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Thread: Where the hell aer offensive nanos running ?

  1. #1

    Where the hell aer offensive nanos running ?

    If I have used all of my NCU's with my own Nanos and there is no space left, how the hell does an offensive Nano run ?

    'blah blah has forced your NCU to run blah blah'

    How ? If my belt wont let me fit in anything over it's capacity as you'd expect and is logical why does it let, no matter how offensive, someone elses run ?

    If there isn't space for any nano it shouldn't be able to run, it's just ridiculous.

  2. #2


    yeah.....and by using all your NCUs you can't be hit by nanoprograms? Sometimes the best solution is not the most obvious.

  3. #3
    LOL... just because your NCUs are full, you should be immune to offensive nanos? LOL, thats not the way it should happen, if you want it to be logical, the offensive nanos should delete some of the buffs, and make space for the offensive nano....
    NT phone HOME!!

  4. #4
    Maybe they should be able to delete them as at least that would make sense. Right now the way it is today it isn't logical.

    I'm not saying complete immunity from offensive nanos as obviously there are many that you as the target only see the effects of like Drill Missile. If you have no spare NCU's then either it shouldn't be able to be run at all or as you say if it has the ability to shut down other running Nanos then it does that and then runs.
    I'd like to say that the laws of physics cannot be changed but I regularly turn myself into a bird.
    I'd also like to say I'd like more realism where it counts but I regularly spend 10 minutes being shot at, at point blank range by a shotgun and still manage to kill my opponent.

    I guess I'm just sick of Deprive skills and Greater Health Funnel being run on me over and over again from the same MOB so I can't heal myself and wonder in open admiration at how much IP these mobs must spend on their Nano pool!

  5. #5
    The way I figure it, you have a personal field of bots. Everyone has. The better a belt you have and the more NCUs, the more you can continuously make those bots perform tasks for you. Doesn't mean you use all of them - there are billions, literally. The NCUs is how many effects you can keep programmed. Offensive programs temporarily take control some of your personal bots and use them to perform effects that affect you negatively - they crash into you, generate electric charges, mess up your vision, tie up your movement . . . still plenty to go around.

    Just look upon your NCUs as how many programs you can run and not th total amount of nanobots that can affect you.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by si
    Maybe they should be able to delete them as at least that would make sense. Right now the way it is today it isn't logical.
    Its illogical and inconsistent. A hostile nano should not be dependent on the target having NCU, for example you should be able to use Izgimmer's Whatever on a rock and blow it up. "Hey excuse me, can you be kind enough run this nasty nuke? Thank you!". Otherwise, we'd have to change

    "The power to turn something into a smoldering pile of ashes is a great power indeed."


    "The power to turn something on Rubi-Ka with NCU or some kind of nanobot cloud into a smoldering pile of ashes is a great power indeed."

    For other effects, it would be more realistic if a nano that targets someone else took up room in *your* NCU, to signify that its your nanobots doting/rooting/buffing someone else. Then the effects can be mitigated or avoided by countering hostile with nanonots with friendly ones of your own, in a mini nanobot war that runs parallel to your main battle. This would be a great place to insert a strong NT advantage. And how much more interesting would it make the dynamics of battle if when someone dies, all their buffs disappear with them! Too bad AO is way too far along the road to change that now.


  7. #7
    I have another question. Can you get healed if you don't have enough NCU space available. If you can't, then it could be a good PvP tactic. Fill up you opponent with hostile nanos and a bunch of useless buff.

    Tadaaa, no more heals.

  8. #8
    heres a bump in the road

    Adventurer reet morphs make nano execution IMPOSSIBLE by description. So why do debuffs and dots work on someone in reet form :P

  9. #9
    That's execution, not having them run on you. I guess you need fingers and toes or something to manipulate nanobots.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Stitchings
    That's execution, not having them run on you. I guess you need fingers and toes or something to manipulate nanobots.
    Umm so whats the difference?

    Execute is a synonym of run in computer programming terms.
    And gotta love it when it says "XXX forces your ncu to RUN YYY"

    So if you cannot Execute (which means run) nano programs. They should not be able to force you to execute (which means run) programs.

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