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Thread: Bugs which, amazingly, have never been fixed

  1. #1

    Bugs which, amazingly, have never been fixed

    Here is a place to list the bugs which, to everyone's amazement, have never been fixed after 7 months or however long the game's been out. These are the bugs that have been there since the beginning, should have been fixed long ago, and haven't been for some bizarre reason.

    1. Memory leak! How the heck could this thing still be there after 7 months? And yet it is. I had to buy an extra 256 megs of RAM to get this game to run decently, and still if I move through too many zones, everything starts to lag and my hard drive starts running overly much and I have to relog to get my memory back.

    2. Windows not scrolling up and down properly. Store terminals, or the menus of your uploaded nanos, still don't scroll up and down properly. You have to keep clicking all up and down the side looking for the one spot that actually works and actually allows you to move the menu up and down.

    How could this not be fixed yet? Every single other computer program in existance, an estimated 1 million of them, have windows which scroll up and down properly. Perhaps Funcom programmers should try contacting any computer programmer in the entire world, and ask them how to make windows scroll up and down. Perhaps they could then work on their next mighty objective, getting resizable windows (gasp!).

    That's all I have time for now, feel free to add to the list.

  2. #2
    I've only been playing since August, but...

    Pets changing "sides" on zoning. Still. Woo, now they're "enemies" and you can't do certain things to "enemies"...especially in, say, pvp zones.

    Attacked through walls, from several rooms away. "You are for 100 damage." I'm what? Goosed? Piddled upon? What? If I weren't a pet-user, I'd have no way of getting that guy because I've no idea who's doing what, from where.

    Team mission terminals. Supposedly getting fixed/implemented. Not holding my breath for this one.

    Doorways in missions. Too small for: slayerdroids (too tall AND wide), warbots (too tall), gladbots (too wide), meatballs (mp pets), 75% of adventurer morphs (wolves and tigers and pit lizards, oh my!), etc. etc. Supposedly they're fixing missions to be more pet-friendly, but I didn't see anything on doorways.

    Scooplets. Last I heard, they're still omni-aligned and showing up in omni missions and aggro'ing.

    And for the love of Pete, who in the heck locks and traps an empty chest?
    Testlive addict.

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