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Thread: Needed: More players!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Needed: More players!

    The streets of omni 1 are bare, there must be so many few players, I constantly see the same people around! does anyone know exactly how many people play ao? it can't be many. i know lots of people who like the look of the game but were put off by the monthly payments, so didn't buy it. I guess FC needs all of the money they get from the monthly payments to compensate for few sales. If there weren't any monthly fees, wouldn't there be more sales of the game, and wouldn't ppl be less likely to quit the game? when i started this game there were so many players........

  2. #2
    I started this game with 5 friends. Only 2 of them are still here. Not one left because of the $12/month expense (come on, guys, buy one less pizza or two less movie tickets a month!). Of the others, two left because the patch-introduced bugs made missions unplayable and the other because of the complete lack of customer service. One of those three might come back, but the other two are completely lost.

    The game was introduced 6 months before it was ready, they have been playing catch-up ever since.


  3. #3
    I don't think most people left because of the money.

    I came to this game with about 12 friends. Of them I am the only one left, but this was my first game of this type. They had all played EQ.

    I've made a lot of new pals in the game tho.

    It does seem like the server population is small.

    Maybe RK1 & 2 could be merged soon =]

  4. #4
    Yeah, more players needed, but the last 2 days I have not seen so many ppl around since release. To me it seems RKs population has increased alot since the free month was introduced.
    NT phone HOME!!

  5. #5
    Well, that and it was Christmas. All the good boys and girls got AO from Santa? ;)

  6. #6


    The monthly fee is why people make MMOG's. Its about making money, and paying for a team to continously update the game.

    I can honestly say that i havent heard anyone quit over the monthly fee.

    - Khayne

  7. #7
    Not sure about Omni cities but clan places like Tir are packed whenever I'm there. Newlands is heavy at times too. Athens seems to have quietened down a bit but it's still got a decent population. Camelot seems ok too. All RK1 btw.
    Maybe all the Omnis are defecting

  8. #8
    "Maybe all the Omnis are defecting"

    Naww, you see, OT cities are big, not like those muddy little villages called Tir or Athen where poor people have to live in limited space
    But back to the issue, I came to AO from my EQ guild with about 10 people. Everyone has quit except me, mostly because of nerfs and other fc screw ups. And about half of nice ppl I've met in AO have just quit since the game is so bloody boring... and buggy. And nerfed.
    I am definetly out of this game too after my 6 month subscription (yeah yeah, mistake I know...) ends in end of february I think.

  9. #9
    Most people are American.

    1. Meaby you play on Rubi 2?
    2. Meaby you play on 'abstract' hours, I'm european and I notice alot more people online when it's evening in America.

  10. #10

    funcoms own fault

    fix the all the bugs, get the game magazines to review the game better than they did on release then you get more players and alot who retired will come back aswell.

    i played 16 hours through over 2 weeks each day... there havent been alot people on..

    maybe 200 different people i seen. let there be another 200 around ... makes 400 on RK2

  11. #11
    Well, i think that the population is also more spread out. Back in the early days the cities were hugely crowded in the cities, probly because everyone was low level and doing missions around the cities. Now people are 50+ doing xp in randoms corners or 100+ and killin borgs or whatnot. The shopping channels are just as busy as ever.

  12. #12
    Yeah... I am not in Omni-1 or Trade much anymore.... At level 101 I spend most of my time in EFP, Mort, and Broken shores.... I know there are quite a few players who are like this...

  13. #13

    Red face No thanx

    Rather not get bogged down by more lag anyway wish could move my character to RK2 get away from overcwording in RK1.

  14. #14

    Post yup

    I started with 4 friends. I am the only one left.

    However the losses, I'm sure the reason why Omni-1 is bare is because the players have found better places to go


  15. #15
    You can have an idea looking here: but this is not an exact source, due they show all players in database from same account tho. You can find people that play, people that had play, 2on chars etc...

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