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Thread: 75% in cities.. rant

  1. #1

    Angry 75% in cities.. rant

    Who in the world came up with the 75% in the major cities.. as if there isn't enough lag.. if anyone has been in Newland when everyone's jumping the NPCs, they know how annoying it is to have battle spam go by and have the lag become unbearable.. Now Newland is 100%, but the NPC ganking is just moving to the more populated 75% cities

    I think it's completely ridiculous that a bunch of Omni can invade Tir (or Clan invade Omni Trade) and no one but the guards can do a thing about it..

    I knew this would happen... anyone who's watched what happens in Newland should have know what would happen.. what a mess...

  2. #2
    Bunches of people had complained that the other side has open access to their cities. So Funcom closed that access. Except they didn't really close it, they just closed it to low levels and brought us new heights in spam.


  3. #3
    whine whine whine

    think of it from a story perspective... the guards are protecting you from the other side....sure a lvl 120 isint overly effected,, but its ther for story

    and you CAN turn off your battle spam

  4. #4
    Simply make it so you lose all gas protection if you attack an NPC. Then the "home turf" players can help the guards out if they want to.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Crin
    Simply make it so you lose all gas protection if you attack an NPC. Then the "home turf" players can help the guards out if they want to.
    The gas level is there to protect YOU! If people are fighting the guards then they are probably fairly high in level, and unless more people in Tir are uber (nope... that is a newb city) then it would mean a massacre could happen... especially for those individuals just at the 75 level. Changing the gas levels if the guard is attacked would open up a whole new joyful world for all the greifers out there.

    Edit: They should let us heal the guards though if we please. None of this guards-molecular-structure-prohibits-this garbage. Let them try and kill a guard that is being healed by 20 people at once!

  6. #6
    I had already posted this idea twice before, so I sort of abbreviated it here. Here is my full idea and it should handle your concerns.

    I think Funcom should add 50% gas levels. One side would be considered the owner of the zone, the other side would have the neutral restrictions on them when they are there. This would mean that if you were in an opposing side’s territory you could not attack first, but could be attacked. Once combat started, those participating could freely attack each other.

    This seems simple to do because the code is already there for the neutrals. You could have PvP battles in cities, but if you didn’t want to be bothered in you own cities, then you don’t have to be.
    Now if someone comes into you city and starts to attack the NPCs, you can do something about it.

  7. #7
    Crin, I like that 50% idea. I just didn't like the thought of all the newbs getting slaughtered. The 50% would limit that.

  8. #8
    The fact is, there were a ton more Clan that Omni at the grid in Tir the other night.. most of us were standing around watching the guards get slaughtered. The only time we could do something was when an eng died and then we could attack his slayerbot. At that time, we took it down in short order..

    Maybe a 50% level would be the answer. It would make people think twice before they came over and attacked something. Now, they just stand there and laugh at us because they know nothing can be done. The 2 guards were no match for them, but the rest of us would have been.

    Still, it makes a lot of spam and really slows down the zone when all this idiocy goes on.. Turning off battle spam isn't the answer everytime I want to go into the city.. I want that spam when I'm fighting with my team.. and that won't fix the horrible lag it causes..

    Really, the only thing all this accomplishes is someone going back and bragging that they killed the other side's guards and then trumping up some huge news story on some "successful" invasion.. get real..

  9. #9

    Well if it is made harder to do, people will attack the guards much less often, so you won't have to worry about battle spam that often. When it did happen it would truly be an invasion, which is good for the story so the minor inconvience is worth it.

    As for making PvP worth something have you checked out my other "Great" idea here

  10. #10
    Oh, I agree, if people can be attacked, they'd do it a lot less often... that's why I thought the idea was a good one.. hell, any idea is better than the 75% joke now..

    As for taking territory and holding it, I've always thought that was a good idea.. I sure hope it happens.. I might even PVP then..

    Originally posted by Crin

    Well if it is made harder to do, people will attack the guards much less often, so you won't have to worry about battle spam that often. When it did happen it would truly be an invasion, which is good for the story so the minor inconvience is worth it.

    As for making PvP worth something have you checked out my other "Great" idea here

  11. #11
    Hehe I don't mind the %75. Except for those damn sharks in Athen. That gas (which works underwater) kept them nice and happy. Hell I let my kids swim with em, even named one (Gretchin). But day of the patch... oh man that wasn't good at all. Do you know how embarassing it is telling your wife your kids all got eaten by sharks? "No really hon, they cleaned up the mess just fine! And look, Jimmy and Suzy got both their heads back in the reclaim."

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