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Thread: Steps of Madness can't get in!!!why?

  1. #1

    Steps of Madness can't get in!!!why?

    For the first time I when to the steps of madness. Once I got there are 800x 2800 Omni Forrest, I was told by a guild member that I would need to click on the eye. well I did not find any eye there. the location is correct I know that for sure I see torches and I guess what you could consider wimpy steps. I'm I in the right place? why is there no eye here? can some one please explain what this eye is?

    I must be in the wrong place. Or the eye is use to determine if the server is up.

    But why do I not get a play field down MSG?

    ARRGGG! can some one help me here?

  2. #2
    Right click the eye
    Suupaslap Master 10th Dan--Rk2
    Smugglerguy Ickle baby fixer--Rk2

  3. #3
    There is a rock with a big eye in it. The rock does not dissapear, nor does the eye. You are in the wrong place.
    -War is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    - L92 MP
    - L7 Enf

  4. #4
    Well I ended up waiting 4 hours for an ARK .

    Well the nice guy (ARK) should up, he was totally confused at this problem and could not understand why I can’t see the eye. But I can’t

    The only thing he could do was make a bug report. The only way I can get in is if a GM summons me there, or a NT beams me in.


  5. #5
    See what you have disabled in your options. Maybe the eye is considered an 'Other Effect' something I have turned off because my of scope.
    Velveeta - The best atrox doctor on Rubi-Ka 1!
    Aiboforcen - A change of pace..
    Shikhi - The return!

    Digital Gunfire - Music to level by.

  6. #6
    I have experienced a similar problem when in team mission although it was some time ago. All of a sudden a team mate would "disappear" although he could see us just fine and kill mobs and all. A relog and things were back to normal until someone else off us would disappear instead. Most annoying but it happened just on one mission so we didn't bother to report it.


  7. #7
    disappearing teammate problem in missions is a common problem.

    instead of camping out/back, another workaround is to run far away from where they supposedly are, in the mission area, and then come back. chances are, you will be able to see them again.

    hope they get around to this eventually.

    very annoying being a doc and having a teammate scream for a heal but well, you can't see them, and F# comes back with "out of range", even though he claims he's right in front of you.

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