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Thread: No first and last name

  1. #1

    No first and last name

    when you creat your character if you do /name <yourname> you end up not having a first or last name, just the nickname you chose with the command... is this intended? i saw some ppl like this and asked, thats how i know

  2. #2
    That bug has been around since beta. Of course, a GM can always give you a first and last name.

  3. #3

    Exclamation Yeah make sure not to be a jerk around a GM

    Or theyll cast a "Use Random Name Generator" nano on you and with any luck you'll get one of those instances where a male char has a female surname or vice versa.

    I hate the random name gen, takes forever to get 1) A name thats spelled correctly, at least spelled how us 'mericans would spell it and 2) something that isn't gibberish and/or meaningless and/or shameful. This is why I use /name. Actually, some @ssholes would try to "sell" you the info on how to be "nameless". I would then proceed to tell the local shopping channel or if I was really mad, make a new char and tell the OT Newbie OOC channel. I hate jerks like that, who think they can keep everything a freaking secret.

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