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Thread: AGENTS or WHAT

  1. #1

    Exclamation AGENTS or WHAT

    there has been allot of talking about sneaking... and some whining about making it to good..

    hmm engineers only need an extream powerfull bot to become god in missions.. others have extreamly good weapons thruogh all the leveling.. and the people that has extream good nanos who can practicly kill everything in combination of healing nanos and skill with an easy spending of xp... MA who kick as without weapons... am I missing something here

    we are agents.. sneak is not the only thing agents are good at, in fact sneak is more of a thief skill eaven though we are good at it as well (as we also do theving proffesions in matters of getting information and so)... but I do agree... make it more usefull.

    We have another grean skill . . . psycology .. now what in earth do we get out from that . . . nada .. comon this could be a very cool skill.. which could be used both as primary and as heavy dependencies to skills... psycology is in use everywhere. look at agents movies and do it tons cause you need more fantasy here... look at nikita, bond and movies with silent killers and assasins and look in movies like madmax just for the game overall, look in real RPG and get ideas from there.. computer should be something we are good at... hacking, dodging, dissapearing, assasin and infilltrating.

    We are agents ... the ones that do the dirty work for our goverments/clans, I can hardly imagine that an agent would be runing like a pig just to save his as from something pathetic... we should be able to take out bad guys.. "like omni people".. and we are the cool guys that gets athourity to missions where people are getting busted (everything doesent have to be killed you know "exept omni people") look at hitman and other games to get an idea.. we should be good in gadgets like clusters to create our own special targeting stuff and more... mean we are the ones who are having the latest technology after all(suposed to anyway).

    We do not need to be good in multi people/monsters wars/batles caus thats not our thing "exept when it comes to omni people", we could be of great help in a group but we should not be so lame that we need to sneak around like some scared rat all the time. I hope fore your own sake that you dont look at this as loosing time for the game in developing... ( YOU NEED TO GIVE DIFFERENT PROFESSION ITS NEEDED ROOM) trust me, you gonna win on it in the long run.. so there is thousends of things you can do and one thing to eas things up is to move the xp focus away from killing a bit when it comes to some proffesions.. cause all proffesions dosnt have it as its main task in life... like agents, they are in action allot but their main purpos is not to be rambo.. start to spread out the focus of xp so that you can get it in other fields as well (and now I mean equaly, not just for lockpicking some chest). But what do we get.. chemestry.. baaah.. and what is that one good fore.. ho ho, wake up.. what have you guys been thinking!!!

    and do we have any special gadgets that only we can use like the others like bot and droid and pet stuff, well we can shrink in size that helps us in a skill that you anyway wont do any good for us to use... yeah thats balance...


    give us gadgets and real agent nanos and make us the right stuff... make the diffrent proffesions need eachother.. I dont realy see why and how the could or should compet with eachother... mean since rambo is not the style for an agent then ofcourse a soldier should be better in war and batteling... and a nano mage should be better in nano technologies dont do the same mistake as everyone else save this game before its to lat .. it has such a great potential and could be perfect.... its good allready.. and give more matters to the game like clean water or gasselin or minerals that are allso wery important fore life in rubi ka. put in some land speeders and viechals you actually can sit on riding like bikes.. and ad some cool mechanich skills to that.... open up your eyes again look at it from all perspectives.


    Your Zmea

    /sorry for my bad spelling/
    Last edited by Zmeagol; Feb 8th, 2002 at 15:02:41.

  2. #2


    Wow you go over lots of things. Yes I think Sneak should not be the only "good" thing we get.

    At the same I think some of the classes you mentioned still have their own problems.

    The only things I can really tell FC to do or think about are things like; Try to imagine the Agent as the perfect 1v1 type character with ranged... and may be a MA as the perfect 1v1 melee. Soldiers and enofrcers vice versa.... NTs...MPs...eng...crats... well I dunno heh... Have a friend that palys the Eng he loves em but I think he diies a lot in 1v1.

    May be with agents there should be a higher chance to crit. Also Aimed shot should always work work no matter if you are fighting. One thing that would help Agents is a better system with the False Professions. KEEP the negs to nanos and such but dump the idea that you cannot get rid of the profession. No matter to someone who has all day to cast false profession MP and cast the heal pet then wait the whooole time for it to go away... Do MP heal pets leave after a while? Its about the only class worth false prof into in combat situations.

    I would love to hear some reasonable ideas you may have. Our fix is actually comming next! Wahoo! something to be real happy about IMHO.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Agreed, the agent class needs to be helped out.

    Concealment really needs fixed. And fixed properly, not just a quick tweak.

    As for Psychology, I believe that Agents should have access to a few 'charm' type nanos, like Crats' do. Being an agent is as much about convincing your opponent you aren't an opponent as it is being sneaky and hidden. These nanos might not be as good as the Crat' ones, but useful nonetheless.

    My final suggestion: A set of items in the store, namely SILENCERS. AimedShot is great, and so is concealment, but anyone who hears the report of a big rifle in a mission room is gonna come running, no matter HOW good your concealment is. Silencers would prevent (or greatly lessen the chance for) other mobs from noticing the combat (the one you shot would obviously notice )

    If FC would do some of this, and de-nerf the ranged attack stuff....agents would be quite useful again.
    • Lvl48 Agent on RK1
    • 3D Graphics Programmer IRL
    • FORMER Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Programmer & Platform Manager (ERDAS, Inc.)

  4. #4
    Cant seem to see the the flaw with agents, ok i agree on sneak but they cant make it to easy either, there has to be some difficulty, my main is a crat and he has a lot of difficulties and i have an agent that at lvl 65 had a ql 184 rifle and full set of 125 implants without using a treatment exploit.

    Agents have to face that they cant be huge dmg-dealers, great at sneaking missions and be totally the best on buffing thanks to the use of every nano in the game.

    And i know agents that still can do ql 200 missions without being detected.

  5. #5

    Wink Well thats not the isue here to make them Rambo...

    Originally posted by Whites
    Cant seem to see the the flaw with agents, ok i agree on sneak but they cant make it to easy either, there has to be some difficulty, my main is a crat and he has a lot of difficulties and i have an agent that at lvl 65 had a ql 184 rifle and full set of 125 implants without using a treatment exploit.

    Agents have to face that they cant be huge dmg-dealers, great at sneaking missions and be totally the best on buffing thanks to the use of every nano in the game.

    And i know agents that still can do ql 200 missions without being detected.
    They shouldnt become rambo ...

    they should use their smothness and solve their problems a more sophisticated way... like agents normaly do... and there should be an encurigement for solving problems without violence in form of high xp as well.. so you dont have to become this uber Rambo ..

    BTW the nanos for agent right now are werry strangly made.. mean almost all nano skills are are dark blue.. and the nano formulas for agents are regulary quit bad compared to the others... wich means that we have to spend more xp to get a bad nano formula... shouldnt it be so that the better it is the more you need to spend... (if the answer is agent shouldnt use nano ..PLEASE give me a break.. then why do we have agent spesific nano formulas).

    !!! please read the post more carfully before responding. !!!

    Your Zmea

  6. #6
    Sorry, I have a 69 agent and I've sneaked ql 168 missions 3 for 5. My completion rate for ql 123 missions (max I can generate). is close to 90% now. If anything conceal needs to be downgraded, because *it is very damn good*. Possibly for missions that are harder than ql 168 this is not the case, but in my direct experience, at lower difficulties it works stupidly well. Espcially since the swim-depth water has been removed, about the only thing that made sneaking in missions hard at all.

  7. #7
    Im not talking about agent nanos here im talking about all other proffesions nanos.

    I think its really good how you can deprive ransack on a ql 200 rifle quite early, use maestro nanos for a high lvl low light targeting scope and then go fight with your MP healpet only to mention a few great things about agents.

    thats why agent isnt so bad its all about choices but nowadays everyone creates their char after a generic template that is said to be best, nothing wrong in that though.

  8. #8




    READ THE POST ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  9. #9


    May I ask how exactly you are getting these 168 missions. Ya see my agent is 69 as well and I cant even roll close to that.

  10. #10
    Yes, agents shouldnt be a Rambo... But funcom openly states what only way to gain exp at resonable rate is killing. So we must be able to kill thing as well. Right now its not the case. In terms of PVE agents are weakest class unless they use pets...
    Agents dmg probably worst of all classes after lvl 100 unless they use shotguns...
    Also agent have a least amount of nanoformulas... There are only like 25 nanos above ql 125 for agents, and half of them mimic prof nanos... Other profs gets at least 40-50 nanos... So only way to play agent is to use FP, but then Funcom so badly nerfed this line that it isnt even funny.

  11. #11
    Skia: A level 94 MA, Icemine, rolled the missions for me, grouped with me, and waited at the entrance while I sneaked them. I brought back the target item, gave it to her, she dropped it and picked it up and the missions completed.

    Incidentally I just got done sneaking a ql 178 mission (another player wanted a six slot belt) - my agent is now 69. Incidentally done with NO CLOAKING DEVICE (they seem to be busted since the patch). Think I'm lying? Come watch me do it.

  12. #12
    Zmeagol, maybe you forgot what you wrote before you started your next effort of smacking keys at random:
    //conceal... make it more usefull.

    Holy crap, HOW USEFUL do you want it to be??

  13. #13


    I could seriously CARE less about sneak.... I want something that make up for these facts.....

    Here is a root! w00t ... crap you debuffed and out of it... Agent at melee with melee characters..well in my experience that means Agent dead.

    Plain and simple people can tweak a guy to use a pistol that can hit for 350 regular shot... and I can tell you there is not a rifle/aimmed shot that does that at my level within 100 levels(I am 40).

    The fact is there are too many guns that people use just for the massive crits and it makes our stigma look like crap.

    I cant wait till I can finally use the MP heal pet that might help.

    I say make more better rifles.... Agent type armor...Then again only other class I played really... was a soldier..Engineer...and an MP.

    On a general note how about making skills mean more instead of reseting IPs and un-equiping everyone.

    This is my experience so far... I will update as I go.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Whites
    And i know agents that still can do ql 200 missions without being detected.
    I am a 127 Agent with Conceal Maxed. I have implants for conceal and I can buff Ruse 2.

    Unbuffed my conceal is 890ish.
    Ruse2 buffs 400
    Gen conceal buff is 20
    Leet form is 200
    and cloaker is QL 193 (i think adds about 360 to conceal)
    My aggro is turned all the way down.

    Why do I get detected in a QL 136 mission? I tried sneaking a 136 last night, and 4 attempts got detected in the first room.

    Who do you know that can sneak a QL 200 and what am I doing wrong.

    I don't sneak that much because i have hardley ever had success at it. The only reason I pump that stupid skill is to pull off Aimed Shots, which I usually pull aggro when I do that, because I have to do it at that begining of the fight in order to do any real damage. Fix Aimed Shot so you can use it whenever or give us another attack that hits hard and does not require you being in sneak mod. If my aimed shot is dependant on Conceal, then the damn thing should max crit for 80% of the time. The way the Aimed Shot is presented (need to be sneaking and undetected to use it) means that the mob has no clue this shot is coming... which means it should deal critical damage much much more often than it does.

    Make aimed shot the way it sounds... Make it take a bit longer, but have the damage be higher and not based whatsoever on conceal. Make a new special sneak shot that crits all the time, but is based from not being detected. Sniper rifles are supposed to be powerful in the hands of a good marksman. I don't want to hear anyone complain to me otherwise. Also Sniper rifles should have more range than a shotgun, flashpoint, or ANY OTHER weapon. SNiper rifles have scopes, and big bullets. They should be capable of hitting great distances. The 40 meter cap is stupid for rifles. Make it 80 like it should be.

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