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Thread: Arena PvP and why it's not perfect.

  1. #1

    Arena PvP and why it's not perfect.

    Let's set aside the whole over-equipping issue. This has been dealt with in tons of other posts, and is either going to stay or be removed. Only time will tell.

    I lately decided to twink out a low lvl enforcer(since with the current rule system this is the only way to have a chance) and try my hands at PvP. Im by no means uber twinked since I lack the time and patience looking for just the right equipment.

    So I head of to the Arena since I like the idea of one-on-one fighting, and ganking and other tactics seemed to be less of a problem in the Arena. I also always envisioned the Arena to be a place where people fought honorably.

    I win and loose some, but what bothers me is the following:

    1. People agree to a duel, and when they are loosing they run and zone into the building right outside the arena.

    2. When people loose they complain that whoever they lost against used outside buffs etc. Sometimes this is sort of funny when you see Sol MAs one head taller than my atrox(max size model) with my own essence buff complaining that the other guy was using outside buffs, but I digress.

    3. Other people interfering either with the approval of one side or not. This can be in the form of healing, or casting non-hostile nanos to fill up someones NCUs(can be very deadly to Enforcers and soldiers).

    So I would like to propose a change for how arena fights are done.

    I would like to see a device/terminal at the entrance to an arena. All fighters who would like to fight, click on the machine to register. The user then gets a list of available fighters in their lvl range, and what options these fighter will agree to a duel under.

    These options would be wheter outside buffs would be allowed, and the use of certain nanos(I'm just picking this out from what I've heard people saying around the arena.)

    Let's say I find Agent009 who is willing to fight, but only if outside buffs are not allowed. So I agree, the moment I accept the challenge we both get transported to the arena on opposite sides in player booths which are %100 zones and all buffs are cancelled(even hostile), this will give us the chance to rebuff with our own buffs, and then we can step out when ready. There probably has to be some time limit here.

    EDIT: Another thought, when teleported all specials are reset and ready to use to, this will help everyone who use special attacks, instead of waiting 30 minutes between fights, etc.

    The fight starts and there is enough room to manuever and use tactics specific to your profession, but there is no way to run away, if you are loosing then there is no way for you to run to safety. You have agreed to this fight, and that is it. The only way for anyone to leave the arena is if one dies. Then the victor gets teleported to the waiting area and the looser to the reclaim as usual.

    Another way to prevent runaways is to make it so that if a fight is started and you move out of the 0% zone you automatically loose and this counts as a point for the aggressor.

    Am I the only one who wants Arena PvP to be fixed? Granted I don't want this fixed instead of other glaring bugs in the system, but this might entice more people to PvP.
    Last edited by Atrocious; Feb 5th, 2002 at 19:41:10.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  2. #2

    Special Arenas

    Specially build Arenas are a must for any sense of legitemacy to be attributed to Arena fighting.

    First and simplest for them to introduce (I hear Tir is getting a revamp for 13.8) is to place 40 foot high transparent walls completely around the Arena. Combine this with a visible door that closes. If the door is seen opening during the fight, we have a no-contest.

    This is the easiest and simplest way using the current game mechanics to make sure that what happens in the arena is a result of the combatants in the arena. People can still watch. Just can't do anything through the glass.

    Second easiest thing to do is to add an ICC insurance terminal inside the arena in both corners. Combants must Insure, then /terminate. Fight is now fair and square. Each contestand hollers when 'ready' and the battle can begin.

    None of this requires code changes. All is doable with very minor code changes. It COULD be done in 13.8. Tir is getting modified in that patch as it stands. While they are at it, stadium seating is a must. Those in the back need to be able to see over those in the front.

    I really like your idea of the teleporter. Have you seen the little transparent dome (not the huge one) at the Omni outpost in Avalon? Put Insurance/Reclaim inside something like that and we have the perfect Arena.

    I would even put some respect behind Titles earned fighting in one of these arenas. I'd condone putting the ranks on the website if points were limited to kills made within an Arena.

    This is a very exciting idea. I would put off going into a mission if I heard that two highly ranked PVP'ers were going to have a best-of-seven battle (7 round fight??) in a truly cheat-proof Tir Arena.

    Pass the popcorn.

  3. #3
    I can think of a lot better stuff that Funcom could do with its time than this. They could fix the inventory reshuffling for one and they could fix the scroll bars. I'm for fixing things that 100% of the people use before fixing the ones that 5% of the people use.

  4. #4
    I've posted similar ideas in the past. Basically, leave the arenas that exist now as they are, freestyle anything goes type zones. Then in addition add arena's for "sport" where people register, etc, and basically have to pass through a little thing like an airport scanner that debuffs all buffs. Once beyond that point of course you could rebuff each other, but only the combatants would be allowed beyond that point. So for example if you wanted to do a 4 on 4 fight, you would all register, your names would appear on a big display, you'd all pass through the debuffer, rebuff on the other side as you saw fit, and fight. The winning team or individual, would then get put in the offical arena standings database. Yep this would be a whole HELL of a lot of coding, and developing, so I never pushed for it with all of the more important fundamental issues out there.

  5. #5


    I dont know that does not sound like a bad idea, i never arena fight nor pvp. But i would not mind watching a good arena fight or maybe betting on one. Alot could be done with the arena alone but as it is, its just another place i never visit. why fight some titled loser who is going to run the second his health bar dips below 25%? For that matter why watch it either?
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

  6. #6

    He HE

    Originally posted by Ming
    I've posted similar ideas in the past. Basically, leave the arenas that exist now as they are, freestyle anything goes type zones. Then in addition add arena's for "sport" where people register, etc, and basically have to pass through a little thing like an airport scanner that debuffs all buffs. Once beyond that point of course you could rebuff each other, but only the combatants would be allowed beyond that point. So for example if you wanted to do a 4 on 4 fight, you would all register, your names would appear on a big display, you'd all pass through the debuffer, rebuff on the other side as you saw fit, and fight. The winning team or individual, would then get put in the offical arena standings database. Yep this would be a whole HELL of a lot of coding, and developing, so I never pushed for it with all of the more important fundamental issues out there.
    WOOT.. I like it .. Ha HA

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Nianna
    I can think of a lot better stuff that Funcom could do with its time than this. They could fix the inventory reshuffling for one and they could fix the scroll bars. I'm for fixing things that 100% of the people use before fixing the ones that 5% of the people use.
    Read my post before whining.

    Am I the only one who wants Arena PvP to be fixed? Granted I don't want this fixed instead of other glaring bugs in the system, but this might entice more people to PvP.
    Which part of the afore mentioned sentences did you not understand?

    I posted this as a topic for discussion, not a Funcom FIX NOW whine. There are tons of stuff I want funcom to fix before implementing this, but most important: If nobody wants changes to arenas I don't want funcom to spend time on them at all. Do you understand the words that are comming out of my mouth?

    To make this even clearer, I want FC to rebalance PvM before making anymore PvP changes. I could probably list 30+ bugs I want FC to fix before they implement something like I just suggested.

    Come on, cannot people for once try to be constructive instead of just whining and *****ing?

    Warning side track:

    Why do only 5% PvP? Because it's broken, so if we fix more people will PvP, also the story is based on PvP, but that is for another thread.

    Please people stay on topic, and if you have nothing constructive to say, just walk on past this thread.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  8. #8
    and besides all that .... putting a glass wall around the Tir Arena requires not a single solitary damn line of code. Not one.

    It's a start.

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