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Thread: Does this seem familiar?

  1. #1

    Talking Does this seem familiar?

    Found this when i logged back on an old mud i used to play and it struck me how similar it is to certain things that has happened with ao etc.

    sarcasm - whining

    You must abuse all bugs as much as possible, because it is legal
    to abuse all bugs if you know about them, especially if you are
    a donator. Donators own the whole mud and can do anything they
    want. Donators can't be punished or banned!

    Also you must fill all channels with whining, preferably in wrong
    language. Be as abusive and haughty as possible. Demand other
    players' (preferably low level ones') items. If they don't give
    them, kill the player as many times as possible. If you can't
    kill another player in one round, spam all boards with whines
    about your guild, which sucks.

    Remember that you know everything about all guilds, and you know
    how to balance them in a few minutes. It is done by upgrading
    your guild at least 200%. Nobody else seems to realize this
    plain fact, so tell everyone about it. Fill all boards with
    demands to immediately fix the balance.

    You are the best player in this mud. You know how to PK everyone
    else, so you rule this mud. So, coders and admins must obey you.
    You also donated, so you own this mud, and you can do anything
    you want. Because you are the best player, you also know everything
    about all guilds and items. So, if you decide something needs a
    fix, you must tell about it on all boards and channels, and coders
    and admins must do the fix immediately.

    You know all about coding too. If you get caught using a bug to
    cheat, you didn't do anything wrong because this bug had not
    been fixed. Besides, you mentioned about it to another player
    months ago. Also note that if you are level 500 coder in another
    mud, you are definitely a better coder than anyone here - the
    maximum level here is only 400. Remind them of this fact.

    You are also the most important person in this mud. You make all
    the rules, of course. Coders are your slaves, and you tell them
    what to do. If they don't, this mud sucks. Remember to write
    about this on every board. Coders have nothing to say in this mud.
    Players - that means, you - make all the rules. Coders have no
    right to interfere with anything you do.

    Admins and coders don't care about players at all, of course.
    They don't do anything here, unless some player pays them with
    money or sex. They should code here at least 8 hours a day and
    do everything you want. First they must of course upgrade your
    guild. And not with that stupid balance! You know a better way to
    upgrade than any stupid balance system, because you know everything
    about playing here and all about all guilds.

    You know that this mud is PK mud. You must be able to player kill
    all other players whenever you want to in one round. If you can't
    kill them in one round, there is something wrong with balance.
    Remember to tell about this on channels and write on boards a lot.
    You must of course be able to where, summon and paralyze everyone
    else. But silver ring must not be unique, you must be able to get
    it, otherwise your guild sucks and it must be immediately upgraded
    so that you resist paralyze.

    Other guilds are much too powerful, they have skills and spells
    which your guild does not have. So, your guild must immediately get
    similar abilities or at least counterskills and -spells. Your
    guilds' special abilities must of course work on all players at
    all the time. No one must resist them!

    Log files are very important because they immediately show how
    your guild sucks. Post lots of them on all boards! Coders and
    admins can see how stupid they are when they read these logs.

    You are playing this mud to become the most powerful character,
    Since you are the best player and coder, and the most powerful,
    everyone else must obey you. You don't have to follow any rules,
    you can do anything you want. Coders and admins are not allowed
    to interfere in the game, unless you have coder friends, who
    must of course help you cheat. It is legal to cheat if no one
    is snooping at the moment. Afterwards they can't do anything,
    because they don't have valid proof because they weren't snooping.
    If you say you didn't cheat, they must believe you because you
    never lie, because you are always right.

    If another player annoys you, you must kill him/her as many times
    as possible. If you can't kill at least ten times in a row, he/she
    is plastic coward or his/her guild is clearly much too powerful.
    In these situations, it is important that all the others know it,
    so post logs on boards and explain how your guild sucks compared
    to the other guilds, which are clearly much too powerful.

    Coders and admins are only helping their girl/boyfriends in this
    mud. You know everything about coders and admins and their real
    life, so you can tell the truth to other players. Remember to
    also post the truth on all boards.

    This mud was balanced x years ago, when your guild was the most
    powerful. So, your guild must be returned to the state it was
    that day. Of course, you have read all the code of all guilds,
    and you know everything. So, if something does not seem to work
    exactly you want to, you can order coders to fix it immediately,
    and they must obey! Otherwise coders and admins suck.

    You of course know everything about admins and what do they think
    and so you can tell the truth about them on all boards and channels.

    Do not whine. It has no use. People only get annoyed by your whining.

    Steps to take:
    - read all documents in 'help rules' carefully
    - read all other documents
    - state your problem in a clear way
    -Blyant, Joe Average NT, Advisor of Forsaken

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Now that's anarchy!
    Christopher "Gogliostro" McClymonds - Neutral Circus Artist for Forsaken
    Epos "Levandri" Nine - Clan Tradesman for Forsaken
    Sherwood "Velorik" Cordiero - Neutral Patcher for Oddities
    Augustus "Cipheron" Shone - Neutral Leet for Oddities
    Stormbringer "Keelan" Nine - Neutral Mute for Oddities
    Prince "Vidorian" Swicord - "The First One"
    Joseph "Silensus" Markarian - Clan Memory for Concubia Nocte
    Prince "Kahveh" Delaet - Neutral Coffeemaker for Oddities

  4. #4

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