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Thread: RECAP!! Input would be greatly appreciated. Cz 15 topics!

  1. #1

    Red face RECAP!! Input would be greatly appreciated. Cz 15 topics!

    1) Tank armor is stupid! I want out of my Dress (primus coat) and back into a USEFUL tank armor. Add some modifiers like for damage/more AC/Hp buffs/maybe even a deflection or something.

    2) For the love of god do something for Fixers and MA's. They whine 24/7 and even have time to make up lyrics for their sorrow. According to this patch seems like some stuff is being worked on, so hold your whining plz.

    3) I like the idea of more trade-skill specific items. Add some really cool weapons that arent real easy to get. When was the last time you saw a Nova Flow soldier and a Beam/hammer enforcer...OH wait thats all you see basically. =(

    4) Team missions going to work before the 4 year story is up? Duping keys is time consuming/and inventory slot problems.

    5) Add some damn different ammo amounts. 400 clicks for 10k ammo is pathetic. Give my hand a rest! yea so that means 800 clicks for 20k ammo =(

    6) I do remember sometime ago a mention of increasing the level cap to 300 and adding more high level areas. Was this scrapped? Or possible for the future?

    7) When the hell is healing going to be cut in half like our damage is in PVP. Seems only fair!

    8) Any time frame on Server portals and IP reset? We know that the server change (some see it is a dupe atm) is possible. Gathering a team on RK1 and going to hunt on rk2 =) sounds like some lag issue help.

    9) Maybe add a penalty to XP or damage debuffs to teams that mix clanners/omnis. Sounds only fair as the game is suppose to be Omni at war with the clanners (and according to the book so i hear some foreign monsters).

    10) Guild houses. i heard this is possible for summer? So we can store all that good loot for other members. Having terminals to store it for each type of item would be so cool. Hell the guild leader could even put an amount to charge for the use of the item. Then when the person brings it back they get half back or something. Sounds like a cool idea. just a thought....

    11) Item overequpping.....are penalties going to be really added to this? Sounds unfair. Only people who do this are people who have put time into the game and can use their resources to "uber" up. It isnt like they spend 1 minute to be super powerful. Takes many hours to days to do this. It is allowed by the game and people should quit whining. Once again this is my opinion. AND YOURS DOESNT COUNT...haha j/k

    12) As for the would be kinda cool to show a trophy in chat .. You have massacred Garv and made him lose 10 million xp--CONGRATS! haha just a thought again

    13) All these worthless rings that talk about Rubi Ka and stuff, maybe if you wear them they would be a symbol to merchants that you are of high status with Omni and you should get more money for items you sell =)

    14) Add some new damage type mobs in missions. Melee, Imp/Proj/ and chemical damage is about all I see. Maybe i have missed something? So basically you only need to worry about those 3 AC types....which seems kinda pointless. Yea a few mobs do radiation damage and i know of one that does cold damage. But fire/disease-poison/and the others....

    15) New armor. Would be nice to see some new variety and styles. Maybe females in elite get a big pink flower on their back--lol. More defination for the different types of players. I don't know, but level 50's looking like level 200's is kinda silly. Be nice to look different as you level up. So i guess im asking for level specific armor. Especially armor 150 and up. New kinds that the high level players are looking different and stand out in show their achievements.

    well this was all i could think of for now, im sure ill have more later...plz send your replies id love to hear em! i know what im talking about a little... Characters @ rk2 ( 164 Soldier/104 Doctor/93 NT/54 Engi/42 MA) Characters @ rk1 ( 106 agent/81 enforcer)

  2. #2

    Re: RECAP!! Input would be greatly appreciated. Cz 15 topics!

    Originally posted by Armycastaway
    1) Tank armor is stupid! I want out of my Dress (primus coat) and back into a USEFUL tank armor. Add some modifiers like for damage/more AC/Hp buffs/maybe even a deflection or something.

    Why not just remove the penalties? If the coat doesn't have penalties, why should tank?

    2) For the love of god do something for Fixers and MA's. They whine 24/7 and even have time to make up lyrics for their sorrow. According to this patch seems like some stuff is being worked on, so hold your whining plz.

    Fixers are being addressed...MAs? Not sure...

    3) I like the idea of more trade-skill specific items. Add some really cool weapons that arent real easy to get. When was the last time you saw a Nova Flow soldier and a Beam/hammer enforcer...OH wait thats all you see basically. =(

    Only high dmg weapons are worth anything. Thats because of
    the stupid way armor works. There are WAY more guns in AO than most MMORPGs, but only a few are 'usefull'

    4) Team missions going to work before the 4 year story is up? Duping keys is time consuming/and inventory slot problems.


    5) Add some damn different ammo amounts. 400 clicks for 10k ammo is pathetic. Give my hand a rest! yea so that means 800 clicks for 20k ammo =(

    It's been suggested that higher QL stores should sell larger stacks. As in 25 in noob stores, 100 in mid lvl, 1000 in high lvl.

    6) I do remember sometime ago a mention of increasing the level cap to 300 and adding more high level areas. Was this scrapped? Or possible for the future?

    There is not NEARLY enough content for 1-200. Considering that it will probably take as much to get from 200-300 as it did to get to 200, double the content is needed. Thats WAY more than can be asked for.

    7) When the hell is healing going to be cut in half like our damage is in PVP. Seems only fair!

    Hopefully PvP just chokes and dies.

    8) Any time frame on Server portals and IP reset? We know that the server change (some see it is a dupe atm) is possible. Gathering a team on RK1 and going to hunt on rk2 =) sounds like some lag issue help.

    Honestly? I think never.

    9) Maybe add a penalty to XP or damage debuffs to teams that mix clanners/omnis. Sounds only fair as the game is suppose to be Omni at war with the clanners (and according to the book so i hear some foreign monsters).

    Hell no! As if it's not hard enough to get a team as is. Thats plain stupid!

    10) Guild houses. i heard this is possible for summer? So we can store all that good loot for other members. Having terminals to store it for each type of item would be so cool. Hell the guild leader could even put an amount to charge for the use of the item. Then when the person brings it back they get half back or something. Sounds like a cool idea. just a thought....

    Hahah. I've heared it possible for release etc...unlikley at best.

    11) Item overequpping.....are penalties going to be really added to this? Sounds unfair. Only people who do this are people who have put time into the game and can use their resources to "uber" up. It isnt like they spend 1 minute to be super powerful. Takes many hours to days to do this. It is allowed by the game and people should quit whining. Once again this is my opinion. AND YOURS DOESNT COUNT...haha j/k

    Item overquipping has been a major issue always. Fact. A lvl 100 in all QL 100 gear can NOT take a green mob regardless of class. Fact a lvl 100 in QL 120 gear STILL cannot take a green mob. Is overequiping all skill based? Then it'll still be just as bad and will just affect the wrangles wich is plain STUPID.

    12) As for the would be kinda cool to show a trophy in chat .. You have massacred Garv and made him lose 10 million xp--CONGRATS! haha just a thought again

    Yeah. I love that idea. How about a BIG sign pops about your head " I just griefed a newbie 80 lvls lower than me after he came out of a mission with 20% of his HP. I ROXXOR!"

    13) All these worthless rings that talk about Rubi Ka and stuff, maybe if you wear them they would be a symbol to merchants that you are of high status with Omni and you should get more money for items you sell =)

    How about more rings that you can't 'unwear'? Those are GGgggreat!

    14) Add some new damage type mobs in missions. Melee, Imp/Proj/ and chemical damage is about all I see. Maybe i have missed something? So basically you only need to worry about those 3 AC types....which seems kinda pointless. Yea a few mobs do radiation damage and i know of one that does cold damage. But fire/disease-poison/and the others....

    Lots do chemical and fire if you look long enough. And DAMN it hurts

    15) New armor. Would be nice to see some new variety and styles. Maybe females in elite get a big pink flower on their back--lol. More defination for the different types of players. I don't know, but level 50's looking like level 200's is kinda silly. Be nice to look different as you level up. So i guess im asking for level specific armor. Especially armor 150 and up. New kinds that the high level players are looking different and stand out in show their achievements.

    I fully agree there. I want some armor with LEVEL requiremnts. title...whatever...

    well this was all i could think of for now, im sure ill have more later...plz send your replies id love to hear em! i know what im talking about a little... Characters @ rk2 ( 164 Soldier/104 Doctor/93 NT/54 Engi/42 MA) Characters @ rk1 ( 106 agent/81 enforcer)
    I miss LadyE.

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