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Thread: Unfair NT breed specific bonus items and the Island Of Jobe......

  1. #1

    Unfair NT breed specific bonus items and the Island Of Jobe......

    I'm not gonna start boring anyone to death listing other NT issues but I've gotten a bit nervous about this whole Jobe thing and whatnot and thought I'd air this opinion regarding items like Shades of Lucubration and Dr Jones Vest etc.

    Basically I think that it's unfair that items like these should be breed specific. Now hold the flames back there for a minute and listen. A lot of NT's are playing re-rolls after realising the nanomage breed was next to useless. Hell I've been playing since day 1 and my main character is only 107 because I had to re-roll both my previous attempts at NT's due to nerfs and realising that Nanomage is NOT the best breed to use for a caster. So, basically we are getting penalised for playing smart and I don't think that's fair. Solitus, Opifex & Atrox are already being penalised with blue/dark blue intelligence & psychic and a nano mage has us aced in that respect already without giving them +30. How about giving the other breeds (those that want more than 200 health at level 100) something similar? Ok maybe drop the bonus to +20 or something but for gawds sake help us out (and don't talk to me about the pistols and stuff in game with stat boosts, I don't have enough i.p. to go round as it is).

    ..........and what's this about Jobe? Assuming the playfield ever gets opened up anytime other than the last 5 minutes before the servers are shut down forever, why make it nanomage only? It's supposed to be for the NT profession so FC can buggeroff if they think I'm not getting my Opifex ass past the front door. I'll nuke a hole in the damn wall to get in if I have to.

    Thoughts, flames, outright derision on a postcard plz........

    ps Not posted on NT forum due to the fact no-one FC knows where that is apparently.
    NT's are Gods. No really we are. What are you lot laughing at???

    Level 220 Clan NT. Proud member of JVC

    My equipment

  2. #2
    There are tons of other Breed specific items out there. Heck why should it even matter, you can get into armor we cant so why would you need the glasses anyways????

    Then you say nanos suck anyways. Yet they dont deserve any bonuses for how much they suck to make up for it.

    So if you are so much better as an Opi you shouldnt need the glasses or vest which are the only breed specific items i have seen for Nanos.

    Anyways that just my thoughts on it all.

    Jobe never said it was nanomage only. Jobe was a floating islnad that NTs moved to because of their dislike for the omni government. The omnis didnt need any more enemies so they let the NTs go there in peace.

  3. #3
    Yeah I can equip other armour types but why would I want to? That means swapping out nanocluster so I can boost the dependent stats to the same sort of reasonable levels I can get with int/psy. Tell me why I'd foresake the +mc etc nanoskill dependent stat bonus and the slightly better nanopool I'd get from implanting these two abilities to equip armour with only slightly better AC?

    What I'm saying is that nanomage gets green int/psy anyway so as a result of that they are better off on a comparable level basis to another breed that has also maxed those two skills. They'll have more of both and therefore better ability to equip nano armour and better nano skills as well.

    Why would we want these glasses for instance? Hello? You're level what? Two reasons - Last Word & Kel's. No breed other than nano will be able to cast these formulas self-equipped and buffed at maxed skill level. What other professions are unable to use their best (debatable in this case) 2 nano's in the game just because they chose a different breed?

    Maybe I'm missing some ultra-fine point here, feel free to educate me. Besides, I suggested we be allowed to equip a lesser version with less of a stat boost as opposed to not being able to equip them at all.
    NT's are Gods. No really we are. What are you lot laughing at???

    Level 220 Clan NT. Proud member of JVC

    My equipment

  4. #4
    Green in stats is NOT the same as green in Skills. All Stats can be raised by 3 every level until breed cap. So if you have you int and psy maxxed then you have pretty much the same as I do besides the +6 we get to start with.

    Everyone has implants only used for equiping things. Heck swap out those implants for 15 minutes to equip all the armor you want. Well that is unless you took part in the treatment exploits and couldnt possibly swap them out.

    As for other professions not able to cast their highest??? Umm engineer is one i can think of off the top of my head. I only have real experience in 3 classes so cant comment on the other classes. BTW Kels and Lastword suck. Thats not to mention you will have 1500 more hitpoints than me at my level.

    Not to mention these arent meant to be NT specific items. They are for nanomages to give them a boost. Since they suck so hard as you would put it.

  5. #5


    Originally posted by NikkiDial
    ....Jobe was a floating islnad that NTs moved to...
    Hehe, "islnad"... hehehe
    I just thought that was too good..

    /wipes a tear from her eye..

    Aww hell..
    Level 80 Clan Agent

    - Assembler Research Group, Inc. (MIA)
    Head of Covert Ops

  6. #6

    Lightbulb sigh...

    you break your own case Kopo...

    There are a ton of breed and class only items. Just happens the Int and nano ones are nanomages go figure. Want a str/sta only item? Play a atrox. So they got something right for a change and you complain?

    Seems to make sense to me. Nanomages are casters and use int/psy related skills and armor.

    There are still tons of non breed based items out there to raise int/psy. OT Jess pistols pop to mind right off the bat.

    You state that your playing smart by playing a non nanomage breed NT correct? So you admit that the nanomage needed a hand up to level the playing field then yes? Well consider this it.
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

  7. #7
    I wouldn't choose nanomage breed for any class except one that depends only on pets for more or less its entire offensive output (who would thus hopefully not need to take hits themselves) with or without snazzy nanomage only glasses.

    It does kind of concern me that they would use special items from unique NPCs that most people have little chance of obtaining or killing to "balance" the breeds though.

  8. #8
    There are only two decent breed items out there and the rest is utterly useless, those two items are the vest and the shades.
    The other items are so bad, that everyone immediately forgot about them after seeing the laughable stats.

    If you make any nano based profession now, you would be dumb not to make a nanomage breed.

    Unfortunately there was never any announcement for breed specific items, so when I made my Meta, I went with my months old experiences with the game, which told everyone that nanobreed sucks and created a solitus for the looks.

    Now at title cap 161, I am stuck with the krutt special as I need the 24 int bonus, to cast my best stuff, have to wear nelebs robe till 192 or cast proficiency all the times. My nanoprogramming is just 40 short of 1000...the vest is THE item at higher levels to get the edge you need. No engineer will ever selfcast a slayer without them before maybe level 195.

    And no, a support beam doesn't help a nano based class, to cast their spells.

    So, Nikki, just shut up about other breed items, ok ? They suck, the nanobreed items are the most important and best items in the game for casters, period.
    Last edited by Greystar; Feb 18th, 2002 at 11:21:38.
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  9. #9
    Originally posted by ImaGideon
    If you make any nano based profession now, you would be dumb not to make a nanomage breed.

    Bah!!, This is soo wrong, I am nano breed, got the vest, and I would much rather be solitus, then atrox, then nano breed then opifex, I am NT.
    NT phone HOME!!

  10. #10
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    "I want all that is uber"

    Oops, wrong thread? Ugh, could have thought.... .... ...

    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  11. #11
    Originally posted by ImaGideon
    There are only two decent breed items out there and the rest is utterly useless, those two items are the vest and the shades.
    The other items are so bad, that everyone immediately forgot about them after seeing the laughable stats.

    If you make any nano based profession now, you would be dumb not to make a nanomage breed.

    Unfortunately there was never any announcement for breed specific items, so when I made my Meta, I went with my months old experiences with the game, which told everyone that nanobreed sucks and created a solitus for the looks.

    Now at title cap 161, I am stuck with the krutt special as I need the 24 int bonus, to cast my best stuff, have to wear nelebs robe till 192 or cast proficiency all the times. My nanoprogramming is just 40 short of 1000...the vest is THE item at higher levels to get the edge you need. No engineer will ever selfcast a slayer without them before maybe level 195.

    And no, a support beam doesn't help a nano based class, to cast their spells.

    So, Nikki, just shut up about other breed items, ok ? They suck, the nanobreed items are the most important and best items in the game for casters, period.
    Let me see if I got your point. Nano mages, who where suppose to be the breed of choice for nanobased professions, suck, so you chose another breed. And now you're pissed because you think they might be the best breed for nano based professions afterall.

    Have I missed anything so far ?

    So what you're essensialy saying is that it's unfair that FC should balance the nanomage.. because your not playing one?

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Transcendent

    So what you're essensialy saying is that it's unfair that FC should balance the nanomage.. because your not playing one?
    I am pissed about the way they did it, that's for sure, I waited 4 months before making my second main character, I put in the whole experience I got with AO into that character, and then FC screws me again without any warning after making my Fixer Opifex as they suggested when I started AO in the first week, which is still the suckiest breed, even nanomage is better for fixers now with their dark blue nano skills+vest, and there are really BAD breed items for Opifex, not helpful in any way.

    Screwed twice so to speak...

    And for Garzu, no idea about NTs, maybe there are no good high level spells, but for Meta, Engineer and Crat or if you want to do nano programming jobs, you better chose nano breed.
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

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