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Thread: The Dojo Reaches 100 MA Members, and still Recruiting!

  1. #1

    Arrow The Dojo Reaches 100 MA Members, and still Recruiting!

    The Dojo - Omni School of Martial Arts (RK2)

    After a bit more than 1 month of existence, we just broke the 100 members barrier, which is even nicer when you know we are on RK2 (i know only of 3 omni org on RK2 with more ppl, but might have forgotten a few?)

    For those of you who don't know us, we are a fairly organized MA Omni Org on RK2, having fun together! And for those who wonder, yes a profession-specific Org works quite fine, at least for us!

    Join The Dojo.
    /tell nikh - or any other member!

    Note: We are also looking for a limited number of 'support' professions to enrich our member base! - check website.
    Last edited by nikh; Jan 2nd, 2002 at 12:03:31.
    RK2 Omni Martial Artist

    Honorary Sensei of The Dojo - Omni School of Martial Arts
    Visit us at:

  2. #2


    Now the 4th largest guild on RK2.

    But we have room for more, so if you are an Omni MA on RK2 give us a tell.

  3. #3
    Just to add that the Guild is real good for low levels as well, and damn friendly.

    And to bump this post back to the top as well

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