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Thread: Skill caps

  1. #1

    Question Skill caps

    I'm a fairly new player, and I've noticed a couple of different skill caps present in the game. One kicks in when you try to raise a skill over your base attributes by a certain amount. The other is a maximum cap based on your title level. I'm rather curious as to the numbers behind these caps, but I haven't been able to find any information about it. Anybody know how this works or knows of someplace where I could find out?

  2. #2
    1. There are breed attribute caps (from manual).
    2. Each skill can be raised 3-5 pts per level it will tell you the amount when you try to raise it.
    3. Title levels are at 15,50,100,150, 190.

    Hope that helps alittle.

  3. #3

    Exclamation skills

    You have title caps 15, 50, 100, and so on. what happens is you have a certin amount of skills that you can raise each title when you max it then you can ether save ips for when you get past the title cap or raise other skills. this is to keep you from overlooking other skills that might help you.

    the msg about base abilitys, well your primary skills are reflected by base skills exp:

    your nano kills are reflected by intellgence so you have to so smart so to say in order understand more complex nano's, but a good point to increase intell is every 4 points intell goes up all your nano skills go up 1 point same goes for other skills.

    A good guid that explains how the skill tree works is the stradgey guid, you can buy it at software stores for about $20, but it really dosent help with anything else considering they have changed so much in the game since it was released.

    P.S excuse spelling I'm to lazy to use spell check today.
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  4. #4
    Thanks for the input, but that's not quite what I had in mind. I know the attribute caps and the 3-5 points per level. I also know what the actual title levels are. Let me use my character as an example and see if I can explain what I'm after a little better...

    I'm a level 14 NT. All of my nano skills are green, right? I've got one title capped at 73 and another title capped at 72. The only difference I can see is that the lower one is based on strength, which is really low. This makes me think that the cap is actually on how many IP you can pump into something between title levels.

    I'm mostly just wonering if anybody has figure out those title cap numbers. Do the increase exponentially with each title level? Do they change depending on how easy a skill is to raise? That kind of thing.

    Talk about not spell checking...

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Skaed
    Thanks for the input, but that's not quite what I had in mind. I know the attribute caps and the 3-5 points per level. I also know what the actual title levels are. Let me use my character as an example and see if I can explain what I'm after a little better...

    I'm a level 14 NT. All of my nano skills are green, right? I've got one title capped at 73 and another title capped at 72. The only difference I can see is that the lower one is based on strength, which is really low. This makes me think that the cap is actually on how many IP you can pump into something between title levels.

    I'm mostly just wonering if anybody has figure out those title cap numbers. Do the increase exponentially with each title level? Do they change depending on how easy a skill is to raise? That kind of thing.

    Talk about not spell checking...
    Ah..well if want to know "what number your skills cap at per title level" I can't help ya

    In general if you max a skill every level you will reach the title cap for that skill at level 13ish, 44ish, 85ish, 135ish?, and 170ish?. Least that's how my soldier has run with RE and AR. Maxed every level and reached title cap at about those levels.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Meligant

    Ah..well if want to know "what number your skills cap at per title level" I can't help ya

    In general if you max a skill every level you will reach the title cap for that skill at level 13ish, 44ish, 85ish, 135ish?, and 170ish?. Least that's how my soldier has run with RE and AR. Maxed every level and reached title cap at about those levels.
    Thanks for the info.

  7. #7
    U will reach the titlecap on your green skills first. Even if u raise both the blue skill and the green skill to max each lvl

    On my main char i reached titlecap at lvl 12, 41, 81, and i know i will reach it at lvl 125 (although i am not there yet).

    This is for the green skills, but even though i maxxed my blue skills too, they didnt reach titlecap until later, and much closer to the actual titlechange

    Hope this helps a little

  8. #8
    The Colour of a skill is NOT an absolute, it is a range of skill increament modifers.

    Skills cap at Title (And Unfrezze at 15, 50, 100, 150, 190)

    Abilities/Stats cap based on Breed (Around Level 156 For Solitus)

    Nano Pool and Body Developement cap based on profession.

    Skills cap based on abilities

    Skills cap based on profession
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  9. #9
    Originally posted by Meligant

    Ah..well if want to know "what number your skills cap at per title level" I can't help ya

    In general if you max a skill every level you will reach the title cap for that skill at level 13ish, 44ish, 85ish, 135ish?, and 170ish?. Least that's how my soldier has run with RE and AR. Maxed every level and reached title cap at about those levels.
    the last title caps are at 125,162 and 194 (not 100% sure of last)

    This is for green skills
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  10. #10
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon

    the last title caps are at 125,162 and 194 (not 100% sure of last)

    This is for green skills
    These are profession dependant, some professions skills are 'greener' than others (Traders for example cap at a few levels higher even though they get 5/lv).
    Ye Olde and Original Founding is BACK !

    Australian Timezone - RK1

  11. #11
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    My guess is the title limit is actually based on IP. That is, you can only put in X amount for that level. That's probably the reason why everyone's is slightly different as we all have a different staring ip cost for each breed/prof combination. Is this info useful? No. not really, unless you know accurately how ip cost increases.

    Slotine Zembower
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  12. #12
    Originally posted by Tappert
    My guess is the title limit is actually based on IP. That is, you can only put in X amount for that level. That's probably the reason why everyone's is slightly different as we all have a different staring ip cost for each breed/prof combination. Is this info useful? No. not really, unless you know accurately how ip cost increases.
    That's kinda what I was thinking, too. I personally don't care much about it one way or the other, but a friend of mine is thinking about playing, and he's basically a number cruncher from hell, so I offered to start a thread for him to try and get more info about it.

    Thanks, everyone, for the answers, btw.

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