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Thread: The Chronicles of Vein

  1. #1

    The Chronicles of Vein

    The Chronicles of Vein
    An Anarchy-Online Storyline

    Current involved writers: Kioko, Sharle, Maephina

    Click HERE to leave your comments, interests, and feedback concerning this storyline.

    Transmission 0000
    Fort Ellington, Promise

    Kioko’s pupils inflate as if they had witnessed their first glimpse of sunlight after a lifetime of darkness.

    “The prophecies are true!” Emissary Zariboo Quaz shouts.

    The baby was born… 8 months ago. The words repeat in Kioko’s mind, sending her thoughts racing through a gauntlet of questions.

    She doesn’t know, Kioko thinks. She really has no idea.

    “The Host was real!” the Emissary barks.

    “Quiet hag! We know nothing yet. It’s too soon to tell.”

    Armies of questions skirmish within Kioko’s mind, bleeding for release.

    Kioko begins a secure transmission:
    Sharle, forgive my subtlety. I know that news of Malcom must be a shock to you. However, there are some questions that I must ask you. You must trust me. If you care for the life of your…” Kioko pauses.

    “A son! Ask if the baby is male!” the Emissary snarls.

    “Quiet!” Kioko reprimands. “Not another word out of you!”

    Kioko continues transmission:
    “Sharle, if you care for the life of your child, please cooperate. We will have time to talk about Malcom later. For now, I must ask you some very important questions about your baby.

    Is Malcom Vein the father of your child?

    If so, are there any kinds of markings on your baby’s back? Perhaps in the
    shape of a dragon?”

    “Ask of the color! What is the color of the dragon!” the Emissary screams.

    “Guards!” Kioko beckons.

    Two large Enforcers scuttle into the room, kneeling before Kioko.

    “Yes m’lady?” Gartrox says in a strong, deep voice.

    “Take this old hag to her quarters. I need some time to collect my thoughts."

    The guards rise to their feet.

    “The prophecies are true! The Host of Vein was real! I knew it! I knew this day would come! The fires of hell will burn bright tonight! The child of Malcom Vein was born!” the Emissary’s words fade to a distant murmur as the guards drag her down the dusty hallways of Fort Ellington.

    Kioko continues transmission:
    “Sharle, please forgive me. But we need your answers promptly. The life of your baby may depend on it.” And the lives of us all, Kioko thinks. “Please transmit to line 0001. Code: Majesty. I will be waiting.”

    Kioko ends transmission and turns to the window overlooking the Courtyard Green. The baby was born… 8 months ago. The words play like a broken record in her mind.

    “God help us” Kioko whispers.
    Last edited by Kioko; Aug 26th, 2004 at 03:20:15.
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  2. #2

    Majesty. I will be waiting

    *gets curios whats on the answering machine and wrinkles her eye brows* Mmmhmm

    *drops her BBI's on the table and takes of her helmet and heads off to the shower while thinking on the message*

    Questions that makes questions...

    * while lost in her thought she hear the door bell ring and runs to have alook and opens the door to her friend*

    "Angela come in"

    *Angela looked at me while she wrinkled her forehead*

    Is it true hun ?

    *all i could was nod while showing her into her jobe apartment and disapear into the kitchen to get something to drink*

    Angela took the cup of tea with a thankful smile
    "Have you called the hospital ? "*as she took my hand in hers*
    "No not since i got home"
    * she took a sip from the tea and looked at me with the same worried look
    " what are you going to do hun ? "
    *staring into the cup of maybe finding the answer in the bottom*
    "He desirves to know if he is stil around "

    "But hun this is not the same you dont know this people"*she continued*
    "I know but stil ..." * i looked at her while thumbed on the comm phone*

    "How is you and fletcher going hun ? can you two talk to eachother?"

    "We are trying to ...He is leaving soon and it may be for the best and his new ..girlfriend and soon to become wife" * i just smiled and looked at my worried friend*
    "It was for the best we were better off as friends then being togheter"
    *She gave me a hug while i looked at the phone *

    "Besides im not being alone with the great friends that surrounds me daily and i got my baby aswell and soon enought my lil angel is strong enought to travel with me to rubi-ka "

    Angela took her cup and mine and headed off to the kitchen while shouting
    " make the call hun and ... call the hospital and make them sure they need to have their heads up on this"

    Sharle took a deep breath and made the transmission

    Majesty. I will be waiting

    Its a girl

    and the birth mark is red

    *ends the transmission*

    * she took a deep breath while rubbing her forehead and hits the number to the hospital*

  3. #3
    ((In the future, when including my character Fletcher in Roleplay, please get the facts straight. There is no girlfriend or future wife IC, and he has never said as much. I understand you want to move your little ex returning story along and get me out of the piicture, but show a little tact and consideration. )

  4. #4

    Transmission 0002

    It’s a girl… and the birthmark is red. The words ripped through Kioko’s brain like sharp splinters through soft flesh.

    Kioko stared at her IC display, reading and re-reading the transmission: It’s a girl… and the birthmark is red. It’s a girl… and the birthmark is red. The birthmark is red!

    “The mark is red!” Kioko cried aloud.

    The huge steal doors of the Study Major swung fast open as the two large Enforcers darted into the room with broadswords drawn.

    “Lady Kioko?!”

    “Gartrox, Halthorne…” Kioko’s voice trembled, “Summon The Council to the Briefing Room.”

    “Yes m’lady”

    The two giants bowed obediently and rushed out of the room.

    Kioko’s hands shook as she glanced back to her IC.

    Kioko begins a secure transmission to Sharle:
    “Sharle, what are your coordinates? It is essential that you seek safe harbor until we can reach you with adequate protection.”

    They will be looking for her, Kioko thinks. No… they will be looking for him! The Host of Vein delivered a daughter? Hmm… that will buy us some time.

    Kioko continues transmission:
    “Sharle, I don’t mean to frighten you, and I know you have no reason to trust me. But please, imagine the safest place you know, and go there! I will dispatch a rescue team as soon as we pinpoint your location. Please transmit to line 0003 Code: Majesty. I will be waiting.”

    Kioko ends transmission and slides the IC back into its shell. She reaches for the handle of the gigantic steal doors, when suddenly they swing open, inwards, almost knocking her to the floor. In bursts the Emissary.

    “What is going on? Why has The Council been summoned? It is true isn’t it!?” The Emissary’s eyes widen, “The Host was real?” Saliva bubbles at the corners of her sickly mouth, “The son of Malcom Vein is alive!?”

    Kioko grasps the lapel of the ancient witch, pulling her pale sunken face to her own.

    “The prophecy was false” Kioko says.

    “What?” The hag’s voice lowers.

    “The Host was indeed real” Kioko says, “But the son of Malcom Vein does not exist.”

    The Emissary’s eyes narrow, her expression defeated.

    Kioko releases the old hag and nudges past her with her shoulder as she exits the Study Major.

    “The Host birthed a daughter.” Kioko whispers.

    The heavy doors slam loud behind her and there is a brief pause before screeches of elation bellow from the Emissary’s mouth. Shrill and wicked, the shrieks fade to an echoing murmur as Kioko heads to the Briefing Room. The Council awaits her arrival.
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  5. #5

    Majesty. I will be waiting

    ((stop embaress your self ok mr "devilboy"))

    *The signal almost made her jump as she was packing her bags in deeply thoughts*

    *she took up the comm phone and read the message without showing much what went on inside her mind*

    I see..

    *she didnt think much before she made the call to the hospital*

    "Yes- make sure the security is high"
    *she kept walking back and forward while talking to the doctor to get off the stress*

    why all of this right now... * she mumbled to her self while waiting on the doctor to find the files that would activate the security in the baby room*

    "Ok ill be there tomorrow night im taking the shuttle in the morning"

    * she ended the call and got her self a bottle of water and walked out in the evening and sat down to watch the sky for a few. The peaceful enviroment Jobe gave was like a breeze to her mind .*

    " Sharle ? "
    *she looked up and saw her friend and took his hand*
    " Have a seat mac"
    *He looked at her with a curios expression over his face*

    *she smiled a little to the young agent*
    "So have been hunting ?"
    *He looked at her and looked upon the sky and nod*
    " Just came from Adonis"

    " Sharle.. dont be angry at me but i tried to call you earlier and when i could not get in contact you beacuse you sat in phone i hacked into the system to tell you to hang up .. just was that i heard what you told the hospital"

    "Mac i should slap you but i wont" * she smiled and gave her friend a hug* "thanks for carrying and to answer your question i need to get back to old earth before i face this"

    *he lend him self to her and kissed her forehead before standing up*
    "Ill be here for you sweets,
    Let me buy some coffee for us"

    *she saw him walked away to the nearest shop and took up her comm phone and started to send the transmission*
    Majesty. I will be waiting
    Jobe market
    Will be away for two days
    The child is not with me as she is hidden safetly off the planet.
    *ends the transmission*

  6. #6

    The Council of Promise

    The mark is red at only 8 months. That’s remarkable. According to The Prophet, Malcom didn’t experience the mutations until two hundred and forty orbits. Kioko sighs as she walks down the cold stone hallway towards the Briefing Room. Perhaps it was never green to begin with, she wonders.

    “M’lady?” Gartrox questions.

    The resonant and sudden voice startles Kioko and she realizes she has just walked right past the Briefing Room.

    “The Council awaits your arrival m’lady.”

    “Oh, right… thank you Gartrox.” Kioko’s words are gentle, but obviously shaken.

    “This way m’lady,” the large Enforcer swings open the doors to the Briefing Room revealing 6 anxious faces, sitting in still quiet around a great hexagonal limestone table. They begin to stand…

    “Please, sit.” Kioko instructs. “This is no time for formalities. Time is of the essence, and I call upon the Council of Promise to decide the course of action regarding some new and alarming information.”

    “News from The Seekers?” Sir Baytos questioned, “Intel of Malcom… The Host?”

    The eyes of The Seven shifted quickly upon Kioko.

    “Yes Cremal”, Kioko replied, “Intel of The Host.”

    The Seven sat up in their seats

    “We intercepted a random transmission from an unknown destination to Rubi-Ka. At first it looked like nothing substantial… an ordinary communications link full of intergalactic gossip. However, a certain message within the transmission struck me funny. A female on the channel mentioned that she knows what if feels like to be alone on Rubi-Ka… with a child. And she mentioned a ring around her neck.”

    Sir Liadd Zan chuckled and interrupted abruptly, “If I had even a fraction of notum for every single mother on Rubi-Ka, I’d be the richest man on Promise.”

    Kioko interjects, “Her name was Sharle”.

    Liadd’s laughter drew silent, his face tensed stiff.

    “Did we trace it back? Did we contact the sender?” Cremal inquired eagerly.

    “Yes Cremal, I contacted her personally… just a few hours ago.” Kioko glances into the eyes of her comrades. “It is her.” She swallows. “We have found The Host of Vein.”

    An uncomfortable, almost painful silence filled the room as The Seven gazed nervously at one another.

    “Wait, Lady Kioko… how can you be so sure? How do you know she is The Host?” Cremal questioned.

    “I asked of the mark on her back. It is worse than the prophecy predicted. At only eight orbits... the mark is Red.”

    “Her?” Sir Liadd inquired.

    “Eight orbits!?” Cremal belted.

    “Yes. It seems the prophecy was flawed. The Host has delivered a daughter… an offspring more advanced than any prophecy or theory had imagined possible.”

    “Eight orbits”, Cremal repeats nervously to himself.

    “And what of Malcom?” Liadd questioned. “Have The Seekers found Malcom Vein?”

    Kioko shakes her head. “No. We still have no information on Malcom Vein’s whereabouts.”

    “He will be looking for her”, Princess Jendi adds.

    A sharp and sudden alert emits from Kioko’s intergalactic communicator. “It’s The Host”, Kioko informs.

    Transmission begins:
    “Majesty. Jobe market. Will be away for two days. The child is not with me as she is hidden safely off the planet.”

    The transmission ends.

    “Jobe”, Kioko says aloud as she dials 5 digits on her IC.

    “Flight Deck, Dispatcher 507 speaking.”

    “507 this is Majesty. Ready a Cruiser for Jobe.”

    “Yes milady”

    “507…” Kioko pauses.

    “I’m here milady.”

    “Ready 2 Destroyers as well.”

    Kioko switches off and dials 5 more digits.

    “Barracks, Officer 700 speaking.”

    “700 this is Majesty. Ready two Cavalry Divisions and the Imperial Guard on Flight Deck 5. We leave for Jobe.”

    “Affirmative milady”

    Kioko switches off and turns to The Seven. “Well…”

    “We must find the child before he does”, Princess Jendi responds.

    Cremal agrees, “Princess Jendi is right milady. We needed to track The Host eight months ago. The child is our top priority now.”

    “Yes, who gives a damn about the mother now”, Sir Liadd interjects.

    Kioko raises her hand to silence her fretful comrades. “My friends, our emotions are rabid… our nerves on edge. Let us not forget, Sharle has no reason to trust us. Let us win the trust of The Host. For if we lose that trust... we will lose that child.”

    The Seven nod and sit back in their chairs.

    Kioko looks back down to her IC and dials the Flight Deck.

    “Flight Deck, Dispatcher 507 speaking.”

    “507 this is Majesty. How long will the flight be to Jobe?”

    “A quarter orbit milady.”

    Kioko switches off and looks up from her communicator. “Meet on Flight Deck 5 in twenty. We will reconvene in-flight. We arrive in Jobe Port in seven days. That leaves us plenty of time to devise a plan of action.”

    “And what of Sharle milady?” Cremal questions.

    “She will be gone for two days. We shall contact her on the third day.”

    Kioko turns and exits the Briefing Room. Halthorne is still standing dutifully by the door.



    “Summon the Emissary to Flight Deck 5. She will be accompanying us to Jobe”.

    “Yes m’lady”.

    Gartrox turns obediently in the direction of the Emissary’s quarters.

    “Oh… and Gartrox”, Kioko adds. The Enforcer turns. “Alert Halthorne. You two will be riding with me”.

    The thickset Enforcer bows his head, holding back a proud smile. “Yes m’lady.”

    Kioko smiles warmly before turning briskly towards her quarters.

    Hmm... she thinks deeply. I must locate The Prophet. It appears the old man is not a madman after all. Perhaps he can help us decipher some of these mysteries. While his prophecy was nearly faultless, the situation is worse than even he imagined. Surely we would be fools not to seek his guidance.

    Kioko enters her living quarters, closing the door fast behind her.
    Last edited by Kioko; Aug 16th, 2004 at 13:16:46.
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  7. #7
    *sitting on the shuttle down to old earth with heavy thoughts she was curios if she have done the right decition*

    " would you like something to drink ? " * the light voice of the flight attendant snaped her out of the thought as she nodded and took some water althought never drank it*

    *she took up the comm phone and was curios if her friend was home *

    "Hey mivat its just me call me when you have a few"

    *while looking out throught the window she ended the call*

    " if life would be less complicated.." *she whispered and closed her eyes and lend back in the seat*

  8. #8

    The Flight to Jobe 0003.3

    The Cruiser’s engines fired and an abrupt, thunderous rumbling shook the cabin. The Captain’s voice reported over the intercom, “Lift off in five – four – three – two…”

    Gartrox gripped firmly the arms of his seat. Small beads of sweat accumulated across his oversized forehead like fresh condensation on morning grass.

    “Is everything alright there big fella?” Sir Liadd jests.

    “I never have been an enthusiast of flight” the large Enforcer shudders.

    “Well I wouldn’t worry too much about it big guy. If something were to go wrong, it would only take a few nanoseconds before our flesh was fried right off the bone, and our frames imploded by the gravitational pull of the atmospheric pressure rushing into the cabin”. Sir Liadd grins as he watches the large Enforcer tremble and turn pale with fear.

    Suddenly, the ship rocks back and launches rapidly into orbit. The passenger’s heads are thrown hard into the back of their seats.

    “Yeeehaw!” Sir Liadd shouts in exhilaration.

    The Captain’s voice returns over the intercom. “Lift-off initiated. One quarter orbit until we dock in Jobe. We will be making no stops along the way. Enjoy the ride”.

    Kioko’s voice follows the Captain’s. “All Category 3 personnel please report to the Conference Deck immediately.”

    “Aww man,” Sir Liadd complains. “Can’t we at least wait for the drinks and peanuts?”

    “Come on you buffoon”, Princess Jendi retorts.

    The Conference Deck

    “Sir Cremal, Sir Liadd, Princess Jendi, General Denark Ellington, Emissary Zariboo Quaz…” Kioko addresses, “We all know why we are here. We all know the importance of this operation. Let us now make clear our objectives and plot our appropriate course of action.”

    “Milady?” General Denark Ellington interrupts.

    “Yes General?”

    “With all do respect milady”, The General hesitates… “I have absolutely no idea why we are in flight to Jobe.”

    Sir Liadd snickers.

    “He has not been informed?” the Emissary questions.

    Sir Cremal looks down in shame and glances up at Kioko. “Shall I enlighten him milady?”

    Kioko hesitates, nods, and takes a seat next to Princess Jendi. “I suppose our General has the right to know what his troops will be facing,” she adds.

    Cremal takes a long deep breath and rises from his seat.

    “Surely you have heard the stories of Malcom, and the Host of Vein?”

    “Yes, of course”, the General concurs. “The ancient legend of the Earthen boy genetically enhanced with alien DNA and sent to the planet of Rubi-Ka to eradicate the Clan uprising against the Omni-Tek Corporation. 'Protocol2090' I believe they labeled the experiment?”

    Cremal nods. “Your report is accurate General… almost. Everything you said is correct… except the part about this being a legend.”

    The General repositions uneasily in his seat as Cremal continues. “This story was, and is, very much a reality. Deep in the subterranean complex of the infamous Area 51 of the Old Republic, American scientists injected the fetus of an Earthen boy with alien chromosomes withdrawn from an Ecliptian pilot pulled from a downed transport in the then- Unified State of Nevada. Three quarters human, one quarter Ecliptian… the young lad’s human coding was overridden by the alien chromosomes within two hundred and forty orbits, mutating the young soul into a full fledged alien being. The experiment was indeed labeled Protocol2090, and they named the boy after his genetic father... Malcom Vein.”

    “Ecliptian?” The General says nervously. “But…” he hesitates deep in thought, “But I thought the Ecliptian Race was terminated in the cosmic explosions on Promise Moon.”

    “The Ecliptian pilot who crashed on Earth in 2090 AD was the last survivor of that most fortunate catastrophe” Cremal acknowledges. “The only remaining trace of the alien race survived through the genetic implantation of Malcom Vein.”

    “The bastards kept the race alive.” Sir Liadd snorts.

    “The human race had never encountered a live Ecliptian” Cremal adds. “They were acting on rumors they had heard from Jobe Scientists, who they themselves had never seen an Ecliptian.”

    “Leave it to the humans to experiment with science they are too dim-witted to understand” Sir Liadd retorts.

    “So let me get this straight”, General Denark Ellington says. “An Ecliptian has been running around on Rubi-Ka for roughly two hundred and eighty orbits? How is it that the Clan population is still alive? Or any population for that matter?”

    Cremal answers, “Keep in mind General, it took almost two hundred and forty orbits for the transformation to initiate. So he has only been there for little less than forty orbits.”

    “Still, that’s almost three and half years. Why has there been no word of this Ecliptian. Why have there been no reports from Rubi-Ka?”

    A still and awkward silence fills the room.

    “We don’t know”, Kioko answers. “And that’s what scares us.”

    “We have no idea what happened to Malcom Vein. All knowledge of his existence mysteriously ended around forty orbits ago.” Cremal adds.

    “He is planning” the Emissary intervenes. “He is too smart to waste his time on a Clan uprising against a Corporation he cares nothing about. He is patient”, she continues. “He knows the importance of his offspring. He knows the key to the survival of his race depends on that child.”

    “Especially if he knew it was a girl” Kioko adds nervously.

    “Yea, the sick freak would mate his own daughter”, Sir Liadd quips.

    “Wouldn’t you Sir Liadd?” Kioko confronts. “To preserve your race… and life as you know it… wouldn’t all of us?”

    Another awkward silence engulfs the Conference Deck.

    “Umm...” Sir Liadd breaks the quiet. “How do we know Malcom mated with only one woman?”

    “He didn’t”, Cremal answers. “In fact, he mated with quite a few women.”

    “But Sharle was the first”, Kioko adds promptly. “Ecliptians can only produce a single offspring. We have found quite a few women in our years of tracking Malcom; however, we were never able to locate The Host until now.”

    “So the child is on Jobe.” The General assumes.

    “No, only The Host” Cremal responds. “We must travel to Jobe to win the confidence of Sharle. We must inform her of the situation and pray that she directs us to the child.”

    “And then what?” The General asks. “What do we do with the child?”

    Eyes shift quickly upon one another as if the answer to that question had not yet been discussed.

    “We kill her!” the Emissary snaps in chilling delight.

    “Enough”, Kioko demands. “Cremal?”

    “Yes milady?”

    “Get on the wire and see if you can pull up some information regarding The Prophet. Nobody knows The Host as well as he does. Let’s see if we can’t track him down and pick him up on our way to Jobe.”

    “Yes milady… excellent idea.”

    “Ok everyone. We will reconvene in two days after we receive the next transmission from Sharle. Everyone get some rest. This will be a taxing and arduous assignment.”

    The crew slowly exits the Conference Deck, each deep in thought as they return to their sleeping quarters.

    “Can I get my drink and peanuts now?” Sir Liadd asks sarcastically.

    “Buffoon”, Princess Jendi snaps as she walks past.

    Hours later

    Kioko tosses in bed as she struggles to sleep. General Denark Ellington’s question repeats in her mind. What do we do with the child? What do we do with the child? What do we do with the child?

    “There must be another way”, she whispers.
    Last edited by Kioko; Aug 16th, 2004 at 13:20:47.
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  9. #9
    *using the card to open her door she realised she was home again *

    "she will be fine Sharle go home and rest "
    *the doctor's word was bouncing around in her deeply thoughts as she saw her little girl in her bed connected to machines that kept her heart beating before her new implant would work on its own*
    " i love you.. *she whispered before she realised she was standing in the living room as the feeling of have been holding something was gone and left a emptiness*

    *she unpacked her bags while saw in her mind how they showed her all the high security technology that they have been sponsored by Rubi- Ka and the goverment as what was left of old earth so it would remain *

    *looking at the empty bags she realised how tired she was and headed off to the bed and fell into a deep sleep*

  10. #10

    The Prophet 0004

    Newland Desert, Rubi-Ka

    A harsh wind gusted, sending rivers of hot sand cascading across the barren wasteland of Newland Desert. The intense heat, arid and suffocating, prowled the region like a starved predator in search of its next meal. A hostile stench of decay filled the atmosphere, as lifelessness thrived in its personal habitat of dust and death.

    An aged Ranger arose from one knee, sand slipping through his fingers as he watched it drift east towards the setting suns. “I feel him,” he whispers. “He is close”. The Ranger pulls the black hood back off his crown, unleashing a blizzard of lengthy white hair. Sunlight falls upon his face; his black eyes shining like two stars wading in a pool of night.

    Suddenly, the man’s head spins to the North, his nose tipped to the red twilight. He approaches! Less than halfway through the thought, the Ranger vanishes. His long black cloak draped across the soil where he stood just seconds prior.

    Far off in the distance, floating elegantly above the plain, the mysterious silhouette of a figure approaches…
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  11. #11
    *standing by the fastfood shop laughing with some friends after have been hunting hecklers by the south beach in elysium gave her some time to just relax*

    "what was that ? "* a friend whispered to me as i looked around and got curios what my keeper friend have seen*

    " what did you see Mivat?" *i whispered back but stoped when a very cold breeze caressed my neck*

    *reloading my guns under the table while keeping an eye around me made the thoughts more sharp while mumbling*
    " until hell freezes over they will get my child"

    " what was that sharle ? "
    *my other friends looked at me while i smiled a little at them*
    " dont mind me guys ok i was just mumbling"

    *they smiled at me and nodded and continued their insane stories as i tried to follow them but as my mind kept asking 'what was that she saw' while waiting on what was going to happend next*

  12. #12

    Distant Relations....

    Hovering above parched earth, the winds of this blasted waste showering her skin with desert sands, Maephina looked on in a calm fascination. She watched as faceless patrollers went about their routine, shuffling from one location to the next as they performed their duties. Near the middle of the scene before her a large central building had arisen from the desert sands to claim dominance over the smaller structures surrounding it. There appeared to be a gathering of some kind taking place there, yet it all seemed so small and insignificantly dwarfed by the impact crater they stood inside of.

    She had come out to the desert to investigate a report about some strange events in the region but her investigation turned up nothing of merit.
    ”This is what I get for trusting the word of a noob...” she thought. A little sneer crossed her face as she turned to head back towards the nearest Grid terminal.

    As her nano-induced flight carried her through the wastes known as Mort, she found her self lost in thought about her time here on this strange and sometimes insane planet.
    It had been a long, exciting and often confusing two years since she came to this little world in search of her missing parents...with no success in her search to date. She'd seen a lot of action...both on and off the battlefields of Rubi-Ka. And now she finds her self in this moment of solitude and silent reflection realizing that her time here...her many friends, acquaintances and enemies, have all in some form or another impacted her and her life more so than any number of trips to the insurance reclaim terminal could.

    She thought now on how different things might have been if she had actually succeeded and located her parent's. She wondered if they were ok...if they were alive or dead. Or perhaps she had been lied to and they weren't on Rubi-Ka at all. Perhaps they never came here in the first place. She suddenly realized that in all her these past two years, she over-zealously went about her search without the thoroughness it deserved.

    She never did bother to confirm the information she'd been given back on Earth that led her here. Then again, she didn’t have the connections she had now.
    "What a fool I am...what a stupid mistake..." Maephina thought. She had done a lot of growing on this world, her mind more acute and focused. Her talents and prowess as a Meta-Physicist more honed and defined. In all her searching, at the very least it wasn't all in vain.
    " name is Charissa Maephina mother gave me this name. Is that all I have left to remember her by?"

    Saddened by the thoughts flowing through her mind, she turned, continuing her flight eastward. Her comm. suddenly coming to life, she paused in mid-flight to take the call from her fellow clan-mate and partner, indicating perhaps yet another night of working to undermine her former employers.

    “Yes Jain? What’s up?” she said into her comm., her body held aloft by an invisible force, shifting slowly as if turned by a subtle breeze.
    A quiet voice responded immediately “ We’ve got business in Newland just outside the town. Can you meet me there in 30 minutes?” the voice replied.
    “I’m on my way” Mae said, turning to head south towards the deserts of Newland.


    It had been a week since he had last seen the comforting walls of the Entertainment District. His addiction to the nightlife and particularly the women had almost been his undoing on several occasions. As he crouched five hundred yards outside of the Sentinel headquarters, he found himself lost in a momentary daydream. The images he saw and recorded through the night vision goggles he wore creating a longing in him for the pleasures and nightlife of home.

    The base he surveyed before him was unusually busy tonight. A social gathering of some kind taking place at the largest of the few structures in this desert waste.
    “So this is the clan life huh…” he said to himself quietly, “…not quite as barbaric as they try and teach you at the academy.” His first field assignment for Omni-Pol was going off without a hitch. He’d been posted outside the Sentinel HQ for a week with no relief and no back up. He knew neither of which would be forthcoming on such an assignment.

    “Observe and record as much data on members of the clan faction known as “The Sentinels”. Make contact with and subvert if possible one of their ranks for the second stage of our operation. If at any time your cover is blown you are to immediately self-terminate and report back to HQ.”

    The words of his commander were almost audible as he thought them. He’d heard about assignments like these before when he was in training. He’d also heard that some clans were extremely adept at sniffing out a mole and traitors. And the horror stories of what became of those men and women foolish enough to get caught.
    His superiors were sure to let him know that the “subjects” on this assignment were no exception to this…particularly those with former employees in their midst.
    As he thought about his objectives here, he hunkered down in his hiding place a bit more amongst a group of boulders as an airborne figure approached his location.

    Immediately he knew the individual to be a Meta by her lack of any vehicle or device to aide her in her flight. As he watched the subject approach, her form and features becoming clearer in his vision enhancers, he recognized her instantly from the file photos his commander had given to him before he set out for the Op.

    “Charissa Vein….” His heart raced and his attention focused on her as she flew past the large rocks that obscured his presence. “…what impeccable timing. A former employee nearly flies right into my lap…this is a sign…hope it’s a good one.” He watched her carefully as she continued past the spot he was concealed in.

    He found himself enthralled by her appearance. Strikingly beautiful for a solitus female, yet menacingly intimidating, as he knew her loyalties to be with the clans now and her prowess as a Meta was in no way lacking. Her file was quite extensive and he had found himself drawn to it multiple times while preparing for this operation.

    He had made some careful considerations of what he might do should he run into this particular “subject” He had done as much homework on various members of the Sentinels and their associates as much as time would allow before leaving Omni territory. Each file he had the time to study was a volume of data ranging from dates of birth to known affiliations, criminal records, favorite past times and habits, addresses, siblings, living and dead relatives, etc. etc.
    This one in particular had come to Rubi-Ka as an employee originally, apparently in search of her parents who at some point in the past worked for OT back on Earth.

    According to the data he was able to ascertain, after nearly 2 years of searching, and eventually landing a spot as the head of an R&D field unit working through Omni-Med, Charissa left Rubi-Ka for a year and went back to Earth. When she returned from her trip to the Sol system, “Mae” as her friends call her, defected to the rebel clans for reasons unknown. It is believed Rebel operatives back on Earth subverted her.
    That’s the official story anyway. But the Lieutenant thought he might have a pretty good working theory on why she left OT for the clans.

    “Still looking for’em aren’t ya Mae…” he thought to himself, a smile crossing his lips as he studied her form carefully. Every detail recorded and stored in the data banks of his optic implant. “Perhaps it’s time we see about making your dreams a reality sugar.”

    The lieutenant slipped from his cover amongst the rocks as the figure continued her flight. Quietly, he made his way to the hover vehicle he had concealed 50 yards away. He stepped inside, pressing the ignition switch and bringing the Yalmaha to life. Its engines had been given special enhancements by his unit for completely silent flight capability. And as an added touch it had also been further enhanced with an on-board cloaking device for optimum stealth. A system the lieutenant immediately engaged after starting his ascent.

    He was able to use the onboard sensor system to quickly locate Ms. Vein as she continued her flight in the direction of Newland Desert.
    “Hmmm...” he thought to himself... “Hot time in the desert honey? Lets see what’s cookin’ on the dunes tonight.”


    Mae flew southward, over dunes and desolate earth. She wondered what might be of interest in Newland and tried to think about what she was about to get herself into.
    She surveyed the landscape before her carefully as she continued her flight. An endless plain of dead earth lay outstretched as far as her eyes could see.

    As she soared over the barren plain, the winds sailing past her, she noticed a dark figure in the distance, a black and indiscernible shape highlighted by the backdrop of sand and broken soil. She found her self strangely unnerved by the sight of it. And this created within her a sense of curiosity she could not ignore.

    Her velocity slowed to a walking-pace as she drew closer, the figure taking on the definite shape of a humanoid. The dark robes the figure wore rustled as the winds of Newland Desert had their way with them and this figure’s stark white hair.
    Maephina descended slowly, carefully approaching the figure.

    Last edited by Maephina; Aug 18th, 2004 at 02:54:00.
    Charissa Maephina Vein
    212 Metaphysicist
    My RP Profile Conflicted Voice Pak Plus!
    Somehow i just know that Haiku Poets, Mimes and Martha Stewart will have something to do with the end of the world... ~Escritores

  13. #13

    A Change of Plans - The Flight to Jobe 0003.6

    Kioko awakes to an abrupt knocking on her chamber door. Rising slowly out of bed, she staggers to answer it.

    “Milady”, Sir Liadd addresses. “Cremal is on the wire with our contact from Rubi-Ka. We have been informed as to the approximate coordinates of The Prophet.”


    “He was last seen about eight days ago headed North from Newland. Supposedly he resides somewhere in the middle of the barren Newland Desert, far from the contact and disruption of humanoid contact. We believe that to be his destination.”

    Kioko pulls her IC out from its shell and dials five digits:

    “Cockpit, Captain speaking”

    “Captain, this is Majesty. Reroute the ship for Rubi-Ka. We must pick someone up on our way to Jobe.”

    “Affirmative. Where shall we dock milady?”

    Kioko glances up at Liadd, lifting a hand to shade her tired eyes from the light protruding in from the hallway.

    “Our contact is just south of Hell’s Courtyard in Stret West Bank. Perhaps we meet with him briefly before tracking The Prophet?” Liadd suggests.

    Kioko nods and looks back down to her IC.

    “Captain, dock us on Pondus Beach in Stret West Bank.”

    “Affirmative milady”.

    The ship veers hard left, barely affecting the gravity inside the huge craft.


    “Yes milady?”

    “We will reconvene upon arrival in Stret West Bank. The plan is clear cut. We must track down The Prophet and convince him to travel with us to Jobe. Until we are debriefed by our contact, however, there is nothing more to discuss at this time. Tell the crew to get some rest. We will be awake for long hours upon arrival on Rubi-Ka.”

    “Yes milady. That is the best plan I have heard all day”, Liadd replies merrily. “You be sure and get some good rest as well milady. You really look like sh!t.”

    Kioko s******s and turns to the mirror on her chamber wall. “You know what I hate about you most Liadd?”

    “What’s that milady?”

    Kioko studies her own reflection as she runs her fingers through her lengthy, tangled black hair.

    “Your honesty”, she replies with a grimace.

    Sir Liadd grins and closes the door as he exits the chamber.

    Kioko pulls out her IC, dialing five digits:

    “Health and hygiene, Staff Member 15 speaking.”

    “15 this is Majesty. Report to my sleeping quarters immediately… I need a haircut.”
    Signatures by Kioko... a unique service brought to you by
    Mind Gamez r HERE!

  14. #14
    *staring at the old paperoll and back up to the young solitus man with red short hair that had the name Pete Hess owner after his father David Hess incorporation and business in finding lost family members*

    "Its all i have found Sharle"

    " Yes... i guess this is ...* i never ended the line as my mind went back in time when i was reading my diary's

    "Awake again as was dreaming about the same lady Li that was holding a crop in her hand and was shouting but i cant hear what she is shouting but i just know she have the name Li and then the ending black as usual and those nasty sounds .. I better wake up mommy callaghan so she can tell me a story"

    " the dream had been repeating it self until i was 16 as i made the huge brain surgery to remove the last lock "

    Home again while Pete's words was bouncing around my mind

    " When i saw the dept check the police found i realise maybe he owned land and when i was looking more into it i found this files how he have been buying huge parts lands as i found your fathers name among those who had dept to him"

    The leads from what we have found out earlier sharle just brought me that you were somekind of a payment and with your documented dreams as you say id take it they just took you until you father could pay them as just using the fantasy and what we got "

    Me as payment ...*as i was hiding my face in the hands i heard the doorbell and my friend voice behind *

    Smiling to my friend Angela who had taken the shuttle as fast as she could when she found out about the files

    " well Sharle im not sure how many that lives such a messy life as you"

    *she gave me a huge hug as we went into the kitchen to get some tea*

    " So many years of silence sharle its so amazing that this little lead the had could bring up this"
    * all i could do was nod while making the tea*

    " How does it feel ? Oh i was getting my self to the hospital just before i left to check on your baby and she is doing fine as she was about to eat - god knows when i look at my boys i realise how old and grey i have become "

    * i smiled at my blond friend as the head was covered with light blond long hair and her young face had no trace of age besides those tiny wrinkles around her lips and forehead*

    " They are turning 10 this sunday ? i asked her and served her a cup"

    " Yes we thought of having it outside , Oh you should see our garden it looks wonderful after they changed to the high tech watersystem and protection , Maybe you should move to old earth you self Sharle and bring some peace into your life for a change !"

    Her worried eyes gave me a warm feeling as just knowing i had a great person like her as a friend

    " Maybe one day Angela * i smiled and continued with a teasing grin* when im old and grey " she laughed and tried to give me a punch

    Well sharle i think its time for you to find a man in your life a man this time and not a boy or something else weird * she giggled and tried to tickle me as i could just try to defend my self with blushing cheeks*

    We talked for awhile longer about our lifes as she become silent all of sudden and took my hand

    " Have you spoken to those persons ... the princess and her staff how you are going to do ?

    " well yes both yes and no i have explained i trust in her finding Malcome but i dont trust in them as much in giving them the adress to my angel as he will have to kill me first to reach her and i know my friends Valor eternal stands behind me in this so he will face alot of defence"

    She gave me a hug and looked at the paper that was spread on the table

    " so Zhou Linwei... how does it feel ? *she smiled and took our cups and placed in the sink"

    " well i have to change now when i know my real name as my name before was just temperary until my real name was found "

    " I can just not belive it " she continued and looked at me

    " Fan min such a adorble name on your mother and Qin Linwei as i bet he was a hard working man"

    "when will you meet those royal people again hun ? "
    " I looked at her while my mind went far away"
    " I dont know hun...i just dont know.."
    Last edited by Sharle; Nov 13th, 2004 at 15:16:41.

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