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Thread: Something is out there

  1. #1

    Something is out there

    As I teleported back into my Deluxe Apt on the Third level of the Jobe platform, I dusted off my Omni AF boots, and removed them to there spot in the floor. It had been another difficult trip into Pand, the loving nickname we had given to the zone known as Pandemonium, as The Zodiac Sagittarius was up to his old tricks again, and it took a combine effort from my Legionnaire’s and our allies in the clan faction known as Synergy Factor, to even hold him at bay.

    It seemed that many of the Panda Zodiacs were increasing their activities, and some even seemed to be setting wards and barriers into there territories of Pand. They had already placed a huge demon at the front gates of Pand, flank by to large Hissi’s just north of the Garden exits. It seemed to me that they knew something that we did not. As if they were expecting something to happen. A buzz on my vid link brought me out of my inner thoughts. Hmm it’s TheMakker, our very own self proclaimed sexiest Trader on Rubi-Kia….Heh what a character... rude, self absorb, just to name some of his traits…though when it matter, he was a good person…I should know, I married him to Dr. Trelf in Ely. What a surprise that was! “Shadowgimp! Get your Meta butt down to Omni Prime…Command is setting a meeting on the Land auctions. I’m out Ugly!”
    Heh, as I said…charming to last drop…Hmm I fail to see why I need to be there, but I guess a visit to Omni prime would not hurt. I hit the grid button, and chose the Omni Trade Grid as my destination.

    Omni prime was buzzing about as usual, with many orgs coming and going speaking on the lands, and the new cities that will come from them. It all seemed hum drummed to me, but then it hit me. My senses in tuned to the spirits of Rubi Kia itself, I felt it. Just a little nudge, but it was there. Again! Soon I received a telepathic communication from Olorin1. Though he was an Atrox, his senses were much more enhance than a regular Atrox’s, as his being had shifted when he had reached enlightenment. “Shadow did you feel that?!?” came the thought rushing in hitting me like a sledgehammer. “I did. Slow you’re thought my friend, you are imposing your will too much and it is grating on the senses...” Though he was enlightened, he was still an atrox…”Something comes this way…though it is hard to pinpoint, it is there...” He was right. I too felt the surge of energy in the notum flow, something was coming, and it was highly evolved. Also the aura of pure evil, a single total thought seemed to a singular task almost overwhelmed me. And that thought was……Dam! It was gone again. As if something was masking it, concealing it from my probe. Soon the metaphysics neuron net was abuzz as some of the more powerful meta’s on Rubi-Kia had pick up on the same exact thing.

    Though we did not know when, were, or what, we all could agree on one thing. Something was coming to Rubi-Kia. Something big. Something evil. And nowhere on Rubi-Kia could we hide from it.

    Hehe just a little RP
    Shadow Lv 13 Deity. Mp Warrior.
    I am The Master of Shadows. I am here to help you...
    We are L E G I O N for we are many.

    Teh Layout

    “One should be as humble as the dust he treads upon...
    But do not mistake my Humbleness as Weakness.”

    The light battles the darkness.Who we are decides which side will prevail.

  2. #2
    Sitting in her apartment, more or less dozing off, Jenny heard the wristpad blare, and her NCU fizzled. Something was going on. Out of nowhere, she saw a tall, elegant man, his hair silvery and his eyes sharp and intelligent. It was Philip Ross.

    Nearly freaking out, she darted to an upright position. Why would she receive a hologram from Ross? Then the hologram started speaking, and she had to sit down again, as the blood rushed from her head.

    "Good evening fellow inhabitants of Rubi-Ka. I come to you this evening with grave news.

    A hostile enemy force from a race we have not yet encountered has arrived in near planet orbit. They have NOT come in peace and mean to take our homes away from us through violent means.

    Omni-Tek has been aware of this pending invasion for some time and we have been taking steps to prepare for the defense of the planet. This message was triggered to auto run if any of these enemy ships breach our outer planetary security defenses, as I could not keep the population ignorant of this danger.

    It is with a sad heart that I find myself off planet speaking to the Board of Directors on Omni Prime about the continuing defense of this planet we all call home.

    But my friends, we shall be strong and def-..."

    Static filled the air around her as the transmission was...interrupted? She understood that the message went out to all the people on this planet...their home. Her thoughts shot to all the people she cared so deeply about..."what happens now, my friends?"

    Immediately calling her family on Miralen, explaining what was happening, her wristpad a constant blare. Her father nearly demanded she should come home to Miralen. She refused. Not only because shuttling off of Rubi-Ka could prove deadly, but because she had responsibilities she didn't want to leave behind. But most importantly...

    Because Rubi-Ka was her home now...

  3. #3
    The darkness of Flash's Jobe apartment seemed to extend beyond the borders of the walls. Within the past week it seems that the darkness of night gripped the entire planet. With each passing day, events began to transpire and violence once again was on the front page news. Everything pointed to something on the horizion...something big.

    Suddenly a small light illuminated in the apartment, and a faint beeping woke Flash from his sleep. Even with augmented vision, it was still to dark to see. Flash felt around next to his bed till he gripped his keelar sunglasses and placed them over his sleep filled eyes. The display lasers interacted with Flash's retina wall creating a visual display in his shades. Information from current enviomental conditions to the time began to come into focus. His center vision was blocked from an incoming call.

    Incoming message...stand by

    The message vanished as the image of a young male face overtook the display.

    "Hey there Chris, it's been a long time!" The face looked familiar. Though it was like something out of a dream for how faded the memories were.

    Flash squinted at the picture trying to place the figure. "Fix? Is that you?"

    "I haven't heard that nickname in quite some time. Yes it's me, though a bit older."

    Flash smiled remembering Fix as a young, eager kid who began working for a small information dealer prior to Flash working for Omni Tek. He was always tinkering and messing with stuff. He broke everything he touched, so the nickname always made people laugh.

    "It's good to see you again Fix. Wait, what are you doing calling me? We agreed on no communication."

    Fix's expression changed to a serious tone. "I know what we agreed on, but I couldn't let this slip. Listen, you guys all took care of me so I owe you one. You need to leave Rubika, get off the planet!"

    "Wait, calm down. Get off the planet? There's no way I'm leaving this is my home."

    "Kris, something is happening. I've been working for one of Omni Tek's intelligence processing departments. All of our directors began to slowly vanish. I've seen reports, holovid images...there's something really wrong!"

    "Fix, none of this is making sense." Flash began to sound frustrated, this was intruding in his sleep time.

    "Look Kris, something or someone is coming to destroy kill everyone. I can't say more than that, even over this secure frequency. Please, just do it."

    Without warning, the image if Fix fades into static and a notice appears that the signal has been lost. Flash took off his shades and rubbed his eyes. Something was seriously wrong if people from his past are calling with warnings. Across the room was Flash's twin swords hanging on the wall. He stared at them, remembering he put them up on the wall when his time as a agent of destruction was over. His stomach began to stir with the thought that he might have to taken them down again. Something was coming to kill him, and everyone he cares about. He could hide from his past, but he couldn't hide from the darkness that was coming.

    Outside, screaming and yelling could be heard. Something was happening. Flash put on his Keelars and grabbed his X-3 rifle. After putting on his body armor and trench coat, he took one last look around his apartment. Pictures of his friends around, and various gifts.

    "I'll come back for these"

    The door shut behind him, his destiny approaching.

  4. #4
    The angry Leet bit at Marisha’s heels as she made the final tweaks to the ransacking program, typing furiously at the holographic keyboard projected into her field of vision. Temporary insight into psychological modification and the nature of time and space flooded into her short-term memory. Quickly, she began to compile and compress the data downloaded from the Leet into an executable wrangle to be uploaded into herself and the Meta-physicist standing nearby.

    Marisha didn’t wonder how the Leet got this highly technical data in the first place. The entire process had become commonplace. She was just going through the motions making sure each step was done in the correct order.

    Another holographic emitter in her eyeball hummed to life and projected a new window on the back of her retina. It took her a moment to register the face of Philip Ross. It took another for her to realize what he was saying.

    The data packet flashed, already beginning to decompile. The Meta-physicist looked at her expectantly, as if nothing was wrong, only wondering why she had stopped coding. Marisha mumbled an apology and uploaded the nanoprogram. With a wicked grin, the Meta-physicist hoisted a pair of blades. The Leet bit at Marisha’s ankles twice more before he brought the blades down on it. The Leet died suddenly, overwhelmed. Marisha watched the broadcast twice more before she realized that the Meta-Physicist was trying to give her a tip for her efforts.

    The knowledge was already fading from her short-term memory. After a few seconds, Marisha was unable to understand the theories behind what she had just accomplished. “Aliens…” she thought to herself. Nothing would be commonplace again.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  5. #5
    To all RUR employees:

    Hi guys. I expect you are following the news. If not, switch you holo-vid sets right now. I am still under shock; I can’t quite believe what I am seeing. How is this possible?

    Needless to say I don’t expect anyone to come into work today. Stay with your loved ones, stay safe and God bless.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  6. #6
    Cathern listened to the various news reports and intel streaming into her data terminal. She was rather in shock, but not entirely willing to belive this wasn't some elaborate plot. "If this is true....if our planet is truely besiged....I may have little choice but to work along the side of the Sentinels and Omni-tek", she thought aloud.

    Opening her data terminal she drafted a message to her clan:


    The evidence and reports you are ubdoubtably aware of may very well be true. Some form of life is apparently approaching or is already in orbit around our home. If this is true, if this is not some Omni plot, and if they are hostile to the Clans, we may find the political situation very much changed in the new future. It is possible that we will need to make friends with our old enemies to defeat a mutual enemy that threatens our very existance. I encourage everyone to keep your wits about you and not panic. Together my dear family, we will get through this. Thank you.

    Cathern Flowers

    She pressed her fingers to her temples massaging them. She had a feeling she was going to be very busy in the next few days.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  7. #7
    "Now, Robo. We got it finally installed! I told you you needed perennium screws to make it stick to the wall!" Virta climbs down the ladder to the ground, puts his hands on his hips and gives a satisfied nod towards his shining speed camera prototype.

    "All we have to do now, is sit behind the corner over there and wait for any disturbance."
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  8. #8

    The Time has come...

    Omni Entertainment was all but empty. Pieces of trash blowing through the streets like some kind of futuristic tumbleweed. The city seemed to be on lock down yet everything looked just as is has for the past few days...weeks, hell it's looked the same for the past few years.

    Flashwing climbed out of him Yalm onto one of the high rise building roofs in the city. The yalm quickly morphed into a small package which he put into his backpack for safe keeping. Atop the building, the wind blew through Flash's trenchcoat violently. This, however, was not natural wind or created by Omni's climate control. The wind was created by the large craft entering the atmosphere. Around everywhere there was fire in the sky. The Alien craft would hit a wall of air and begin to burn much like fast moving craft would coming from space. The sky burned as the spacecraft began to settle around the planet.

    Structural analysis is negative Flash signed at the news. Clearly the beings had technology beyond anything we have ever seen. He gripped his rifle, checking for a loaded clip. He had heard Dabblez broadcast over the wide RUR band for people to do what they have to do. No doubt she was with her father at the moment. Flash's only family was his friends. This is going to be, indeed, a very long day

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