.

    I don't know who the person was, but there were several of us Reets hanging around the mission booth that day.

    it didn't seem like I could fly very high. just above poeples heads, but it was a lot faster than anyone was running. maybe I'll try an adventurer out that was fun

  5. #5
    What's your in-game name ?
    Turning random people to reets is great fun sometimes

  6. #6
    RedRazors: No, you cannot fly high with the Parrot (aka Sparrow Flight). Only the third form of Reet (Calia's Form: Parrot) lets the adventurer to fly (or if they cast it on others).

    When it comes to hacking items, you can buy a Advanced Hacker Tool, that lets you hack Pills, Blisterpacks and Nano-Charged Items (great if you find a Boosted-Graft or a Symbio-Graft item, i.e Sparrow Flight)
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  7. #7

    Second thought

    You are welcome.

    A few further comments (I play an Adv since game start).

    Before creating an adventurer consult the Adv board in the profession area. This profession is fun (what else could I say), but there is severe discussion going on at the moment. Don't know your playstyle, but there is a simple rule for Adventurer: High(er) level is !!! really !!! hard to play. You can say, from a certain level on, Adv are the weakest profession in game.

    Adv are the ones that are the least specified. This bears on one side the advantage to try several roads with one char, but with the current game settings, you do not stand long without one or more fields of excellence (damage dealing, damage taking, healing, aggro/crowd control, etc.).

    Nevertheless, Adv are real fun to start with, especially the early morphs are interesting (Reet, Leet). The morphs are meant to compensate for the lack of specialization, but as it is by now, they really need some thorough balancing, especially in higher level areas.

    And, avoid going the Pistol route as long as Funcom did not start balancing them. This is one of the major gripes Adv have. From our skill pattern, Pistols should be one of the two preferred weapon types (1he alternatively). All but one (reported) are not of any use (starts level 80-100).

    Don't get me wrong, I play Max for half a year now (see, I am a slow leveller) and I am not going to change. I still enjoy playing an Adv (level 67 - still performing - well - ok).

    So, choose wisely and enjoy playing,


    P.S. An aspect about turning people into reet that usually is neglected: Some real 'cool' high levels do this, to reduce lag in their vicinity. Reets look all the same - less load ... . Anyway, in earlier days it was reported, that when you are currently trading while morphed into reet, the trade is cancelled and all stuff is lost, well several patches ago (12.x).
    100% curious

  8. #8
    Want a cracker?
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  9. #9

    Talking Chiep

    100% curious

  10. #10

  11. #11

    I love Sparrow Flight!!!

    Not long ago I went to Tir Arena for an attempt at PVP with my newly rolled Doc(lvl 5). After a long and gruelling duel in which I barely prevailed (only because I could heal faster than my opponet could), on my way out of the Arena I was ganked (*cough*omnispy386*cough). Being honorable as I am...I retreated into the arena to await my attacker, but he wouldn't come within my range (was using some cheap ql 2 rifle I had picked up, but it had good range and crits). So there I sat for about 20 minutes, every so often attempting to exit...only to be attacked by the ganker who was still waiting for me. The bad thing is he's lvl 6, but hitting for around 100 everytime, so I get anywhere near him he hits and I didn't want to risk the second hit. Finally, I got sick of it and decided to make a run for it...just as I take off, BAM!!! I'm a reet moving like lightening!!! One of the higher lvl adv there took pity on me and gave me the means to escape. I was able to get past him with only getting hit once for around 30 and zoned the nearby general store.

    I am very greatful for that adv and his morph, but I don't even know his name. If I ever find out who he is, I'd like to buy that adv a drink. It wouldn't have been a big deal if I had died, I saved before entering the arena, but to me it was important to keep that one positive mark on my PVP record.
    Princess"Lashleigh" Tabledancer - Unit member of Nirvana


    Yes, I had my own fan club. Behold the power of spam....


  12. #12
    my ingame name at the time was Xscar. I took your advice Max and checked out the Adv. board. sounds like a lot of people aren't too happy about the state of that class right now.

    I started one anyway I don't level all that fast usually myself,( limited play time ). His name is Ranger59 He's an Omni. my other guy is neutral.

    i did have one question that I have been wondering about. what does the skill Adventuring do?


    ranger59 RK2

  13. #13
    The skill Adventuring enables u to wear backpacks & take less fall damage, but u dont need to raise it to use the backpacks.. well i dont, perhaps its a bug?

  14. #14

  15. #15

    Post Yes and No's

    -> Bacarella: principally right, I just want to add some info.

    - You need a definite amount of Adventuring skill to 'wear' it. Means, to put it in your 'back' slot. Everybody can put a backpack into his/her inventory and use it (extra space, I have at minimum 4 backpacks simultaneously in my inv).
    - In earlier days backpacks had different capacities (small -> medium -> large), concerning both slots and weight. This didn't work properly (weight limit). The description is still there, but at the moment there is no difference between the backpacks. So buy only small ones. This will change in the future, when they bring back the weight system (there was a trial recently, but was stopped again)
    - There is a new set of large backpacks with tiny symbols. These have two purposes. First, they are easier to differentiate(ordering your stuff - in which of those 20 bags in my bank account was that new gun ... ) and second, they give boni. Check out the description.
    - The modifier comes into effect only when the backpack is 'worn' in the back slot -> Adventuring skill. Another effect is, that when a backpack is worn, the things in there stay with you when you die (at least this was stated). So you don't have to go to reclaim for that stuff - one should test this with the new PvP rule changes that might (hopefully not) come up.

    That much about backpacks.

    Personal comment: The modifiers from the backpacks are rather low compared to the ~200 Adventuring skill you need to invest to get them. Besides the Adventurer (skill is green, cheapest) almost nobody is regarding this investment as considerable, even among us a lot of people won't invest it.

    A function of Adventuring that is mostly neglected is the fact, that you can 'climb' better. Means the angle for climbing up hills and cliffs is larger. Everybody can climb up any hill (zick zack jumping approach) but with a higher Adv skill you are supposed to go up more face on -> faster. I haven't done intensive testing on this, but in some areas (Perpetual Wastelands, Mort) I assume that my 160 Adventuring saved my butt because I was uphill much faster than this nasty deep red Mantis. Arguable, but should be mentioned.

    Enough morning lecture, hope this helps

    So long,


    P.S. Maximilian is mostly to be found in Newland and Borealis (neutral; RK1)
    100% curious

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