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Thread: Tank vs Cloak

  1. #1

    Tank vs Cloak

    Q200 Hanshi Primus Decus Armor Coat

    PoisonAC by 875
    ChemicalAC by 625
    FireAC by 875
    ColdAC by 875
    MeleeAC by 1000
    EnergyAC by 1000
    ProjectileAC by 1000
    RadiationAC by 250

    no negative effects.

    Q200 High-Quality Heavy Tank Armor

    FireAC by 875
    EnergyAC by 1000
    ProjectileAC by 1000
    MeleeAC by 1000
    PoisonAC by 250
    ColdAC by 750
    ChemicalAC by 250
    RadiationAC by 250

    NPCostModifier to 100
    RunSpeed by -50
    Duck by -50
    Dodge by -50
    Evade by -50

    anybody else see a balance issue here?

    why does a coat provide better AC and have no negative effects,
    when inferior tank armor doubles nano cost and lowers evades and runspeed?

  2. #2
    Tank armour will be better, when tradeskills can be applied to them. Besides, they look alot cooler!

  3. #3
    When tradeskills can be applied to them? Sounds interesting. Care to explain?

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  4. #4
    No, that previous guy is just talking out of his ass.

    FC hasn't even hinted that upgrading items will be coming ANY TIME soon. Why?

    They took out primers because "the database doesn't support upgradable items", and now they seem they want to put this back in...

    I'm guess Summer 2002... hmmm.

    Summer 2002: AOs last months. So many other games are coming out that AO needs a lot to survive through that period and I don't think FC has the ability to do that.

  5. #5
    As it is now Tank has proven to be obsolete.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  6. #6
    Quote from above post....

    Summer 2002: AOs last months. So many other games are coming out that AO needs a lot to survive through that period and I don't think FC has the ability to do that

    That pretty much somes it up....blizzards WorldOfWarcraft comes out at the end of the year or early 2003 which definitially won't help funcom any.
    "If it hurts, it means your still alive." - Bayman

    NuggetKiller - The best looking atrox on RK1

  7. #7
    Easy fix :
    Ql200 tank armor = 2000 to all ACs keeping the current penalties (10AC/QL).
    QL200 battlesuit = 8000 to all ACs keeping the current penalties (40AC/QL).

    Don't tell me it's hard to change (program) that.

  8. #8
    hmmm switching armour during pvp.

    Tank to take dmg, coat to be safe doing nanos.


  9. #9
    Originally posted by CaptFallout
    No, that previous guy is just talking out of his ass.

    FC hasn't even hinted that upgrading items will be coming ANY TIME soon. Why?

    They took out primers because "the database doesn't support upgradable items", and now they seem they want to put this back in...

    I'm guess Summer 2002... hmmm.

    Summer 2002: AOs last months. So many other games are coming out that AO needs a lot to survive through that period and I don't think FC has the ability to do that.

    well cos did DID say that they will make players able to modify tank armor to be more usefull (less poopy). I am going to bed, if you insist I will find the link tomorrow, he said this less than 2 weeks ago.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  10. #10

    he's right

    he's right

    Cosmik (i think it was Cosmik)
    did say that they were planning some sort of tradeskill
    modification to tank to lessen the penalites.

    the problem is,
    unless tank armor also gets a major AC boost during this mod,
    it will still be inferior to coats.

    "oh, so now, for the priviledge of wearing inferior armor
    i am only suffering 1.5x nanocost instead of double?
    oh .. errr.. umm.. thank you .. ?
    i'll run right out and find an engineer with the necessary
    800 skill in quantum physics.. right after i get the special
    modification item from the boss mob in a dungeon who
    only spawns every 4 hours. . .

    . . err . . actually .. i think i'll just slip this nice coat back on."


  11. #11
    i woulnt mind the evades and run speed hit, but the nano delta is excessive....

    and senpai is sooooo ugly and tank is sooo cool

  12. #12

    Lightbulb back-slot

    I've always felt that all back-slot armor needs to have a penalty.
    why have all these cool types of armor if all you'll ever see is
    a coat and a helmet? nano-bodys look especially awesome.

    if i was in charge of a mmorpg my mantra would be
    that every single decision you give a player must have
    both pros and cons.

    want the extra AC of tank armor?
    ok. -100 evades and -50 runspeed.
    (forget the stupid nanodelta idea)

    want the extra AC of a nano cloak?
    ok. -2 nanopool per QL. (QL200 would = -400 nanopool)

    want the extra AC of a decus coat?
    hmm. . what do we give these?
    maybe a -5 to all nanoskills?
    or perhaps -10 sense, -10 intelligence, and -10 psychic?
    something small, yet something that
    would make you stop to weigh the choice.

    nice move on the new backpacks with modifiers idea tho,
    however ill have to wait and see what kind of modifiers
    before saying if it's enough to warrant sacrificing AC for.
    (and investing IP in adventuring for)

  13. #13


    world of warcraft aint coming out until 2004. they just started working on it 15 months ago(statement from a dev)
    Video games, my anti-drug

  14. #14
    I don't think I ever saw Blizzard release a game on time.

  15. #15
    Funcom basically pulled the cloak out of thier ass without thinking. Just like they were not thinking when they nerfed the NTs.

    What they shouldve done was implement coats which have NO penalties (there not called 'cloaks') and raised the Tank armor AC.

    But no.. they made coats to the exact same proficiency as Tanks armor.. but with no effects. Blindly not seeing that this would wipe out the use of tank armor for months.

    You would think that a huge piece of metal would protect you more than a orange jacket with designs :\

  16. #16


    eh, "World of Worldcraft comes out late 2002, early 2003"??? We are talking about Blizzard here. I'll behappy to try out WoWC - when it comes out in say... 2004-2005?

  17. #17

    Re: back-slot

    Originally posted by Scumbug

    nice move on the new backpacks with modifiers idea tho,
    however ill have to wait and see what kind of modifiers
    before saying if it's enough to warrant sacrificing AC for.
    (and investing IP in adventuring for)

    ok.. saw the mods on the new backpacks..
    and it's definately not enough for anyone
    to invest the IP to wear.. : /

    nice idea.
    and they'll still be good for organization..
    but.. c'mon .. seriously ..
    why even bother with the mods if you're not going
    to weigh them against the AC of coats/tank?

    pro vs con .. . give vs take . . . advantage vs sacrifice . .

    when you create items,
    put yourself in the position of a player,
    and if you're not torn between whether to use
    the item or not, then keep tweaking until it
    is a difficult choice .. . then you have achieved balance.

    lowlight scopes are a good example of this;
    increased chance to crit vs. slower attack speed.

    players should always have to choose between
    advantages and penalties *and* alternative options.

    backpack? or coat? or tank-armor? should be a tough choice to make.

    you have implemented other things that come close to this concept,
    but then miss the target

    Cortex of the Executioner
    The brain stem of a cold-hearted executioner.
    To Wear Level 36
    To Wear Sense 109
    To Wear Agility 109
    To Wear Treatment 228
    Wear Modify CriticalIncrease by 1 On Wearer
    Wear Modify SneakAttack by 10 On Wearer
    Wear Modify AimedShot by 10 On Wearer

    the position of this item is 'Head'.
    when I picked it up a was strongly considering
    sacrificing the AC of a helmet for the bonuses
    of this item. .. (would also be nice to be one of
    the few players with a visible face)
    . .until i discovered that it actually goes in the
    *head implant slot* .. doh! nevermind.
    it's now rubbish.

    understand what i mean?
    you devs are making us players crazy with
    all these badly implemented great ideas.

  18. #18
    Get ready for a cloak nerf or a tank maker better :/
    Tanks should be only able to be worn by the hit takers..
    I mean...
    I wont make sense to make both of them the same stats, remove nano cost etc, it will just be for looks, I dunno...this game i weird.

    Nano armour or elites?
    Why not wear mixed youll still have the same ac in the end!

  19. #19
    i cant wait until we all wear

    ql200 pink "barbie" flowers armor
    ql200 primus blue bathrobe
    ql200 waltzing queen/E-beamer guns

    what a party !!!

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