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Thread: Starting attack failed...

  1. #1

    Angry Starting attack failed...

    I have a lvl 85 MA that as of right now hunts borgs in Mort. Now from what I have seen I'm not he only one that this has happened to.

    After killing a MOB, but not for everything that is killed, I will sometimes get starting attack failed and after ticks of that I find my self at the ever infamous Insurance Terminal. I know it's no profession related since I've seen it happen to other players. This is somthing IMO that really needs to be looked into seriously and correct me if it is. I find it real annoying that after everyother kill I'm having to run to a Cell Scanner to save and run back only to be killed by the same bug. If anyone else has experienced please post replies to this thread so that it might be looked at. I'll try to post some screenshots of this later on.

  2. #2
    No its not profession related I have had it happen to me, a mob turned its attention to me just as it died... I get six starting attack faild in a few seconds and dropped dead, neither me nor any party member saw any attack messages. I happens now and then since the change to meds but since its not super common it is unlikely Funcom will even bother looking into it.

  3. #3
    Ive gotten this bug for what seems like an eternity.If you have shielding bracers you will also get the message that they reflected DMG back to attacker,yet no seen Dmg from attacker.I find whenever this occur to ALWAYS heal as soon as starting attack message is recieved.

  4. #4

    Me too

    Just happened to me for about the 3rd time. The mob died, I got 3 starting attack failed messages, each with a damage shield message, and then died. No other mobs in sight. I'm an adventurer.

  5. #5


    Lost 80,000 xp to it yesterday. In a mission, I killed my single mob, a close call. I was awarded the xp. Prepared to sit and heal, when "attack failed" appears and I die. I was pissed.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the information, all of you. I'll make sure QA gets this information. Also please make sure you bug report this if you come across it again, as it really helps pinpoint the bug and the cause of it.

    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  7. #7


    I mentioned in my previous post that this happened several times to me. I believe each time I was fighting far from the mission entrance, was losing, outran the mob to the mission entrance and waited for the mob to arrive, killed him, and sat down. Hope this helps in debugging.

  8. #8
    This bug is not related in anyway to what playfield you are in.This happens in missions and outdoor playfields.

    This bug is not related to multiple enemies.It happens 1 on 1 or with multiple MOBs.

    This bug is NOT HP related.It happens at low HP and at Full HP.

    This bug is NOT related to a particular MOB/NPC.It happens with any MOB/NPC.

    In my xperience of this bug it is NOT predictable and therefore a very dangerous bug.You cant change your game play around it because it could happen at the end of any given fight.

    This bug makes close fights an absolute horror.I dont find many fights to be all that easy hehe...who wants to kill greys and greens all day?

  9. #9
    This bug has happened to me... it happened to me so many times it's not amusing, and in no way at all is it rare. So you know, it won't always say 'Starting attack failed' - I've spontaneously died with no damage and aggro message. Took nice screenies of it too that show the entire console. No aggro, no damage, no damage reflected from my bracers, no 'Starting attack failed', just

    You have lost 1170308 xp.

    with a

    Your bodily remains will be availble in 60 seconds...

    after it.

    Edit: Hey, I think that's a nifty new sig!

  10. #10
    Got to enjoy this bug again tonight.

  11. #11

    Post Me also

    I have also had the displeasure of this bug a few times.
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

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