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Thread: Journalism is like Politics

  1. #1

    Journalism is like Politics

    Hi there,

    I was interviewing Lord Rederon the other day, and he said Journalism was pretty much like politics - so I thought I'd better let all politically minded Rubi-ka citizens who I am and what I'm up to.

    I'm Mera Dellamora, reporter from earth. Now I'll make no bones about it most of my readership are fairly anti-corporation, so most of my features (and I am writing features not breaking news stories - have you tried getting to Sabulum when you've only been on Rubi-ka a week?) are based on clan personalities at present. I will be happy to talk to Omni-tek in future though - to try an understand what it does to keep its workers happy and loyal.

    Anyway, the writing is originally intended for the Earther audience, but I've promised most of my interviewees that all Ruubi-kaans will be able to find them by Satellite Cast. So he's how to find them... switch your HUD's to (you can also spot them in the news sections of some of your main local stations)

    Now I don't have my satellite designer out her on Rubi-ka with me so the visuals aren't so good... but hopefully you'll enjoy reading.

    Subjects so far include

    An Interview with Mr Caid Notoris
    An article about protecting the weak, featuring Hayjyin, Kizaki, Javaschick, Pomka and Ghostlegion
    A short article on Sabulum with Uprising and Sobione as key sources

    An Interview with Lord Rederon Kirklin the multi-shaped should join them soon

    Mera - signing off

  2. #2

    email me your story

    I would like to post your interview and story on my web site. can you email me any new interview or story.

    Royr sec-in-command
    Live Free or Die

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