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Thread: New RK2 guild forming

  1. #1

    New RK2 guild forming

    Hi there,

    I am thinking of forming a new clan-alligned guild on RK2 and I was wondering if there were people roaming these boards who would be interested in such a thing

    The type of clan I'm thinking of is one with a loose but existing command structure (no anarchy, that'll just turn into.......anarchy...) where everyone has equal chances on promotion and where everyone (regardless of rank) has some say in the guild. I'd like this guild to be colourful in a way that every class and breed will feel at home. I don't want this guild to be insanely big tho.

    At this point the guild only exists in my mind, but when/if enough people express an interest in this I can arrange for:

    • a website
    • a forum board
    • events
    • partys
    • meetings
    • spam in the guild channel

    What I would like to see in possible future members is:

    • a bit of dedication towards the game (and I don't mean you HAVE to be on line for like 70 hours a week, just a bit)
    • a diversity in classes and levels
    • some knowledge on game mechanics
    • an interest in roleplaying (although not required, I enjoy it)
    • a good attitude and a helpful nature

    If you think these points apply to you and you feel like you want to join a guild in which your opinion counts and where people are always willing to help you out when you are having problems, reply to this thread or give me a /tell on RK2 (/tell Lifedelite). I am a lvl 34 doctor (rerolled).

    Hope to hear from ya soon


    Corine "Lifedelite" Harrist - 198 clan doc - Rimor - President of EcoDisaster <---- semi-retired
    Angel "Speeddragon" Dust - 74 clan Fix - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- semi-fanatic
    Fighter "Reflekt" Gunz - 169 clan Sol - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- I like Guns! equipment

  2. #2

    im the one!

    I have the same ideas as u and would be very glad to help u out with ur guild

    i have a great interest in the team work part of the game


    just give me a bell

    kention lvl 11 enforcer

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