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Thread: New thing when switching alignment?

  1. #1

    New thing when switching alignment?

    Meow someone I know when using a application needs to be that alignement for 150hours!? and the GM said that you get a random now..sometimes the stuck for 24hours...and sometimes the this meow?hmmm very meowy....

  2. #2


    is that in-game time or RL time?

  3. #3
    Real time, hmm so about 7 days then or?

  4. #4
    Well sorry Mr. Cat switching sides is this way because they don't want people to switch side every hour, it just makes the whole idea of choosing a side in the first place haywire. If you could switch side at just any whim, then not many people would be truly devoted to their side.

    In game terminalogy switching side is defecting to the enemy, if you did this in real life, then you wouldn't ever be allowed to come back, but since Omni and Clan are in need of fighters, should the time come, they allow you to come back, after a period of time to make sure you will stay loyal.

    This is not a flame, just an attempt to explain the reasoning behind this.

    Woof! Woof!

    "The future is in your hands."

    Former Leader - Sea of Change

  5. #5
    thanks mr.Dog for the uhm info...just didnt know this changed....meeeeoow....errhm..l.e..g.. h..umper

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