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Thread: The Society of Salvation Welcomes You to...

  1. #1

    The Society of Salvation Welcomes You to...

    The Bacchanalia


    Saturday, October 2nd at 6pm EDT (2200 GMT)


    The glass dancefloor in Reet's Retreat

    Main Entry: bac·cha·na·lia
    Pronunciation: "ba-k&-'nAl-y&, 'bä-
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural bacchanalia
    Etymology: Latin, from Bacchus
    plural, capitalized : a Roman festival of Bacchus celebrated with dancing, song, and revelry

    This party is being held in conjunction with Maria's Fashion and will be showcasing the Toga of Redemption! All attendees are encouraged (though it is not necessary) to wear a toga to the party. If you are unable to find this sought-after item, the Society will be providing them free of charge to all guests. However, supplies are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Live music provided by Gridstream Production's DJ Otori and free drinks and snacks courtesy of the Society of Salvation. So, arrive early and party late!

  2. #2
    Woot sounds like a rocking party, I hope i can make it..

    /me goes to try and make a toga
    Tiffiny 'Ellesie' Browman, the fiesty Martial Artist.
    Squad Commander of Whisper's Edge

    'Joolls' the intrepid adventurer
    Member of First Light
    Lover of Leets

  3. #3

    Sounds Interesting...

    Might be a nice chance to socialise,and unwind from the long business days I have so wearily faced.I might just attend this,and I hope that we can set our past differences asside and you might forgive me as I have turned my ways around.
    Zell Kenley
    President of Yatamutchy Incorporated
    And brother to Bret "Xserter" Kenley

    Yatamutchy Incorporated
    -Enhancing today,for a better tommorow!-

    If you believe people can change,then believe that I am willing and trying.

  4. #4
    Zell, of course you are welcome. I believe that people have the potential for change, and from my interactions, I see no reason not to look forward to your presence at our party.


  5. #5
    Aaahhh a party

    Right in the middle of my sleep cycle, but oh well, I will not sleep is all !

    Thing is, I am cute in toga.
    April "Everwatch" Garasha

    General of the ~ Society of Salvation ~, RP omni org on Atlantean
    Leader of the DART - Department of Acquisitions, Raids and Training, the military branch of the SoS.

    Feel free to contact me for events and application to the DART.

  6. #6
    Toga Toga
    Tiffiny 'Ellesie' Browman, the fiesty Martial Artist.
    Squad Commander of Whisper's Edge

    'Joolls' the intrepid adventurer
    Member of First Light
    Lover of Leets

  7. #7
    This was an Awesome Party!!

    Thanks to Society of Salvation for Hosting it..

    I took plenty of Photos (about 129 of them). Check them out here

    It was a real blast!

    Thanks again Society of Salvation!
    Last edited by Fionnghal; Oct 3rd, 2004 at 19:00:13.

  8. #8
    Wow what a great time! We did everything there, drank, screamed, ate, socialized. Heck I even came in 3rd at the dance compition =) I look forward to the next toga party guys!

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