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Thread: Cz an update plz! Patch next Wed?

  1. #1

    Question Cz an update plz! Patch next Wed?

    Cz, thx again for taking time to post about 13.6 delay last week.

    But the question for all of us eager fans remains:

    "Is 13.6 patch scheduled for Wednesday yet? What are our chances?"

    I know you can't make promises, but all of us here are dying to know if this week shall be it! Plz keep up to your reputation! let us know if it's scheduled for this week, or if not, just let us know it's not sure yet! ANY FEEDBACK IS GOOD FEEDBACK!


    Boltman the Infamous

  2. #2

    patience grasshopper

    Reminds me of being a kid and asking...'Are we there yet?' every 30 seconds of a long journey

    Will knowing exactly when help it arrive any sooner?

    so......Are we there yet cz?


  3. #3

    Re: patience grasshopper

    Originally posted by Cordi
    Reminds me of being a kid and asking...'Are we there yet?' every 30 seconds of a long journey

    Will knowing exactly when help it arrive any sooner?

    so......Are we there yet cz?

    Perception is reality.

    Having more information allows players to manage their expectations better, so the wait doesn't seem as long. Funcom REALLY needs to learn this lesson.

    For example, there was unrest last year about the lack of guild housing. People started to complain because it was promised but wasn't in the game. Funcom then came out and stated that it wasn't going to happen until early this year. Most of the complaints went away and were replaced with posts about what players wanted out of guild housing.

    It is almost like clockwork. If Funcom posts (Real posts, not the fluff we seem to be getting) on a board the tone invariably changes for the better. As time goes by without an official response, the posts get increasingly negative. If Funcom wants good PR all they have to do is simply post more.

    BTW Funcom, it's 2002. Where is the guild housing

  4. #4
    Yes, and it amazes me that Funcom still hasn't managed to learn this obvious lesson. It is impossible to overestimate the value of communication.

  5. #5
    I wasn't disagreeing with the need for FC to communicate their intentions, just the fact that even tho FC said patch would be this week, people still ask for an update.

    I'd like to know when the patch is happening sure, but asking every day for an update isn't going to help.

    If FC had any PR sense they'd nominate 1 day a week to post an update of any outstanding issues, a weekly news letter. Then folks will have something solid to read and look forward to each week, instead of having to post the 'what's going on' questions continuously on this board.


  6. #6


    I realy want the patch to be finished now...

  7. #7
    where did you hear that?
    Level 132 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 72. Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 69. Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 58. Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 41. Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.
    Level 30. Enforcer <---- press "Q" and watch tv.
    Level 29. Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....

    Quote of the week "When people complain equally about all of the classes, then the game is balanced."

  8. #8
    Check the launcher.

    I think it was first announced on the IRC server, but it's set in stone at the welcome screen.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

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