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Thread: Vektor Change?

  1. #81
    Originally posted by Merkaba715
    I believe you are incorrect Lucid. NT's need a damage boost, for nothing else but to get Garzu to quit trolling the rest of the boards with his stupidity. And FYI Lucid, I am level 74 overequipping with all the Divest/Plunders I can do AND getting a +132 wrangle and I barely equipped a QL165 Vector Lizard. I am FINALLY keeping up with everyone's damage in my team. How can you tell me I wont be affected by this nerf?


    That was barely readable.

  2. #82
    Originally posted by Lucid Flow


    That was barely readable.
    Good comeback a lot of arguments with your Mom that way?

  3. #83
    Originally posted by Merkaba715
    I believe you are incorrect Lucid. NT's need a damage boost, for nothing else but to get Garzu to quit trolling the rest of the boards with his stupidity. And FYI Lucid, I am level 74 overequipping with all the Divest/Plunders I can do AND getting a +132 wrangle and I barely equipped a QL165 Vector Lizard. I am FINALLY keeping up with everyone's damage in my team. How can you tell me I wont be affected by this nerf?
    Plz STFU, you didnt even answer my post, and you are the troll here, cant even come up with any good arguements. Macabre302745314, plz answer my post, and if it contains some logics, i may give up, but as long as you cant convince anyone, i will still have my opinion. And i dont think a trader should do same dmg as enfs, soldiers and NTs, there is a reason why ppl are those profs, no fun when a trader outdmg them.
    NT phone HOME!!

  4. #84
    Originally posted by Piikey

    Good comeback a lot of arguments with your Mom that way?

    I can't believe you insulted my "comeback" with such a banal one yourself.

  5. #85

    Well no choice

    Well after continuesly being attacked for a post I considered to be somewhat neutral account of actual happenings, I have no choice but to be completely uncool and defend myself.

    First, lets get it straight, did I anywhere in my post say that I want the trader nerfed??? If so please requote it for me cause I am at a loss here. I told my point of view of a situation that I was in PERIOD! Sorry if the truth of the matter was not to your liking. As for calling me a lier about my numbers? Well first off I said a Lizzard Vektor, not a Vektor and ya I total lied about the numbers I saw on the crits and how ofted they happened right? Why in the H*** would I do that? Why would I come on here and lie about that. Like I said in my previous post, I need to look for more traders to hunt with as they make it much easier to get exp. I don't particularly enjoy pvp so I could care less if they do more damage than I do as long as I can get along all right. I will admit that I was shoked at how high the qty lev of the gun was in comparison to his level, and I had not seen that before in my long hours of play. But hey do I really care ? NO. Am I jelous because he outdamaged everone? NO, if I wanted to play a trader I would. Was I pointing out my amazment and disbelief of how high the gun qty lev was? YES, and that is all I was intending to do.

    As for me and how I play my engineer, that bot that you said should be doing uber damage? Please try and think before you speak about something you don't have a clue about next time. That was an advanced gladiator bot nano. Ya thats right a lev 80 nano. I had shining lev 90 implants, mp masteries, maxed skill for my level, and the generals to be able to cast that so don't even tell me about how to play my engineer, I know the game. Oh and by the way my trimmers are level 90 so don't try slamming me on that either cause your wasting your time there too. But you know what, as my previous post clearly stated, I'm not about to ***** about my damage output. I realize that having a bot is an advantage in itself, and I got no ***** with being outdamaged by someone else. But since you found it neccessary to bring that into the conversations then so be it.

    As for the proposed nerf and your ignorance of what was actually stated there, let me clarify it for you, ok? You said that pets were not going to be affected? WRONG! Why don't you read it before you shoot off at the mouth again about something you don't know anything about. Your so rapped up in this all you see is that your vektor might and I say MIGHT not do as much damage over time. It clearly stated that a pet that was created by overbuffing might stop responding to commands if the current skill level of your char drops too far below the skill necessary to create it. So I get masteries and creat a high level bot, go to do a mission or whatever and the masteries wear off, and guess what my bot sits there and does not do a G** D*** thing. Wow thats affective a bot that won't attack!

    Now that I have defended myself against a 12 year old, I will add some more of my thoughts relivent to this board. No where did I state that I was for the nerf. I also want to make it very clear that I was merely pointing out that I was a bit shocked to see a mid lev char with that high of a lev weapon. But in defense of the trader profession on a whole apart from the little kids that make this board a mess, and something that FC will surly ignore because of it (quite a shame because some of you out there are really using your minds and have great ideas). I would like to say a few more things.

    I truly believe that it was FC's intent that the trader be allowed to use his skills to better himself in certain areas. Unfortunatly the ultimate blame here for the situation that has came about lays with FC. If they did not intend for people to overequip, then why is almost everything in the game geared for it? Really, implants, buffs, weapons and armor that add to skill attributes? What was the intent? I am at a loss to explain it personaly. They give you the means and then say no no thats not what your suppose to do with that.

    I have read some great posts on this board concerning this nerf and the delema of a trader and the affect it has on you. I do not, nor have I played a trader but I can read and think and I have some comments.

    First if the intent was for a trader to be able to buff himself to be able to use better equipment and what not (what else could be the explination if the buff only lasts 3 min? ), if not then the 3min wrangle line is a joke. I don't care who you are, or how good you are you cannot keep up with a nano that expires every 3 min. Some of my bot's trimmers last only 5 min and I am constantly realizing that the affect has been worn off for quite some time.

    Second as for the wranglers and traders charging too much, thats horse s***. You people that say you can't afford a wrangler cause they are charging 500k are not looking and asking around. I have see a million posts on the shopping chan such and such wranger at such and such accepting donations! Thats sad in my opinion to attack a class for trying to make a little something for helping you do something you cannot do on your own. Look if I need a mastery and I find someone helping people out I give them some cash for it, so you don't start finding the only way to get one is to spend 500k. Don't sterotype an entire class cause some but hole is asking for 500k for a wrangle on a shopping chanel.

    As for those on this board that find it neccesary to attack a class on the basis of jelousy, DEAL WITH IT. If your class is broken complain about it, post in a meaningfull way and consider retiring the char if all else fails. You think I wanted to retire a lev 45 char due to it being gimped to the point of unplayability? Really come on, I posted on the fixer board it was useless. So I switched and started again, it sucks, but if you hate the game that much go play something else.

    And if it still is not clear, or if you are 12 and need me to say it again, in no way did I intend for my post to be an attack on the trader. I simply gave an account of a situation that somewhat shoked me. I also will state that in no way did I state that I was in favor or against this nerf. Although the thought of any class in any profession weilding a weapon that high above his level seems to be a bit excessive.

    Again my opinion.

  6. #86
    Funcom wants overequipping stopped for people who cant or dont overequip, no fully confirmed(being added to the game code) methods of doing this.. but it will be done somehow
    Funcom will make the mobs back to normal so they can be killed
    Funcom will balance the classes so each class can solo or do whatever it is they are MEANT TO DO

    this is what they want to do, if it takes more than one patch, so be it... It will be done tho, and if you cant wait or are so pissed off.... quit the game, funcom made a mistake with the game over all big time... now they are working to fix it SO LIVE WITH IT OR GO

    or if you really dont want to go why not get a petition to be signed by people and send it to every email addy you can find for AO employees...... getting changes is just like taking on some massive dungen, you need alot of people and a strategy of attack
    94 MA rk2

  7. #87
    Thought that i'd repost the Gaute Godager's article here since it seems that many are overreacting a little bit.
    These are the solutions I would like to implement: (Disclaimer! Please understand that these are design suggestions, not promises, as to the way they should be implemented. View them as the general "gist" of things.)

    At the time we implement any changes in the overequipping rules, include the following changes to the game:

    A general reduction in outdoors aggro range so that explorers may go about their business more easily.

    Somewhat increase the effectiveness of concealment - make it more useful against monsters - and work against players.

    Reduce the fighting capabilities of monsters somewhat at mid-high levels - to make soloing more viable.

    Make armour and weapons cheaper and increase their availability in the shops.

    Make equipment with higher quality levels drop from monsters and chests - so that acquiring "good enough equipment" is easier. (Has already been somewhat implemented, btw.)

    A ONCE-OFF VOLUNTARY "IP- reset". I have to make sure right now the limitations of it! (An IP reset means that you keep your level and experience points, get your skills reset, and IP returned.

    This will happen only once in the history of the game. (As long as I am Game Director at least )

    It can only be done when you have a complete empty wear-view, and all items are taken off and stored elsewhere. This includes implants, NCU upgrades and memory - everything.

    You will be able to do this IP reset only within a limited time frame. It is not something you can "save" for darker days.

    It could be done using in example "a /command" in the chat line, and you will have to confirm your choice.

    IP allocated to Map Navigation will not be reimbursed - that would require us to create many map items and upgrades, as well as wiping those stats. I do not consider those programmer hours a good investment at the moment.

    I define overequipping as: "An instance when a weapon, NCU item, Pet command or armour requires more skill to use than what is currently your max - including nano formulas, implants etc."

    Implants are not included in this definition. The overequipping of implants was part of the "scheme" with the +100 bonus from the stationary clinic etc.

    Pet commands are included. This topic was not discussed that much (at all?) on the BB.

    As long as you DO have the skill, there is no problem. There is no hard cap. So if you have a guild full of wrangling Traders, we are OK with that.

    The mission statement is to a) Not punish the normal player, b) Strengthen the value of "debuffs", c) Make Nano Runners more equal in PvP when meeting "debuffs", d) To make a system that is predictable for the normal player, e) To more reduce the value of a buff when it runs out.

    Draw a "red-line" in the sand every i.e, 20% additional requirements. (When I say "20%" and "25%" in this article. They are just EXAMPLES. It might not end up exactly the way described here. We will have to test it!) The first i.e. 20% is "free". Reduce effectiveness with i.e. 25% per i.e. 20% on the object after that.

    Let us take, again as an example, a fictitious Rifle of Quality Level 25. It has Minimum Damage: 10, Maximum Damage 30.

    So if a weapon requires 100 in Rifle, and you have 85 - it is no problem.

    If you have 75, the damage of the pistol is reduced like this: Minimum Damage ->7 and Maximum Damage ->23

    Now, if you only have 56 in Rifle skill it will become-> Minimum Damage 5, Maximum Damage 15. Here is an example on how it could work.

    (see full article for graph of the example)

    All icons of items more than ie20% overequipped will be coloured red. (Even though they are functioning somewhat.) You will be informed: "(namofitem) is not functioning properly. (nameofskill) is too low."

    If your skill drops down to less than 80% than what is required for the creation of the pet you are commanding, it will not respond the next time you command it. It will stay in "/pet behind" modus until you get your skill back to where it was.
    You may find the full article here.

    First off If you actually read the article then you will see that he plainly states that the percentages given are examples that he used to explain the gist of the ideas. So the question then becomes what should the % of being overequiped be before you start feeling the effects of being overequiped?

    I like most of the changes but there are a few questions I'd like to get feedback on from Funcom and the rest of the players before I'm completely sold on the idea of this being the end all be all fix we all have been dreaming about.

    How much should monster/human AI be changed to reflect this change in the effectiveness of weapons? What level range of mobs should be effected? Should the color of mobs effect their attack speed as was previously changed?

    Personally I am of the opinion that the AI should have few if any advantages. Human AI mobs especially should have baseline skills for their level, damage dealing specialty, class and race. The names of mobs should dictate their specification in skills. Information tools could then be used to determine what those skills are as well as what damage types their armor is less effective against.

    Basically greatly decrease the mobs then increase them if they are found to be too easy. The race and class of the mob should determine their difficulty and hitpoints more than just their level. If mobs were doable by similar skilled players then I don't see any problem with the ideas stated in this article. FYI I mainly play an agent but I also play as a trader.
    Last edited by Graxxus; Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:41:24.

  8. #88
    Damn, you are pathetic Merkaba715 and u have no idea about your profession or other professions. Funcom have 2 mean of players: you and the rest.

  9. #89



    Sorry guys too long since I read the artikle, had forgot lots.
    Last edited by Vima; Jan 15th, 2002 at 17:34:09.
    -=Vima - lvl211 Bureaucrat=-

    **After all these years I still vividly remember the warm, Fuzzy feeling I got first time I ran into a room packed With lvl200 mobs and threw my AoE calm**

  10. #90
    Sorry Lucid...was in a bad mood that day...

    Trigger - very well written post....I have to agree with most of your points contained within

  11. #91
    You know, I refuse to do this. I won't run anything that I can't buff up to on my own. The reason ? Because I hate running all over the planet looking for an MP to buff me before I can run my best bot. Even though I'm in a guild and can get these buffs fairly easy, I don't like the idea of needing to rely on other players.

    So I have developed tatics to use my QL 90 bot at my level of 74.
    I went the AR route and use a QL 75 Man Portable Lazer and between the bot and it, I do alright. I can take on most orange mobs except for 2 or more chain healers and Enforcer NPC's at once. Most of my implants are QL 90 and my armor is about QL 85.

    But do I think they should nerf the shotgun? Hell no, I was thinking of switching to it. I'll wait until after the next patch before I decide now.

    Originally posted by Merkaba715
    First off, you are playing your engineer incorrectly. At your level your bot should be dealing more damage than anyone in that group. Try getting SpaceTime and MatCrea masteries or teachings from an MP or even teachings, then stacking with expertises.

  12. #92
    Originally posted by Mr. Bogus
    You know, I refuse to do this. I won't run anything that I can't buff up to on my own. The reason ? Because I hate running all over the planet looking for an MP to buff me before I can run my best bot. Even though I'm in a guild and can get these buffs fairly easy, I don't like the idea of needing to rely on other players.

    So I have developed tatics to use my QL 90 bot at my level of 74.
    I went the AR route and use a QL 75 Man Portable Lazer and between the bot and it, I do alright. I can take on most orange mobs except for 2 or more chain healers and Enforcer NPC's at once. Most of my implants are QL 90 and my armor is about QL 85.

    But do I think they should nerf the shotgun? Hell no, I was thinking of switching to it. I'll wait until after the next patch before I decide now.

    Again, I never meant to tell someone how to run their engineer. Even you have found a different way to overequip. Kudos
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  13. #93
    Originally posted by Merkaba715

    Again, I never meant to tell someone how to run their engineer. Even you have found a different way to overequip. Kudos

    Hehe, it's called creative implant swapping. Like putting a QL 70 right hand treatment implant to give me enough treatment skill to get in my QL 90 E=MC2 implant. Then putting in a OL 90 MC eye implant and then putting back in the ql 90 MC Right hand implant. I have tradeskill implants I swap in and out as well. I feel like the six million dollar man some days. A fully adjustable, multi-configurable, being.

    Implant Juggling basicly. I just wish so many clusters didn't all want the same spot. It makes it tricky.


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