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Thread: Rare Nanos

  1. #1

    Rare Nanos


    Just thought it would be a good idea to build up a list of 'rare' nanos.
    I know they are there - As an NT I know Efraam's range of shield cannot be bought in shops ( and although they suck donkeys) its better than nothing when solo.
    I have heard that at above a certain higher level - all the nanos cannot be bought and must be found.
    But at lower levels there are 'rare' nanos also.
    I came across a Mindreaver nano the other day and was about to put it back into a shop when someone told me it was a rare MP nano and to keep hold of it.

    So rather than stay in ignorance and loose important nano's for other profs - anyone care to list a few of which profs consider 'rare' ? That way I/we can keep an eye out for them.
    Lvl 107 NT - Rubi-Ka 1 - Clan

  2. #2

  3. #3
    wow thanks

    Lvl 107 NT - Rubi-Ka 1 - Clan

  4. #4
    Put the mindreaver in the store. It's better off there

    From an MP who has then...

  5. #5
    Shops only sells tradeskill items above ql 125, everything else you have to get from mobs/missions.

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