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Thread: Join the Shadows of Rubi-Ka!

  1. #1

    Join the Shadows of Rubi-Ka!

    Want to join the elite of the elite? The best of the best? The bravest of the bravest?

    The Shadows of Rubi-Ka want YOU!

    Join one of the largest and most lethal rebel clans around.

    Our mission is simple: To destroy Omni-Tek. Now we can't tell you WHY we want to destroy Omni-Tek, but if you'd like to see the current Omni-Tek administration wiped out, you want to join the Shadows. 160 members can't all be wrong!

    We have our own unofficial clan hall, informal events, and we participate in omni butt kicking. Those interested in pvp will be the most comfortable with our clan.

    Send any of the following players in-game for more info (the Shadow recruiters): Snarf, Mowatx, Bruise, Thorious, Nanopower

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  2. #2
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  3. #3
    snarf, which server is your guild on?

  4. #4

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  5. #5

    Any requirements on applicants?

    Just curious, do you have minimal level requirements on applicants? How about rules of conduct?

  6. #6


    Hey Snarf, your forgot to add me to your recruiter list. :P

    Lvl 96 Ma
    Shadows Of Rubi-Ka

  7. #7
    Jeez you're lev 96 now? We must have quite a few over 100 now...

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  8. #8


    The Shadows of Rubi-Ka are super-secretive. We have had loads of Omni spies attempt to infiltrate us, to be frustrated by the lack of concrete information and the ongoing discussions of the Taco trade and the best cheese sauce to use with them.

    Only 2 members truly know what the clan is up to, what our goals are, etc. And even those two members aren't entirely sure.

    The Shadows have a very simple set of rules of conduct:
    1. Don't beg for stuff. Stuff will be offered.
    2. This isn't everquest. Just because your little Everquest Clan met on Tuesday nights at 9 PM to kiss elfish ass doesn't mean that we're going to.
    3. Clan members never sell to each other.
    4. As a general rule, only players over level 30 will be admitted, unless they already have another character over level 30.

    Mowatx is our resident doctor. Jencie is our resident freaking-out butt-kicking loud-mouthed chick. Bruise is our pvp god. Pilon is our court jester, and I Snarf am your keeper of the Chicken Tacos.

    Our unofficial guild hall is at 540 520 in Tir, by the grid. It's just a room that we took over and hang out in. (No need to wait for funcom, folks. do it yourself.)

    The Shadows role-play a bit, but are more interested in psychometaphysical enjoyment of humor, comedy, and wit. We are a clan of lighthearted merry men and women, forever climbing the peaks of enlightenment, grasping evermore for the Goblet of Wisdom and Gauntlets of Everlasting Sarcasm. We march, we sing, we drink, and we puke, only to wake up the next morning with terrible hangovers.

    We are a large clan, with over 170 members. We recruit, we decruit, we spy,we get spied upon. We pillage, plunder, and get raped. We launch satellites, scale buildings, climb mountains... we raze, smack-down, destroy, and then embelish our deeds.

    We are the Shadows of Rubi-Ka; keepers of the peace, lovers of love, livers of life, eaters of liver. We are hypocrits and we are honest. We are fibbers and we are excruitiatingly sinful.

    The Shadows are coming, ra ra ra. The Shadows of Rubi-Ka are not only a guild, but a way of life. We are the saviors. The saviors of grace. Or something like that. At the very least we'll save you a slice of turkey.

    The Shadows of Rubi-Ka. Pee All You Can Pee.

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  9. #9
    erm correction, we've got 270 members now.
    170... 270... same thing.

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  10. #10
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  11. #11
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  12. #12

    Post Hehehe

    I just have to say one thingie, Snarf, you the man at writing good posts!

    I wanna meet with you in-game sometime, can you contact me or should I contact you?

  13. #13
    You're going to have to find me first!

    Snarf Shmarf
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  14. #14
    Im a level 83 Rookie ADV ( clan ) RK1

    im familiar with a lot of the names in your guild... the reason i don't join your guild is that your guild lacks "men".

    yes i said it... all of you fight without honour and just kill everything. From double to triple to even 6 on 1 kills. I've seen it happen. And with the type of language that is used by your guild. i never plan on joining you guild.

    Your a bunch of 9 year olds breaking peoples barbies. Your nothing but trouble makers, the bullies in school that nobody likes.

    Join the shadows of rubi-ka? hah im better breaking my sisters toys.

    -cubex level 83 adv rookie

  15. #15
    > From double to triple to even 6 on 1 kills

    Uhh yeah. If a group of 6 stumbles upon your sorry ass in a 25%, you are dead. We're not going to stop, say "Oh hi little Omni-Tek person! We won't kill you because you are all alone!"

    It's war. You don't see the U.S. waiting for the Taliban to build the equivalent number of planes as the US airforce before attacking do you? No, because that's a stupid thing to do and we're not a stupid guild.

    Deal with it. We don't want people with your attitude anyway. Go join one of those pathetic guilds that walks around 25% zones unarmed and shouting lame peace slogans and then gets gunned down by everyone else and submits a news article.

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  16. #16
    Due to the current size of the Shadows of Rubi-Ka (290 members) members, we are changing our recruiting policies to attempt to keep some of the riff-raff out

    You must:

    a) be at least level 30 and be recommended by someone else in the guild who has at least been with us for a month.


    b) already have a character in the guild, and this is a 2nd or 3rd character

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Snarf
    Due to the current size of the Shadows of Rubi-Ka (290 members) members, we are changing our recruiting policies to attempt to keep some of the riff-raff out

    You must:

    a) be at least level 30 and be recommended by someone else in the guild who has at least been with us for a month.


    b) already have a character in the guild, and this is a 2nd or 3rd character

    Awwww...... so now you are only recruiting the best of the riff-raff

  18. #18
    > so now you are only recruiting the best of the riff-raff

    well duhhh, why would we want the WORST of the riff-raff?

    Lord of the Riff-raff,
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

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