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Thread: Meloncholy Dreams. Unleashed Hell.

  1. #1

    Meloncholy Dreams. Unleashed Hell.

    Massatsu sat at his desk once more and sadly shook his head. No matter how many times he read the data it always was the same. The Wraiths though able to oppose Omni-Pol and even get away with it for a while where falling apart. The general actions of Omni-Tek where growing tiresome and the adventurer finally shook his head. "Time to end this charade." He stood and finally set his reign and pain of patricia pistols upon the desk "No use for these peices of junk anymore." he looked over everything before he gripped his new blades as well as his armor and everything else he owned, looking back into the office with a final smile as he spoke words that would forever be burning into the security feeds, looking directly at the camera "Wraiths never die. They only fade for a while only to appear when you least expect them. Here we stand on the firing line. Here we walk through the feild where we died. We will fight and let the voice ring true. We are the ghosts, always standing next to you." and with that he held up the three grenades, depressing the timer switches and tossing them within his office, every single record of the Wraiths within the data disks as he turned, walking down the hall, pulling his shades from his pocket and placing them over his eyes. A grim expression set upon his face as he walked down the hall, shadows falling over his body and face, making him almost seem to be the very creature of his organization, several seconds later a detonation in a small contained plasma explosion, everything within the office instantly reduced to dust, smoke drifted down the hall and the fire suppression sprinklers activated, soaking everything in the building in Omni-HQ. A grim figure continued down the hall, then down the stairs, reaching the door he shoved aside several Omni-Pol troopers running in to see what the explosion was, outside he turned to look up to the wreckage of his former office, "Three, two, one..." Then two more explosions of high concussion grenades rocked the building, shattering the glass and concrete of the floor and sending several forms plumetting to the ground, three floors destroyed in the blast, but every single record of the Wraiths was now utterly annihilated. Nothing but ashes and dust floating down on the wind as the adventurer nodded once. "And thus the Wraiths fade, for the time. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

    Several minutes later a fixer in Borealis looked to his datapad reading the news of the explosion, frowning a little as he leaned back rubbing his chin, Kouten then exhaled slowly "So its hit the fan....everything is comming to the boiling point rapidly....I hope that Massatsu knew what the hell he was doing with this."

    Massatsu walked through the streets of Omni-1 Trade District slowly, shaking his head as he looked around. Obviously the ants here noticed nothing of the explosion, typical he thought, like dogs on a leash. His trek continued on, and out to the ferry. He keyed in then passed over to Harry's. And still he continued on, in a solemn walk, no emotion passing across his features. Turning down a road, reaching the docks he then took a second ferry across to Pleasant Meadows. Walking down along the river edge, boots scuffing across the ground, his eyes forward on his destination, the howls of the grimwolves he found himself returning, howling to the moon. As the sky grew cloudy and lightning flashed sending a distant rumbling as raindrops began to fall, quickly turning into a pour. The adventurer then pulled his shades off, looking to the heavens as he finally let a smile cross his features. "Very fitting choice. You have my thanks." and grimly he marched on. Finally reaching a shrine out deep in the wilderness, the circle of standing stones marking the place the Wraiths was born, he looked around as the rain soaked him to the bone, but he didn't care about it, the water never bothered him. As he looked around the stones memories began to flood, scenes of things in the distant past and even some of the recent as he closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the voices of memory, those gone, perhaps forever....he was never sure anymore...then words unbidden began to come to his lips as the last memory came to him, a battlefield with screaming wounded and dead, the ground soaked with blood and scorched with the impact craters of heavy artillery... "I see the sadness in their eyes. Meloncholy in their cries. Devoid of all the passion, the human spirit cannot die. Look at the pain around me, this is what I cry for. Look at the pain around me, this is what I'll die for."
    He lifted his wrist looking to the keypad then finally keyed in the command, watching as those last words came to the screen 'Are you sure you wish to disband organization "Wraiths"?' a slow and final breath as he confirmed and suddenly felt dead within, as if everything had been stripped away...he looked up to the sky, his eyes closed, and finally he screamed, from the very depths of his soul, the soul unearthly, bringing even the clan knight guards at the nearby tower to bring forth their weapons, clenching them with white knuckles, fearing whatever creature's battlecry that must surely be...heads darting back and forth as they looked for something they would never see. Many moments after the scream had echoed into oblivion the adventurer sank to his knees, his head lowered as his hair fell about his face, and there he stayed for minutes, an hour drew by, then a second before he finally stood, he put his shades back on and began the long walk back towards the ferry to reach Harry's so much had changed and now this was merely one thing to add to the list...a new beginning was emerging, but what would it bring he did not know, he never did.....
    I see the sadness in their eyes
    Melancholy in their cries
    Devoid of all the passion
    The human spirit cannot die
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I cry for
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I'll die for

  2. #2

    Release of the demon

    The alarm for the office beeping loudly over the com, he quickly turns it off and makes haste for Omni-HQ. Calling the security office, didn't help matters. Styc arrived in time to see the last two explosions. "Commander" he screamed, dropping to his knees and shaking his head. during the chaos a calm came over him. A slight glimpse of a fleeting figure caused him to rise and walk away from all he thought he stood for. He followed the figure while staying in the shadows, not easy for an atrox of his size, but as a leet very easy. The adventurer's blood boiling in his veins as he followed his commander to his destination. Hidden out of sight he watched the other adverturer let out his bloodcurdling cry. Something whispered in his ear during that. Things were different now, the rules were gone now and it was time to do what needed to be done no matter what the cost. The demon in him was released never to be bottled again. In his true form, he approached his commander and friend. "Everthing is gone" he asked. The Commander nodded. "Did you destroy everything about me, Commander" he asked fearfully. The Commander just lowered his head, with that Styc had and old feeling and his blood boiled in a different way. The demon would have it's day, and Rubi Ka would never be the same as long as Phillip Ross was looking for him and the demon would never rest.

  3. #3

    Rising voices

    Twisting within the unsupported windspikes that howled through the metal forest of Omni-HQ, hanging across a streetway, being pointlessly patroled, lay a figure of what could have been a solitus. Lifting himself toward the distorted sun, light bleeding it's last until the next cycle, a single breath was taken.

    ~They return to me Commander. No longer alone. Hounding me since meditation lapsed... welcome them in, hold them all so, so close. They feed me, you, them. I... we complete... ~

    Crouched low, hunching over his rifle as it was lowered down from being cradled in his arms, Gabriel released his breath slowly. Opening his eyelids to watch again the rising mass of contaminated air aching to slither and disperse against the atmosphere, the killer started to laugh deeply. Within he could be sure another wished to become apparent. Gabriel would allow this. Twisting his head sharply to one side, his neck cracked and with a satisfied sigh nudged the body of the administrator from his perch. She was barely alive as she fell. Eyes held open from thin slivers of metal inserted into the flesh as Gabriel believed that if she was to appreciate the gift he was about to give her, she would have to embrace it with all of her senses.

    The Wraith swung out and across the buildings in smooth, fluid motions once his feline grace and heightened senses had been programmed in, the patrol scattered around the congealing mess of what could have been a solitus.
    Last edited by Malachii; May 11th, 2004 at 10:04:39.
    - Name: Gabriel
    Codename: Malachii -- Former patient of Omni-Reform

    Historic Reference File 1
    Historic Reference File 2
    Historic Reference File 3
    Omni-Tek Incident Report 1

    Recently released from Omni-Reform, Private of Omni-Pol
    Roleplaying Profile of "Malachii"

  4. #4

    The shrine..

    A small Opifex, wandering the empty halls of Rompa and the less crowded streets of Omni-Entertainment.. he was an Agent, an Assassin for the Wraiths he was Stefano but on this cloudy afternoon.. something changed almost abruptly.. something was ripped from his soul.. his being. He heard an extremely loud yell.. familier yet unheard. Stefano almost mechanicly abandoned what he was doing and contacted his old Commander..

    "Commander Nottoris, something isn't right. Meet me where it all started."

    Caid replyed almost a second later, "Stefano, you know I don't wish to be called Commander anymore but I will be there. I feel something aswell."

    Stefano put away his Comm and summoned his Yalmaha from it's camoflague and hopped in, aimed for Pleasant Meadows.. where this all began.

    Stefano jumped from his Yalmaha to the wet muddy ground.. Caid and Submisszero were there, mere moments ahead of him. Stefano and Caid both nodded in greeting and headed for the Shrine. Stefano came into the crater area.. surrounded by rock formations unknown to him within the shadow of the great castle near them.

    "... Commander Riggs was here.. I know not why.."

    There was a long silence except for the quiet roar of the rain, as the small group stared at the ground then the silence was broken by Caids reply.

    "I know why... he came to end what was started and dieing before our eyes. This is why we feel as though something has been ripped from us."

    Stefano nodded then removed his Cyborg Death Squad Helmet and let the rain drench his head.. he then went up to Caid and requested a knife. Caid, knowing what Stefano meant to do, handed him it. Stefano carved brief but strong words on a rock placed in he middle of the shrine.

    "Wraiths never die. They only fade for a while only to appear when you least expect them. Here we stand on the firing line. Here we walk through the feild where we died. We will fight and let the voice ring true. We are the ghosts, always standing next to you." - Wraiths

    With the final word carved, Stefano offered Caid to sign his markings upon it but he declined and used a Nano Program to turn his fists into a burning flame, with that he punched the bottom of the rock making a mark for his signature. Stefano stabbed the knife onto the top of the rock, never to be tampered by the rain and forver to remain.

    Stefano takes out his Data-Pad and types in something briefly, as Caid and Submisszero watch on. Stefano finishes and all three of them walk off through to rain towards something bigger..
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

  5. #5
    A Yalmaha, slightly battered from weather and poor treatment, zommed through the elements to the pilots destination. Stefano slammed on the pedal, pushing the Yalmaha to it's limits. He suddenly stopped with a jolt, he then jumped out the door onto the ground in a small crater. Stefano was more gritty looking than usual, his armor was worn down from dust storms in Old Athen and his Rifle looked overused which hung from his shoulder. Stefano walked over to a small rock and read it and started to laugh wickedly,

    "So this prophecy will stay true. Haha! Very good!" Stefano laughed once again and then fixed his Penumbra Shades to block out sunlight.

    Stefano hoped back in his Yalmaha with wide grin on his face.

    "Perhaps I should be better dressed for this.."
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

  6. #6
    The sands of the Perpetual Wastelands.......Dawn:
    A figure looked up into the sandstorm, no longer wearing the goggles that most had to wear about this place, the sandy winds throwing back his shoulderlength hair as if it was alive, green eyes glittered lightly, he almost seemed a part of the storm, his armor and clothing blending into it perfectly, all but the gleaming black tank armor he wore, the only badge of Omni-Tek still adorning the man. Massatsu, Commander of the special forces unit Wraiths he had once been....servant to the hyper corporation, once perhaps but no more, his boots scuffed in the sand as he walked forward again seeming to fade into the sands again.....silence reigned but for the howling of the winds and the crack of thunder....

    Pleasant Meadows......Shrine of the Wraith......Dusk:
    Massatsu stepped out into the shrine, the rain pouring down and cleaning his armor of the dust upon it, rain hitting his eyes didn't even cause him to blink now, he was more. Not solitus none of the inferior races bred nowadays. He was better, stronger, faster. He was everything they where not, and everything they strived to become.... He approached the shrine, reguarding the knife as he pulled it from its home in the stone, reguarding it for but a moment before he hurled it into the air. His eyes shifting to a pale slitted golden. His expression turned cold, as he rolled his fingers about the handles of the twin gelid blades gouging several slashes into the rock with the icy edges before he departed again, leaving what once was a pair of pads of dedication upon the ground....the rain glistening upon their surface....

    A shadowed figure sat back in his desk, his fingers steepling lightly as he reguarded the report "So....our Wraith has resurfaced....and the men you sent to find him?" another figure standing at crisp attention on the other side of the desk "Dead Sir. All of them. Ten of my best men slaughtered and left to the sands in the Perpetual Wastelands..." the shadowed figure nodded "I expected as he a traitor? Or is he merely playing a game with us?" the man leaned forward, the mark of a Sergeant upon his chest "I don't know Sir. From the last recorded transmission that we recieved...he was never Omni to begin with..." the shadowed man stood, slamming his palms down onto the desk "Thats a load of crap Sergeant! I know the man was Omni-Tek! I trained him myself!" the Sergeant shook his head "I don't think so Sir....something is more about him....something not right..." the shadowed man turned to look to the window "Then what have we done? Who or what have we let loose? Or did we ever control him to begin with?"

    Omni-1 Entertainment District.........Two Weeks Later.....Dusk:
    The scream shattered the morning air obviously no woman, far to deep a voice or so the city guard thought running through the streets, his thoughts confirmed when he found the atrox pinned to the wall by his shoulders, his shirt gone, and a message carved into the muscle and bone of his chest, he stopped for a moment his blood running cold as he read the message alound "Wraiths....never....die." he suddenly found it hard to breath as if his helmet was to tight, he had to report this, the click of his communication unit in his helmet and then the sensation of being watched, and the click of a bootheel, intentional sound, he turned only just in time to watch as the red crystal blade peirced through his armor like it was butter, a numbing coldness spread through his body as the blade was twisted then pulled free as the guard crumpled to the ground, the techs in the base scrambling frantically to figure out what had happened, the hiss of static then a voice crackling over the headjack "Time has come. Flames have burned to ashe. Stone has crumbled to dust. Wraiths never die." and then silence as the comm clicked off, the men looking around pale as the white of their uniforms....only one broke the silence, his voice was only a whisper "Dear god...who....or what....was that?" he recieved no answer only the hum of the machinery about them.....
    I see the sadness in their eyes
    Melancholy in their cries
    Devoid of all the passion
    The human spirit cannot die
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I cry for
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I'll die for

  7. #7
    Shadows.....darkness.....dust....ashe.....everythi ng he had ever been associated with. The adventurer known as Massatsu sat atop one of the enourmous cliffs of the Perpetual Wastelands, so close to Tir and Athens he could run to his homes nowadays if he was in the mood, much had changed. Him, the world, his very views of himself...though perhaps that was all that had changed. After all knowledge alone can change a man....even if only in his reguard for himself, sometimes that was all it took....the time was drawing near, something was approaching and the time would soon be at hand to make his return. This unseen force that he knew was comming he could not explain, perhaps precognition, perhaps a touch of psychic power, he wasn't sure but no matter he had never been wrong in things like this before.

    It was only a few days since he had seen the "fabled and mighty" Unicorn Company in Borealis, he was flatly not impressed. They where nothing more than morons imprisoned in the material of their own armor. Nothing about them was even worth the mass hysteria they had been producing about Rubi-Ka. If he had still been an Omni-Tek employee he would have been outright embarassed and humiliated to have them representing Omni-Prime here. Even now after throwing his Omni Armed Forces Tank Armor away it still made his lip curl into a sneer and brought a shake to his head. Omni-Tek was desperate he knew, calling in the biggest fools of all of the corporation to hopefully bring this to some end. It wouldn't work he knew, Omni-Tek was to far down its own spiralling self destruction. But even as this line of thought passed through his head it was wiped away with a simple phrase that had become his mantra when dealing with the failing corporation "Not my problem."

    Two more days passed before he returned to West Athens, stepping inside to nod a greeting to his guildmates and old friends. Wraiths now clan and clan he had known since the first days that he and Dave Diamondcut Duster began to associate with each other, and those thoughts brought a smile to his face. Memories of the fools in several organizations that had attempted to stand against him and the Wraiths, all of them having failed miserably in their various attempts and goals upon him, Leisaran, Malachii, Stefano, Vincefeldt, and the rest of them within the Wraiths. Perhaps the most laughable of all was the misguided arrogant child Marcai who thought his power was enough to make the buildings of Omni-HQ shudder when he truthfully only had enough power to cause ripples in a glass of water. And of course that brought the memory of Marcai's failed duel with Stefano, in which he did more damage to himself than his opponent. Which actually brought a laugh to the now stoic adventurer, oh he was glad he took several stillframes with his wrist camera, those where worth placing on a wall.
    But that was enough of allowing himself to dive into memories, there where more important things to do now than worry with the past endevors of fools against him, now was a time for the new age to begin. And he would ensure that it would never be the same.
    I see the sadness in their eyes
    Melancholy in their cries
    Devoid of all the passion
    The human spirit cannot die
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I cry for
    Look at the pain around me
    This is what I'll die for

  8. #8

    Demon on the loose

    Styc returned to his his beautiful apartment in Jobe, and started checking his messages. Many from his new love Ravenessa, his cursed under his breath form have to off world on his mission without telling her. Her safety was first, had she known about it they may have went after her to get to him. Just as he was about to let her know what happened and that he was back, he heard it and his blood ran cold. Dead silence to most but his keen training picked up a noticable and familar hum, then to confirm it a voice came in. Emotionless and firm, he had heard the Commander like this only a couple of times. "Contact me as soon as you get back from your mission Styc, there is something...........we need to discuss."

    As bad as he needed to hear her voice, he contacted Commander Riggs.

    Styc walked up to General Malachii, and then Malachii's came across his Wraith channel on his com, "He is with me now, beam him out now." A few seconds later he was inside a cave he didn't recognize, the Commander, General Vincefelt, and Agent Stefano was in front of him. "It's clear Commander, you're free to talk." Stefano stated.

    "We have a situation Styc, only we Wraiths can fix it. We all are making sacrifices needed to take care of it. If you are willing to make the sacrifice, I'll inform you of everything, if not we part here and I don't know when we will see each other. What is your answer?" The Commander shifted his position as he finished speaking, waiting for the big Atrox to speak. "I owe you my life Commander, I belong at your side for as long as I can be useful. If it is that serious I will make what ever sacrifice is needed of me. Things changed before I left........I met someone.......special, will this affect her as well." Styc said as his usual gruff behavior softened

    "Yes, it affect everyone. In your case especially her. I'm glad you finally found someone Styc, congratulations. First, thank you for being will to commit to this cause. Second, was your mission succesful?" Riggs said starting to relax a bit

    "No sir, it was a failure, neither process worked. They are still working on it, to see if anything else can be done" Styc stated emotionless.

    Commander Riggs shock his head slowly, then spoke "I am sorry Styc, if anyone can figure it out they can. Now to the business at hand......" Massatsu starts going into great detail about everything that has been happening since the Atrox went off world

    A few hours later, Massatsu was looking at a very different Atrox, his usual gruff behavior was replaced by an almost evil calm. Different enough to cause consern in the unflappable Massatsu Riggs.

    "Are you ok Styc" Riggs questioned the Atrox as both stood. "I'm fine Commander, after what you have told me I will do what ever is require of me. I must contact a few people, I will contact you as soon as all is prepared" Styc says in an unusual tone.

    Styc now notices Vincefelt is gone and Stefano steps up to him and injects him with something in the neck. Stefano steps back, nods and salutes Styc as the Commander speaks "Beam him out now. I expect to hear from you soon Styc....."

    Styc is now standing outside of Omni Entertainment and an invisible hand touches his neck, then a voice is heard "Now you know how to contact us, see you soon Styc" Then the presure is gone and he knows he is alone again.

    As Styc makes his way into Omni Entertainment, he contacts his brother "It's time to pull in the reenforcements, contact me when it's done". He slowly walks along as his thoughts race to all he has heard, he realizes what he must do. He walks into Baboon's and enter's the office, he thinks out loud in his head "This must be done, everything is at stake. I must do it for her......she will not be safe until it is done. If they hurt her nothing will save them, NOTHING!" Styc pulls out his gun and shoots at the wall for two minutes, then puts his guns away. As he walks out he thinks to himself "I must protect her, no matter what it is time for WAR!"

    Behind him the smoke clears from the wall, etched into it reads these words

    Wraiths shall return!
    Last edited by Styc; Sep 1st, 2004 at 22:18:21.

  9. #9

    The preperation.

    Footsteps echoed through the Omni-Trade Streets, Omni Soldiers marched about as if they were protecting something of value. They were all blinded by fake propaganda and now its at an all time high with this new threat of Aliens. Stefano sat perched on the roof of a Omni-Tek Apartment Complex.

    Stefano looked down at the soldiers, marching like robots. He spit and mumbled, "Time pay my debt to the coporation.." Stefano picked up his rifle and let it rest on his shoulder whilst looking through the Scope. Stefano aimed at one of soldiers in the back row and fired at the back of soldier's head, instantly dropping him. Civilians screamed in shock and ran up to the body to see what happend, Stefano just let out a grin and looked for a new target. Some Omni-Pol Police Officers arrived to scene, Stefano immedietly aimed for one of them and whispered, "Here's one for the arrest of me.." Stefano fired and instantly killing the Officer. Stefano turned his sights on the second Officer, "For the arrest of Malachii..." Stefano once again fired, hitting the officer in the shoulder to wound him and knock him to the ground. This sufferage was never enough for Stefano though, he rotated around for a new target. There was a crowd around the bodies and people looking around for the killer, oblivious to where Stefano is.

    Stefano sighed then turned on his cloaking device, "Another day I will pay my debts.. I am a man of my word, Mr. Ross." Stefano hopped from the roof and ran off into the shadows of the tall skyscrapers.

    5 hours later, a Omni-Med Surgeon was inspecting the bullets that were fired into the soldier and 2 officers, he noticed some inscriptions on them. The Surgeon laid the bullets down side by side and with a microscope he read them, "Wraiths will return...."
    "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

    Glenn "Stefano" Kyren - Lieutenant of The Black Company, Grandmaster Assassin for the Clans and proud supporter of Silverstone and the Sentinels.

    Romulus "Arnthem" McChristian - Trigger Happy Soldier for the Company.

    ''The Wraiths never die, merely fade away. Only to appear when someone least expects it.'' - Shrine of the Wraith

    The Black Company Forums
    Roleplaying Profile of Glenn "Stefano" Kyren

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